Stray Dogs:The Nuts And Bolts
"It takes much more than wild courage
Or you'll hit just the tattered clouds
You must have just the right bullets
And the first one's always free"
Tom Waits - Just The Right Bullets
This is where all of the Savage Worlds-specific mechanics are located. You'll find new Edges, Hindrances, weapons and equipment for the discerning post-apocalyptic consumer. Choose wisely; you won't be coming into port for quite a long while.
Character Creation
Character creation in Stray Dogs is pretty much the same as any other Savage Worlds game, built on:
- 5 points distributed among Attributes
- 15 points distributed among Skills
- $500 worth of Equipment
Like Pirates of the Spanish Main, every character in Stray Dogs is Human. This means that each character starts with a free Edge.