Prometheus Project Code of Conduct

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The are some basic rules that should be observed, since their are multiple authors working on this project.

1. Be friendly

2. Sign your work - I'll create a credits page or section at the end of each Region and City State so that those who worked on it can be given credit.

3. Do not erase someone else's work. If someone created a City State, then leave it alone. If you want to change something or don't like it, create your own city state or leave feedback on the discussion page.

4. Editing, if something is clearly spelled wrong or grammatically incorrect change it in a way that does not alter the content or meaning.

5. Borrowing, You can borrow from others work if you like what they have done, but be sure to credit them in the credits.

6. Create maps of places and throw in pictures if you have any artistic talent.

7. Don't write racist or other offensive things in your posts or articles.

8. Do not include any Game Specific material or copy righted material.

9. Remember the setting, do not include to many things that are beyond the technological level of the setting.