Pierre de Malavieille
Knight from the Languedoc. back
- Str 14
- Con 18
- Siz 12
- Int 12
- Pow 16
- Dex 10
- App 16
- Edu 8
- HP: 16
- Damage bonus +1d4?
- Idea: 60%
- Know: ##%
- Luck: 90%
- SAN: ##
SkillsSkill Points to spend 285 (highest skill 70%
Horse Riding (20%) Dodge 50%
Languages: French (Langudocien): 60% Catalan: 24% Latin: 16% Genoese: 8%
- RH Dagger (30%)
- RH Mace (30%)
- RH Sword (30%)
- LH Buckler (30%)
- Crossbow (30%) - is a knight going to use this?
Head: Sallet or kettle hat.
Body armour: Brigandine with/without plackart
Limb armour: Germanic or Italianate [Gentry only] harness. Germanic is more flexible but takes for ever to put on, and Italianate is less flexible but easier to don and provides marginally more protection. Often some fighters just wear gauntlets and elbows, the rest being too much bother.
Equipment Two horses
Pretty boy Pierre hails from Malavieille, a small castle high up above a valley in the Hérault. Pierre speaks Occitan and French and probably can't write.
Malavieille was given to the Bishops of Lodève during the Albigenisan Crusade (1223 I think). An early 14th Century bishop of Lodève was an interesting fellow called Bernard Gui. So I reckon I can say that Pierre's family just about managed not to have Cathar credentials so were not persecuted, and then had a certain patronage of the bishops, though they were never returned full ownership of their castle and estates, just to be sure. This could mean he is escorting Peter of York home after a visit to the south. And they have the same name