Jimmy Reed & Simon Johnson

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Real Name: Jimmy Reed

Code Name: Doesn't have one.

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: He never lost his boyish looks. His eyes are his best quality – an innocent blue color. He has dirty blond hair that usually has a slightly unkempt look to it. When he smiles, which he does a lot, he has very pronounced dimples in his cheeks, which is supposedly ‘cute,’ from what he's been told. He’s never been the rugged hot type, much more the clean-cut type.

He is physically fit, not like the guys that spend one day per week in a gym, but enough to not be overweight - he weighs in at 164 pounds and stands at 6 feet.

Powers: None. He's human.

Weaknesses: He's human.

Background: Jimmy was born at the same time and hour as Simon, and as his neighbor - This seems to have created a tight brotherly bond between the two, never have the two had an argument over anything, not even girls - if they both liked the same girl, they shrugged it off and forgot her.

The two grew up together, went to the same schools, and moved the same place, Riverside - which is where they're now neighbors.

The two have found work as freelancers, selling their stories and pictures to newspapers, Jimmy writing the stories, and Simon taking the pictures.

Real Name: Simon Johnson

Code Name: Doesn't have one.

Age: 19

Race: Human

Appearance: He is a Caucasian boy with slicked sandy brown hair. He is about 5 foot 7 and weighs around 148 pounds. Although he is the oldest sibling of his family, he is the shortest of them(the others being over 5 foot 9), as well as for his age. His main facial features of appeal are that of his teeth. Celebrity white as some people call it, despite all the sugar he consume, he's always had white teeth - and his green eyes which seem to analyze anything they see.

He looks a bit like a shorter version of Jimmy, physically fit, but not pro-athlete material.

Powers: None. He's human.

Weaknesses: He's human.

Background: Simon was born at the same time and hour as Jimmy, and as his neighbor - This seems to have created a tight brotherly bond between the two, never have the two had an argument over anything, not even girls - if they both liked the same girl, they shrugged it off and forgot her.

The two grew up together, went to the same schools, and moved the same place, Riverside - which is where they're now neighbors.

The two have found work as freelancers, selling their stories and pictures to newspapers, Jimmy writing the stories, and Simon taking the pictures.

Halt Evil Doer!