Invictus "Mort" Stark

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Character sheet[edit]

  Name: Invictus "Mort" Stark
  Age: 21
  Gender: Male
  Class: Assassin (Sell Steel)
  Height: 1.90m
  Weight: 90kg
  Colouration: Green eyes; black dyed hair;  tanned skin
  Quirks: Missing digit (right-hand trigger finger)
  Divination: "Only in death does duty end"
  Homeworld: Imperial World (Paradise World; can't believe I rolled 00)
  WS  31
  BS  36 +5 41 (rerolled this)
  S   27
  T   38
  Ag  26
  Int 31
  Per 32
  Wil 31 +3 34
  Fel 25
  Skills: Speak Language (Low Gothic);
          Pilot (Civilian Craft)
          Silent Move
  Talents: Blessed Ignorance;
           Liturgical Familiarity;
           Superior Origins;
           Melee Weapon Training (Primitive);
           Pistol Training (Las, SP);
           Basic Weapon Training (SP).
  Current money: 23 throne gelt
  Monthly Income: 120/month
  Gear: Hunting Rifle. Telescopic Sight attached.
        Rifle ammo: 7 clips of standard, two clips of dumdums(1 loaded), two clips if man-stoppers. Each clip is five rounds.
        Compact Stub Automatic with 3 clips of normal ammo and a clip of Man-Stopper rounds (loaded). Each clip is 9 rounds.
        3 doses of stimm,
        Charm (corpse hair),
        Flak Vest (being worn)
        black bodyglove (common clothing)
        Inquisitional Coin
        Emperor's Repreve
  Movement: 3/6/9/18
  Wounds: 9 +1 10
  Fate: 2
  400 XP:
  Basic BS advancement (100xp)
  Pilot (Civilian Craft) (100xp)
  Silent Move (100xp)
  (Saving the rest for Literacy)


Even paradise worlds have a darker side to them. Invictus' mother died to a disease shortly after he was born. Invictus' father was a small-time businessman dealing in rare souvenirs and antiquities for the wealthy tourists. His shop was hounded by a corrupt arbitrator who asked "donations" from many shopkeepers in the area. When Invictus was barely 16 years old, the arbitrator came asking for collections. Invictus only heard raised voices downstairs and when he got closer, he witnessed the arbitrator striking his father with his shock maul, and his father's unfortunate fall onto an antique bayonet killed him. Invictus spent two months in Schola Progenium, from where, once his knack for marksmanship was discovered, he was recruited into the Ordo Xenos. The Inquisition staged his "escape" from the Schola and he became an assassin for hire in the criminal circles of the planet to be called on by the Ordo as needed. He began working under the name "Mort" to hide his real identity (and his shady escape from the Schola) from both his employers as well as any enemies he might make. Shortly before his eighteenth birthday, he was captured after assassinating a small-time crime lord, he was tortured for information on who hired him (another small-time crime lord), which he eventually gave. His captors cut off his trigger finger and set him loose, figuring that he'd be out of work and would slowly starve to death, or end his days as a beggar. However, Invictus adapted quickly and is now using his left hand on the trigger of his gun. When he was 19, he first met Rotha and they worked on a few jobs for which they were both hired, Rotha as the main assassin, Invictus as support and "insurance" in case something went wrong. Their relation, however, remained strictly professional and they haven't met for some time.