Yaman male Haradrim Sorceror (Near Harad), Adept 3 (Sorceror), Warrior 3 (Soldier) Initiative +0 [dex +0]
Speed 30ft
Defense (role +0, str/dex +0/+0): Parry 10, Dodge 10, Flat 10
Attack [role +0, dex +0]
+0 melee (weapon, damage +0, crit 20/+3)
+0 ranged (weapon, damage +0, crit 20/+3, range xx)
Saving Throws:
Toughness [con +0] +0 (+0 in armor)
Fort [role +0, con +0] +0
Reflex [role +0, dex +0] +0
Will [role +0, wis +0] +0
Alignment: Light
Nature (light): xx, (shadow): xx
Calling: xx
Reputation: +0
Conviction: 6 [role 5, domain of man +1]
Wealth: +8[base 8, cha +0
Strength +0
Dexterity +0
Constitution +0
Intelligence +0
Wisdom +0
Charisma +0
Skills [start skills (each rank 4) role 0 int +0, skilled +1, background +1. Skill points each level after 1st; Max rank 9]
xx [rank, attribute]
xx [rank, attribute]
xx [rank, attribute]
xx [rank, attribute]
Feats [base 4, adaptive +1, background +1, for levels +5]:
Arcane Powers [base bonus - adapt level (0) +3, int +0]:
Core Ability: xx
Traits: Adaptable, the Dominion of Man, Skilled
Speech: Westron
Equipment: xx
Profession: xx (generally something that reflects your best skill)