Salazar 3.5

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Name: Salazar
Gender: Male
Race: )
Class: Warlock 10/Hellfire Warlock 3
XP: 78000
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Str: 10 (0 pts)
Dex: 18 (6 pts. +3 level)
Con: 17 (6 pts. +2 Amulet)
Int: 14 (4 pts.)
Wis: 10 (0 pts.)
Cha: 22 (14 pts +4 Cloak)

Hit Points: 87(13d6+39)
AC: 14 (+4 Dex), Touch: 14, Flat: 20
Init: +4
BAB: +7/+2, Grap: +7
Speed: 40'/ Fly 40' (good)
Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +11

+9/+4 Melee, +1 Flaming Dagger, 1d3+1d6 fire, 19-20/x2, Piercing/Slashing

Trained Skills:

  • Concentration +19 (16 ranks, +3 Con)
  • Use Magic Device +22 (16 ranks, +6 Cha)
  • Knowledge: the Planes +18 (16 ranks, +2 Int)
  • Intimidate
  • Knowledge: Arcana

Languages: Common, Kobold, Draconic


  1. Spell Penetration
  2. Greater Spell Penetration
  3. Maximise Spell-Like Ability (Eldritch Blast)
  4. Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Eldritch Blast)

Racial Traits

Class Abilities

  • Breath Weapon: 8d6 Fire, 30' Cone or 60' Line, DC 25 Ref. for half.
  • Scales: +4 Natural Armor
  • Dragonkin: +4 Diplomacy with Dragons, reacts as dragon to Draconic Presence.
  • Damage Reduction 2/Magic


  • Least
    • Beguiling Influence
      • +6 to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate for 24 hours.
    • Endure Exposure
      • As the spell, and grants immunity to user's Breath effects for 24 hours.
  • Lesser
    • Draconic Flight
      • Flight at speed equal to land speed for 24 hours, +4 on Con checks when forced "marching".
    • Charm (DC: 21 Will)
      • As Charm Monster, with 60' range. Only one target at a time; charming another will prelease previous victim.
    • Enthralling Voice (DC: 23 Will)
      • All foes within 40' with HD equal to or less than user must make Will save or become fascinated for as long as user speaks plus an additional 5 rounds. Those affected have their attitude shifted one step towards friendly for the next 24 hours.
    • Frightful Presence (DC: 20 Will)
      • As a Swift action when attacking/breathing, forces enemies within 30' to be make a Will save or become Shaken for 10 minutes.
  • Greater
    • Chilling Fog
      • As Solid Fog, but inflicts 2d6 cold on creatures in area at the start of their turn.
    • Draconic Toughness
      • You gain temporary hit points equal to your caster level. These hit points last for 24 hours or until you use the invocation again (in which case any remaining temporary hit points are replaced by the new value).

Equipment (110000)

Crysophraxis is, to his mind, a dragon. Dammit.

Short, yes.

A little...sickly, perhaps, by draconic standards? Fine, yes, very well.

Still and all. He's a dragon. He flies, he breathes fire, he can inspire terror or adoration in lesser mortals with nothing more than the sound of his voice.

Is Crysophraxis outclassed, perhaps, here in Sigil? Not to hear him tell it. He doesn't really understand the place, per se, but does that really matter? He's got power, and plenty of it, and that's enough.

Or so he devoutly hopes....

Planescape 3.5: The Devourer of Faith