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Gladius Carlyle

Male Half Orc

Chaotic Neutral

1st Level Bard

Appearance: The Bard isn't going to be winning any beauty contests anytime soon. Having all the charming good looks of Trent, he seems to have a bizarre effect on women that may have to do with a combination of Friends spells with Trent's natural musk being inheritable. The Bard, IS, however ridiculously muscular for his frame and possesses a rather inhuman strength that's equal to his father's own.

Inside the Dark Underlord's armor, he could be Sauron's nephew.

Roleplaying Hints: Gladius is even LESS motivated than his father towards heroism. On the plus side, he's actually fairly good at the various tasks needed from a future Overlord. Likewise, after living in the Eldeen Reaches for so long, he's grown utterly bored of it and is eager to actually do something with his life. It's just he's more after the perks of world conquest than anything else.

He can actually manage competent and scary in the armor.

Talents: He's not so much an actual Bard than he's easilly distracted and managed to learn an extremely large amount of many things. Like Trent, he's actually a bit of a genius as well a freakish tank. Thus, when he actually starts adventuring, he'll rapidly be picking up the resulting experience and skill necessary to become a hero (or super villain). Unlike Trent, Gladius has an affection for magic and uses it to surprisingly effective ends.

Gladius seems to have a rather large selection of Magical Items as well, inheritance from Ethan.

Background: Trent Carlyle's illegitimate son, he's got plenty, is the child of Trent with a Half-Orc mercenary from a relationship that lasted four and a half hours not counting drinks. Raised in the Eldeen Reaches, he's managed to accomplish approximately nothing for the past twenty seven odd years of his life and that rankles him. He's now devoting himself to the prospect of doing something important with his life.

Gladius is a veteran of the Last War, it's just that he managed to lose most of his abilities due to a "freakish off-chance that the girl with Bat wings was a succubus." Gerald actually knows Gladius quite well and the irony is that he never suspected that his former associate in the war was actually Trent's son (aside from his being a total pain in the ass).

Goals': World domination. Why not?