Bamboo Dawn´s Signature Style
'Glorious Bamboo Dawn's Signature Style'
Unique Common Gold Style
'1 - Scent of Nectar (Lust)'
An alluring lolita is hard to resist. An alluring lolita with moist, pouting lips and begging deer-eyes is even harder.
+ Add one die to non-combat Inspire rolls. (Gold +1) [1] + Add your Gold Chi bonus to your non-combat Inspire Rolls.[1]
'2 - A Matter Between Masters (Fear)'
Sometimes a rival schoolyard warlord breaks the rules in such a horrible manner that there isn't much choice but to confront her directly, and may the Gods have mercy on the filthy peasants who stands in the way of the future Empress over Shen Zhou City.
+ Roll your Inspire skill as an attack. (Gold +1) [0] + Quadruple each result die on a successful attack against minions. (Gold +0) [3]
'3 - Yank the Leash (Shame)'
Shame is a powerful tool to hammer down upstarters with. Just give a person a well-placed slap over the face, or rip some of their clothes off and let the mocking laughter of the crowd do the rest.
+ Roll your Inspire skill as an attack. (Gold +1) [0] + The target is Embarassed on a successful attack. [2] + Target has -15 armor against this attack. [3] - No additional attacks. [-1]
'4 - Eye of the Storm (Awe)'
The anticipation lies heavy in the air as the fighter enters the arena in the midst of the crowd. At first the katas are disciplined and slow but as the excitement grows so does the ferocity of the fighters moves, as if fueled by the pure emotions of the on-lookers. And when the roar of the crowd drowns all other sounds, the strenght of the attacks increases to a bone-shattering level.
+ Roll your Inspire skill as an attack. (Gold +1) [0] + Gain Rampage. [2] + This technique persists for (your Rank) rounds. [4] + Chi Channel: 2 Crimson Chi [Free] - There must be at least one friendly character who sees you fighting. (-1)
'5 - Raging Bonfire of Desire (Desire, duh!)'
After having received a mighty blow, the opponent loses his composure and his secret desires bursts to the surface of his consciousness and shatters like a storm of broken glass. He can do little but try to calm his unchained heart that burns intensively with primal emotion.
+ Roll your Inspire skill as an attack. (Gold +1) [0] + The Target suffers from Burning 5 on a successful attack. [2] + The target suffers from Perfect Chi Flow Loss for (your Rank) rounds. [6] - Target must be male (-2)