Ronnie Caststeel

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Ronnie Casteel

A Traveller Character Mongoose Edition For TravellerME_-_Beyond_the_Frontier Drifter's Campaign

Born Mora Mora, 42 standard years ago. "We prefer the term "Moron". For historical reasons, you know."

Ronnie Caststeel. Male from Mora/Mora, 42 years old. Has an ally, 70k CR, Ship Share, A snub pistol and a Scoutship.

Ally: Marquis Tobias, Sector Director of the Scout Service. Spymaster and cosmic explorer.

499C84 Computer 1, Streetwise 0, Trade 0 Pilot Spacecraft 1, pilot (small craft), Survival 1, Mechanic 0, Astrogation 0, Comms 1, Guncombat (Pistol) 1, Medic 1, Vacc Suit 1, Recon 1, JOAT 1, Pursuade 2, Life Science (Biology) 1, Diplomat 1, Engineering (Power) 1, Stealth 1


Age 0 (42 years ago) Born into a crime family on Mora, the Steel Gang. His parents aspire for him to go straight and make something of himself.

Age 18 (24 Years ago) Enlists in The Scout service, successfully completes training and is assigned to the survey branch, probably doing Weather satellite maintenance (Vac Suit training) He's sent in harms way delivering some secret report or message but survives, demonstrating a latent talent for bullshit (Pursuade 1) and is promoted to a full fledged Scout. He follows this with advanced training classes as a field medic. On this courier mission he connected with Joshua, an Imperial Noble / Merchant man, who helped him get out of hot water outside the Imperium.

Note from Drifter: Welcome to the Islands cluster...the Imperiums (in this case Marquis Tobias') little secret. Said secret being a gravitic anomoly discovered out in the rift that allowed them to calibrate jumps. Your courier work involved working out of Zuflucht, ferrying messages back and forth across the rift. The promotion was to keep you quiet.

Age 22 (20 years ago), Reenlists and stays in the Survey branch. Working on an alien world, he shows talent at improvisation (Jack of All Trades 1) and observation (Recon 1). He fails to be recognized for his hard work and decides to transfer to the elite Exploration branch on re-enlistment.

Drifter: Once again, somewhere out in the cluster

Age 26 (16 years ago) Now an explorer, he develops greater skills as a Star Pilot, Computer specialist, and Survivalist during an exploration of another alien world. He's promoted to another pay grade.

Age 30 (12 years ago) He takes some advanced training in Life Sciences. During a mission something goes horribly wrong when he does a little improvised, innovative snooping. As fortune has it though, he survives with his body intact, if a bit fuzzy about the events of the last few weeks. (Perhaps Zho Nobles gave him a telepathic brain wipe? Or drugs shattered his short term memories?). The scout service decides to recognize him as a Senior scout and send him off to a Shuttle pilot refresher course for rehab.

Drifter: Mission was to Auitawy via Sarage and another anomaly point. you and your ship were found on the edge of Sarage system, your memory gone.

Age 34 (8 years ago) Still in the Exploration branch, but getting a bit nervous. His practice with a service pistol pays off during another tense courier run, resulting in further promotion. He also further develops his comm skill, becoming an ever more rounded scout. However, it was Diplomacy, (or as he puts it, his gift for BS) not his gun, that carried the day.

Age 38 (4 years ago) Still exploring, leading a special team into alien space, he spots another chance for an intelligence coup and grabs it -- this time successfully. His improvised use of Power plant and Sensor technology gains (CLASSIFIED) information regarding (CLASSIFIED) alien logistics patterns. The Regional Director (Ally?) promotes him again. But Ronnie feels he's starting to slow down, and needs to strike out on his own before he gets any older. There's some old contacts that look to be up to something .... interesting.

Drifter: this would have been an Aslan spy run.

Possible contacts include Josh and Dale while delivering messages to Garcia, and might have encountered Zarkov the Barbarian during his last couple of exploration missions. Or earlier in his career during a joint planet survey. __________________

STR 6 0 DEX 10 +1 END 10 +1 INT 11 +1 EDU 8 +0 SS 4 -1

2d6 ? [5,2] = (7) +1 successfully enlisted in Scouts Basic Training Pilot 0, Survival 0, Mechanic 0, Astrogation 0, Comms 0, Guncombat 0 Choose Survey. Select Advanced Education 2d6 ? [1,2] = (3) Gain Medic 1 2d6 ? [3,2] = (5) 5 +1 End = 6. Barely Survive 2d6 ? [5,6] = (11) Event: Serve asthe courier for an important message from the Imperium! Gain +4 DM on advancement! 2d6 ? [3,3] = (6) Advancement 6 + 1 (Int) +4 (event) = 11! Promoted to Scout! Gain Vacc Suit 1 2d6 ? [2,3] = (5) Select Specialist:Survey, take Persuade 1 as advancement skill.

Now age 22. Reenlist with excellent advancement roll of 11+

2d6 ? [2,5] = (7) Remain in Survey. Selected Advanced ED again 2d6 ? [6,5] = (11) Easily Survive 2d6 ? [6,5] = (11) Gain Jack of all trades 2d6 ? [3,1] = (4) Event: Survey an alien world. Our sneaky shit gains Recon 1 2d6 ? [3,1] = (4) Fails to get promoted, but can re-enlist. Does so. Now 26 years old. Decides Exploration Specialist is more his speed. 2d6 ? [1,6] = (7) Survives. Rolls on Exploration specialist 2d6 ? [2,2] = (4) Pilot Spacecraft 1 2d6 ? [3,1] = (4) Explores another world. Picks up Survival 1 2d6 ? [3,3] = (6) Promoted to scout 2. Can re-enlist. Rolls on advanced Edy 2d6 ? [3,6] = (9) Gains Computer 1.

Now 30 years old. Stays in Exploration 2d6 ? [5,5] = (10) Easilly survives with an 11 Selects speciality Ex 2d6 ? [4,5] = (9) Gains Life Science (Biology) 1 2d6 ? [6,2] = (8) Event: Dealing with an alien race, he has an oppertunity to gain extra intel 2d6 ? [1,1] = (2) But fails MISERABLY!!! 2d6 ? [5,5] = (10) Mishap: They found him in his ship drifting on the fringes of friendly space 2d6 ? [5,4] = (9) NONETHELESS: He was promoted to rank 2, Senior scout and gains pilot (small craft) 1 2d6 ? [4,6] = (10) He gains Computer 1 on the Advanced EDU table. He's 34 and can re-enlist but must roll for aging

2d6 ? [4,4] = (8) 8 - 4 is 4. No problem. Being insane, our hero stays in the Exploration speciality, training on service skills 2d6 ? [3,5] = (8) Survives with a 9 over a 7. This is getting tense. 2d6 ? [6,4] = (10) And gains Gun Combat skill (specializing in pistols) 2d6 ? [6,5] = (11) Event: Serves again as a Courier for an important message, Gaining Diplomat 1 2d6 ? [2,6] = (8) 8 + 1 for EDU is 9, and he is again promoted to Scout 3. rolls on Service skill 2d6 ? [5,1] = (6) Gaining Comms 1. He is 38 and re-inlists for the fifth time

2d6 ? [4,2] = (6) 6-5 = 1. No aging effect. Roll on Advanced EDU 2d6 ? [3,1] = (4) Gain Enginering (Power) 1 2d6 ? [5,2] = (7) Sweats survival, but makes it by 1. 2d6 ? [2,6] = (8) Another spying on an alien mission! Opps! 2d6 ? [6,5] = (11) Rolling Sensors (He's untrained, so has a -3). But amazingly, he beats an 8! Gain an Ally and +2 on his promotion roll! 2d6 ? [2,6] = (8) Which is a 11! He's promoted to Scout 4!. But alas, he's 38 and time for an aging roll! 2d6 ? [1,1] = (2)

-3! Oh No Mr Robert! Str is 4, Dex and End are now 9! Time to retire! He's done 5 terms and is rank 4, for 7 muster out bennies!

2d6 ? [2,2] = (4) CASH: 20, 000 2d6 ? [1,3] = (4) CASH: 20,000 2d6 ? [4,1] = (5) CASH: + 30,000 2d6 ? [6,5] = (11) Other: Scout ship 2d6 ? [4,2] = (6) Other: Weapon, probably a fancy pistol 2d6 ? [1,1] = (2) Other: Ship Share 2d6 ? [2,5] = (7) Other: + 1 Int (Now C)

He's an experienced spy and special courier, with 70,000 Cr a ship share, a scout ship, and an ally.

Looking for connections.

1: Joshua rescued Ronnie back over 20 years ago, when Ronnie was on a courier mission and Joshua had some legal trouble.


Traveller Package: Pilot (any), Sensors 1, Comms 1, Gunner (any) 1, Gun Combat (any) 1, Persuade 1, Stealth 1, Medic 1

Ronnie's takes Persuade +1 , Stealth 1