Location and Description
The City of Atiscalla is located to the northwest of the mouth of the Harstor river along the coast of the Bay of Menit. This region was once marginal coastal savanna. Today the area is crisscrossed by numerous small and large canals. The region, and much of Sarmania, has been transformed by the construction of the canals, what was once desolate savanna has been turned into lush farmland connected by tree lined canals and roads. These canals and canals roads are the glue that combine Sarmanians together. The canals carry not only water for irrigation but also boat traffic and with them commerce and news to what were once struggling and isolated villages. The city proper is a bustling center of commerce that trades with the barbarian tribes located along the northwestern coast of the Bay of Menit, other Sarmanian states as well as foreign regions like Aertepia (via overland road and by sea), Ilkaria and Caulis. As with most citizen of Sarmania the Atiscallan people refer to themselves by the name of the city when among their brethren but as Sarmanians when among foreigners.
Political System
The city of Atiscalla is the only Sarmanian city that is governed by a non Sarmanian peoples. In the year 66 BCE the city was attacked by a loose confederation of tribes from the coast to the north of Atiscalla. This confederation was composed of alienated trading partners of the Atiscallans and tribes hungry for the spoils of war. This makeshift army though poorly organized and prone to bickering amongst themselves vastly outnumbered the Atiscallan defenders. The defenders, believing that the barbarians would simply lay siege to the city for a while, then demand surrender, then tribute,put up a half hearted defense of the city. Contrary to expectations the tribes stormed the city and burnt large portions during the night of looting and pillaging that ensued.
Hair Styles
Creator/s: count zero