Doruk Headmaster

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Pathfinder stats

Race: Half-Jotun

Class: Wizard


  • Strength 22
  • Dexterity 8
  • Constitution 17
  • Intelligence 20
  • Wisdom 16
  • Charisma 13


Large even for Half-Jotun standards, Doruk Headmaster towers over everything in his vicinity. He's a ten foot giant radiating not only strength, but also a civilized refinement. With a neatly trimmed and plaided beard, fine clothing and a golden monocle covering his functioning eye he'd look like an ordinary (if yet oversized) gentleman, if not for the tribal tattoo going across his face and the deep scar where once one of his eyes were.


There aren't many people who claim to be Doruk Headmaster's friends, and even fewer yet claims to know him intimately, so there isn't much known about Headmaster as a person. He seems thought to be a fellow who have an easy time laughing, and he's famous for his brilliance as a wizard.


Besides being able to kill a horse with a single blow Doruk Headmaster is one of the master mages at the Grand Arcanum enclave in Alfein. He's famous for his theoretical understanding of the underlying workings of spellcrafting.


Nobody really knows who Doruk Headmaster is, or where he came from. He's somewhat of a celebrity within the Grand Arcanum though, lauded for his brilliance at wizardy, and respected for his intellect and authority. He's commonly referred to as "The Headmaster", partly out of pun, partly out of respect. Nobody knows how he lost his eye or which tribe the tattoos belong to.

He's the man whose study and living quarters the young Johan Fitzluria "accidentally" put to the torch.

(Winterweir) In Search of the Unknown