The Godlike

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This emblem was "branded" on each of the Survivors while in comatose state by Celera at the government's request. This brand is roughly 1/2" square at the base of the spine, at the tailbone. Government officials were not pleased with the "flamboyance" of the stylized comic book hero shield. Survivor Brand

The Following people are individuals, surviving the crash of AA Flight 283, that have been known to have some "GODLIKE" ability. Most of the Survivors have been shown to have "Godlike auras" as seen by Jack Bennett, these are the confirmed or strongly suspected with powers and abilities beyond mortal men.


Other Survivors

  • Vivian Janell - Able to turn herself, and whoever she touches, invisible to almost all forms of detection, including Brian's mental contact and Mandy's infrared vision.
  • Mary Beth Manly - Able to project potent sonic vibrations from her lungs, capable of knocking a group of 300 (Survivors) unconcious in one blast. She may be able to focus her voice in a more directed, and potentially more harmful, line, but this is speculative. She has also able to hear conversations at least thirty feet distant and through walls.
  • Ashton Sawyer - Suggested to the possibly THE "most powerful" of the Survivors according to Jack Bennett's ability to see Godlike auras. Second only to Brian Jaffe. Known to have the ability to fly and levitate nearly a group of 300 adults (Survivors), moving them by hyper-speed flight from Seattle to Washington DC in less than 30 minutes - avoiding harm from the elements. He boasted being able to have "seen this" in dreams regarding the current events. Jack witnessed some sort of "oil black viper" coiling within his body aura the night before it was learned Ashton had died from heart failure.
  • Carrie Sellers - African American girl from Athens, GA. Has incredible shapeshifting powers, including mimicing the forms of others and contorting her body into weapons.
  • Milos Wiazowski (aka. Afterthought) - Can mentally control those he has touched. The duration of this control is unknown. Witnessed "suggesting" things to Dr. Robert Booth of Celera, likely controlled the judge in Mandy Smith's trial and is possibly controlling Senator Lincoln Chafee.
  • Julie Young - Able to teleport at the snap of a fingers. Her maximum range is unknown, but is at least 10 miles.
    • Maggie Young - Possesses super-human strength to an unknown level. On waking up at Celera, she heaved a bed through a wall. Later, she lifted the end of an oak/marble billiard table and plunged her arms elbow-deep into packed earth. In the future, as an adult, she is strong enough to break through Brian's force field.
    • Alex Young - Extraordinarily resistent to damage; there may well be nothing that can harm him.
  • Harley Carlson - Has extrasensory perception to an unknown degree. He may be able to predict the future or may simply be infinitely aware of the present and the past.