Meta-4 (HED!)

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Meta-4 History

Meta-Four is a branch of the Defense Department that was founded after World War 2 in order to deal with super human affairs. The organization suffered a serious decline after the McCarthy era and the HUAC when they attempted to cooperate with both in order to find hidden Metamen terrorists that might be secretly attempting to subvert the government. The Nixon Administration was the last time that Meta-4 was a serious force in United States politics and they had their funding cut by 90% due to the revelation they'd been involved in using their super powered agents to spy on his political enemies.

Afterwards, Meta-4 managed to barely survive as a branch of the DOD with AEGIS handling most of its former duties. This situation continued on until the Bush Administration, when The Skeleton Key was appointed as the Director of Meta-4. The Skeleton Key was a former super villain turned Radical Republican with extremist religious ties who happened to look like one of the undead. Recruiting a bunch of super villains for Wetwork operations (called the Expendables), they worked very well in the war on terror and Meta-4's fortunes began to rise.

The appointment of a new President threatens Meta-4's existence even as the organization now receives approximately 50% of AEGIS's former budget. The failure of the Freedom League to prevent several medium sized civilian casualties (let alone AEGIS) has allowed Meta-4 to continue to justify its ultra-hardline stance against Metaman crime. The organization will continue to do many wetworks and illegal operations as possible in the meantime. After all, the President can't shut down internment camps that he doesn't know about. Can he?

Meta-4 Operations

Meta-4 is an organization devoted to several goals:

Directive One: Creating or recruiting super-soldiers for the United States government.

Directive Two: Neutralizing super powered threats to the United States government.

Directive Three: Aquiring Alien or Hyper technological advancements for the United States government.

Directive Four: Interning super powered threats to the United States government.

Directive Five: Lending assistance to other intelligence departments with super powered abilities.

They are utterly ruthless in the pursuit of these goals and have a tendancy to recruit totally immoral individuals who will help them carry this out. They routinely violate the Constitution and United States law to a level even that legal loopholes cannot get around.


Meta-4 has access to United States military resources but has its own private army of mercenaries called the Meta-Force numbering in the several thousand. These troopers do not actually work for the United States government in a literal fashion but are contractors recruited from all over the world for their expendability. They are outfitted with high tech weaponry and devices designed to assist in their takedown of Metaman threats. Meta-4 also has a vast number of robots created by the Foundry and traded by a captured Talos that manufactures them for the department. Talos has instilled an incredible hatred for humanity in all the Exterminators but the Department has found nothing that violates their their programming.

Halt Evil Doer!