MEANWHILE: Galactic Nations

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Galactic Nations[edit]

Most the interstellar nations of galaxy were founded on the idea of a species-state. This is the idea that every species should govern its own members. This idea is currently in decline around the galaxy, but still holds alot of sway. Most states within the galactic federation have a large majority of one species that rules and controls the society, with others living in the periphery.

Sufi 9 Media Incorporated[edit]

GalFed Govfile 546

Systems Controlled: 1

Government: Oligarchy: Most Likely Not Applicaple

Exports: Media of all forms and types

Imports: Data, Media and Copyrights

The media empire of Sufi 9 is known for the incredible amount of media they export to the rest of the galaxy. But despite this, very few beings in the galaxy know much about Sufis. This lack of knowledge comes from the fact that empire personalizes all of its media content to the area where it is exporting it too. So humans get sitcoms while Rhyinoids get 9D para-puritan interpretive dance. No one but the Sufis apparently receive content designed for their culture.

The one system controlled by the media empire seems to be their home system, it is called Sufi 9 and lies within the Daronis cluster. The worlds of Sufi 9 are all heavily mechanized and all but 2 of them have been completely reconstructed as vast technological spheres that are tended too by trillions of small robots. These metal worlds are said to house the robotic brains behind the media empire. It is speculated that the only true independent beings in the system are the 7 artificial intelligences contained within the 7 metal worlds. Of course this is mostly conjecture as the Sufis do not permit outsiders into their system.

While the Sufis are reclusive in their own system, they have many robotic agents scouting the universe for more media. These agents have some freedom of thought and can make decisions. Agents such as these can be found in almost every inhabited cubic light year of the known galaxy.

--Elliot 07:47, 20 May 2005 (PDT)

Locus 5[edit]

GalFed Govfile 976EC (Considered Extinct)

Systems Controlled: NA

Government: Not Applicable

Exports: None

Imports: None


Locus 5 is the historical and common name for the society of Greys that has been operating illegally on earth since the 1700s. Locus 5 and the Galactic Federation’s actions against it were the talk of the galaxy throughout the 20th century. Locus 5 is considered responsible for illegal DNA trafficking, poaching humans, poaching cultural information from protected worlds, megalarceny and a few hundred thousand counts of manslaughter.

History and Activities

Locus 5 was originally a fleet of Grey spacecraft about 10 or 15 strong. Once they found the sol system, they established bases on the moon, mercury and a number of large asteroids. It was from their largest base on the moon that they launched raids on earth. Once they had established a beachhead in the cold wastes of Siberia, they began recruiting humans to help them manipulate societies around the world, as well as to gather cultural information for export.

But human groups have a strange way of getting away from their masters, especially secretive Greys. Many of the early manipulators found their plans and even themselves gradually being taken over by their human servants. The Greys would work through secret societies, religious sects and political movements, but then would have to abandon them once the humans started taking control. In the waning days of the 19th century, Locus 5 was a group of very secretive Greys with some support from a vast array of secret societies that may or may not be under their control.

The 20th century saw the official breakup of Locus 5 due to a secret war with the GalFed. After a series of disastrous manipulations, which were broadcast around the globe and beyond, the Galactic Federation started to take more interest in the activities of the protected world of Earth. Outraged when they found Grey influence, the GalFed hired a number of mercenary groups to get the aliens out of the Sol system.

The war started in space but quickly moved to the earth. The Greys were forced to abandon their space outposts and retreat into secrecy on earth. The mercenaries followed and suddenly there was a covert war going on in the most dangerous time in Earth’s history. The campaign was viewed as a success by the Galaxy, but the actions of some mercenaries have become a black stain on the reputation of the Galfed. A GalFed monitor ship had to shoot down Soviet, American and French ICBMs on 7 separate occasions when either the Mercenaries or the Greys would be less then discreet about their actions.

Modern Locus 5

The war had been reduced near the end of the century to Greys frantically trying to stay hidden while alien mercenaries (often with duped human allies) searched them out. When first contact came and humans were informed on the Grey’s activities, it suddenly became much more dangerous to be a Grey on earth. They are no longer an alien, independent of human concerns; they are now simply a criminal with big eyes and grey skin. Locus 5 nowadays is extremely secretive, using extremely secretive agents to ferry information between its extremely secretive subgroups.

The mercenaries are all gone from earth now. No longer must a Grey hide from a occasional scaly Rangoon with a electro-disintegrator, now they must hide from a constant stream of sharp eyed primates with submachine guns.

--Elliot 07:35, 25 May 2005 (PDT)