ChildrenOfChildren:Sara Preston-Smith

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--Sara Preston Smith--

Sara Smith has (somehow) survived the Bliss into old age on 4 hours of sleep a night (on a good night); strangely enough, her contemporaries survived into thier early twenties. Anna was the first to go, followed by Keenan, and soon after that Josh. The Anchors Blissed sooner.

She raises all the kids as her own, with the possible exception of Archer Lin, with whom she has a... different kind of relationship. She does feel significantly more protective of Ariana (her child by Josh, who was white) and Jon (her child by anchor Nathan Sinclair, who was black).

Sara has long blond hair, blue eyes, a fair complexion and a propensity for dark colored dresses: green, purple, burgundy, black. She either comes off as a Zen Buddhist hippie or an elegant, mournful widow, depending on her mood. Sometimes inbetween.

She has (what she beleives to be) a biblical quote pinned to her wall (It's actually a quote from a kung-fu movie, but don't tell her that):

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children."

...She also agrees with the coda I left off. Anyone who has seen Pulp Fiction will recognize it. When one of her kids gets hurt, the gloves are off. When it's Jon or Ariana, RUN.

Currently Unharmed.

Archer Lin: 5 / 1. "...I saw in his eyes the same lonliness I feel, on the coldest nights, in my cold bed. After seeing that, how could I refuse his small request?"

Casey Lin: 1 / 4. "Wonderful. She's... how do I put this?... her father's daughter, all right. Granted her heart, broken as it is, seems to be in the right place - but I'm still keeping an eye on our... ah... 'morale officer.'"

Jon Derek Smith: 3 / 2. "My precious baby boy. He walked into this with his eyes open. He knows the risks. He's... making mistakes, but the right ones. Good luck and godspeed, my son."

Ariana Smith: 3 / 3. "'s a game to her, where she gets to be a magical girl who defeats the forces of darkness with the power of love. She is truly my daughter. Maybe that's why I'm so frightened for her."

Noah Porter: 2 / 2. *SIGHS* "He's suffered so much, and now he's going to suffer more. At least he understands the deadly seriousness of this war."

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