Villain Encyclopedia

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Chaotic Evil Ancient Shadow Dragon

Shadowfax is an Ancient Shadow Dragon, arguably the last that still exists. Originally, an Ancient Shadow Dragon, Shadowfax made a pact with Khyber itself in order to become immortal. The oldest Dragon in the world except for the Keeper (that exists in the Vault of the Keeper), Shadowfax has long ago stopped developing but maintains its awesome magical and physical prowess. Shadowfax is a figure that even the Authority fears and whom contains a Divine Spark. It's just a Khyber Spark rather than one of Siberys.

Personality: While he enjoys near-endless periods of sleep, he is also cruel and evil in ways that most mortals could never even imagine. Fundamentally lazy, mortals are barely insects to him and he amuses himself by them solely through the amount of treasure that they can bring to him and food.