Necessary Evil The Rejects/Stat blocks for non-wild cards

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Agility d6 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d10 Vigor d8

Skills Driving d6 Fighting d8 Intimidation d6 Notice d4 Shooting d8 Swim d6

Charisma 0 Pace 6 Parry 6 Toughness 8 (2)

Special Abilities


Aquatic at Pace

Shock +2 fighting roll for a -2 Vigor check.


Armor +2

Heavy Blaster Range 15/30/60 Damage 3d6 Shots 20 AP4 Double Tap Blaster Overcharge

Low Light Vision

Vibro Claws d10+d6 AP2 HW

War Sphere

Agility d10 Smarts d4 Spirit d6 Strength d10 Vigor d6

Skills Driving d6 Fighting d6 Intimidation d6 Notice d6 Shooting d8

Charisma 0 Pace - Parry 5 Toughness 8 (4)

Special Abilities

Construct +2 to recover from shaken, immune to disease and poison


Flight Pace 10

Heavy Armor +4

Heavy Blaster Range 15/30/60 Damage 3d6 Shots 20 AP4 Double Tap Blaster Overcharge

Low Light Vision

Size -1 of a beach ball

K'tharen Warrior (Shark Troopers)

Agility d8 Smarts d6 Spirit d8 Strength d12+2 Vigor d10

Skills Driving d6 Fighting d10 Guts d8 Intimidation d10 Notice d8 Shooting d10 Swim d10 Throwing d8

Charisma 0 Pace 7 Parry 7 Toughness 13 (4)

Special Abilities

Two Fusion Grenades Range 5/10/20 Damage 3d8 AP2 MBT HW

Blaster Rifle Range 30/60/120 Damage 3d6 ROF 3 Shots 45 AP4 3RB


Heavy Armor +2 Thick Skin +2 Fin Combat Suit

Bite/Claws d12+2+d6

Improved Frenzy Two Fighting attacks a round

Military Training +2 Shooting rolls if they do not move

Size +2 9' tall