Nicholas Good
Name: Nicholas Good Age: 23 or somewhere close to that age Social Standing: Commoner Birthplace: Brittany Physical Description: A tall and wiry man with blonde hair and hazel eyes his face is open an honest but his nose broken sometime in the past and not reset properly leaves his otherwise attractive face less than prefect. Otherwise unremarkable physically other than deep scar running across his shoulders from left to right.
STR:15 CON: 14 SIZ: 13 INT: 15 POW: 12 DEX: 13 APP: 14 EDU: 4
Idea: 75 % Luck: 60 % Know: 20% Damage Bonus +1d4 Hit Points : 13
Craft (Fletcher) 45%
Dodge 51 %
First Aid 40%
Sneak 30%
Spot Hidden 45%
Ride 20%
Weapon Skills Sword 50% Longbow 60% Dagger 60%
Native: (English) 75%
Second: (French: Orle’anais) 32%
Third: (German) 18 %
Fourth: (Latin) 4%
Equipment Kettle Hat White padded jack - Stained and worn on close examination it appears that the Heraldry once on the jack has been picked off clearly it once displayed the Cross of St George. Longbow Quiver of 20 arrows Dagger & poniard Long sword Buckler Woollen Hoes and 2 rough shirts Leather Satchel with cup bowl and a set of tools to keep the fletching of the arrows in order
Born amongst the English army the child of a camp follower Nicholas grew up around the archers who is mother told him his farther had been a Captain amongst. His fathers death before Nicholas's birth left his mother with the army she quickly found herself another man and it is his name; Good; that Nicholas uses as his own.
From the age of 10 he worked as an arrow carrier in the English lines carrying the all important sheaf’s of arrows to the men. During this time he began to learn the trade of a Fletcher but never applied himself to the trade preferring to learn the trade of the archer.
Now years later a fully trained archer he has left the army he grew up in to seek more lucrative employment.