Miss Sunshine

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Real name: Charlotta Anderson

Code name: Miss Sunshine

Secret identity Yes

Age: 26

Race: Human (mutant)

Power level: 12


A smiling blond woman with vaguely Scandinavian features. She's quite attractive and have blue eyes and light blond hair. She's of middle height, although she's a bit thin for her seize. She usually wears her combat suit, carrying her redundantly big gun effortlessly on her back.


Charlotta was born with a weak precognitive ability that lets her peer into the future for a few seconds, effectively giving her a kind of "Jedi sense" as she herself calls it. Charlotta is also a natural sniper, capable of almost creepy feats of marksmanship thanks to her precognition. Her real powers though comes from two items.

The first item is her armor, The Bulletproof 3000 Combat Utility Safety Suit (Custom Edition), a state of the art combat armor especially customized for her own needs. It got an exoskeleton that gives Charlotta imbued strength and speed, not to mention that it gives her a most impressive leaping ability. Furthermore the Bulletproof 3000 CUSS (Custom Edition) is also capable of administrating anesthetics and rejuvenating drugs in case the user gets harmed. It's most important feature though is the Combat Utility Protection FIELD (CUP FIELD for short). The CUP FIELD is a special magnetic field that is meant to deflect high velocity projectiles, like bullets for instance. It also gives a blanket protection against explosions if so necessary. The most important aspect of the CUP FIELD though is that it makes it possible to use the main firing mode on the Hammerstorm, which leads us to Charlotta's second item; The Arbitrary Hammerstorm Annihilation device prototype.

The AHA device prototype is one of the most dangerous weapon systems ever created. Its main function is called Implosion Pulse and is basically the gun firing miniature black holes or something along those lines. When the Implosion Pulse is triggered an orb of concentrated gravity, in lack of better words flies out of of the barrel, causing "massive attraction" in an area of about twenty meters that will be left completely obliterated as the massive gravity centered at the pulse rips everything apart. The closer the better, a glancing hit will result in the target getting sucked into the Implosion Pulse, and resulting in the certain death of the target. The AHA device prototype also has an extremely devastating minigun as a secondary firing mode.


Although she certainly is extremely dangerous, Charlotta still has a few weaknesses that can be exploited. To begin with, Charlotta herself is rubbish at close combat fighting. Her forte is mid- to long range combat, and although she has enchanted senses, strengh and speed Charlotta still can't amount to much compared to the CQC specialists. The girl just doesn't know how to throw a punch, and if she's engaged in melee she'll do her utmost to create some distance between herself and her target.

Also, Charlotta's gear has some pretty severe restrictions. Besides weighing about a quarter a ton, the AHA device prototype also drains an extreme amount of energy just to fire the Implosion Pulse once (incidentally, the weights is probably a good thing. Although it makes the AHA device rather unwieldy, it still makes it significantly easier to fire the gun, as the effect of the knockback is lowered). All in all, Charlotta got enough ammunition to fire the Implosion Pulse five times. No reloading on the field is possible, as each cartridge weighs about twenty-five kilos and has an unfortunate tendency to be just a little bit too radioactive to be carried around in the open. Each Implosion Pulse only last for about three seconds before the energies within it makes the pulse unstable, resulting in a quite impressive explosion (the pulse has time enough to move about a hundred meters before it explodes). Also, it's lethal for the user to fire the Implosion Device without the protection of the CUP FIELD, as it would result in the user himself getting killed by the pulse. Also, a small design error makes the minigun overheat too fast, forcing the user to rely on short bursts unless they want to ruin their ability to shoot altogether.

In turn, the Bulletproof 3000 Combat Utility Safety Suit (Custom Edition) also has its faults. To begin with, the oh so important CUP FIELD can only be deployed every fifty fifth second, and it only lasts for five seconds. For a person without Charlotta's precognition the CUP FIELD is nearly useless. There's also a considerable strain on the user's body while using the Bulletproof 3000 CUSS at its full potential. Depending on how often the CUP FIELD is deployed, the suit can run at full power for about ten to twenty minutes before the batteries needs to be recharged.


There isn't much to now about Miss Sunshine. Nobody knows where she came from, nobody knows why she do the things she does and nobody sure as hell doesn't know where she got that equipment from. She works as a mercenary and usually takes jobs from SHADOW or any other organization that can afford her services. She doesn't seem interested in either terrorism or power, and her fee is just enough to pay for maintenance of her gear. She's quite honestly a bit of a mystery.

Miss Sunshine first appeared for about five years ago when she singlehandedly robbed one Easter Seaboards Bank's banks. Since then she has popped up now and then, usually leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. Quick and competent, the heroes who stands up against Miss Sunshine usually ends up dead. So far only one person has survived getting hit by the Implosion Pulse, and that was on a mere technicality as Mr. Eternal has a problem staying dead for long.

Anyway, whenever Miss Sunshine makes an appearance it's a sure sign that whatever organization that hired her is prepared to walk that extra mile to get the job done.


Charlotta's personality can best be described as bubbly. She's almost always cheerful and happy, enjoying life to its fullest even as she's in the middle of a mission. She likes to laugh and often compliments the people around her in the hope to make their day better. And it gets even scarier once you realize that she isn't stupid. Although hardly a genius, the girl is no idiot. If it weren't for the "evil-mercenary-for-hire" gig she's running she'd be perfectly normal! Heck, when not undertaking a diabolic mission to destroy the earth she likes to cook and try out new recipes! (Actually, if you're good at spotting superheroes outside their disguises you might notice that she's one of the regulars at the annual Freedom City baking contest.)


Nobody knows why Miss Sunshine is Miss Sunshine. She's not interested in wealth or power, and she might turn down a mission that risks the lives of too many civilians. Some might say that she's a thrill-seeker while others might claim that if it thrills she wants, then Mrs. Leeds supplies that aplenty during the annual baking contest. Anyway, whatever the reason, it seems like Miss Sunshine enjoys her mercenary lifestyle. She usually picks missions that lets her go somewhere she hasn't been before or missions that are extra tricky to complete. Also, ever since Mr. Eternal "survived" getting hit by the Implosion Pulse miss Sunshine has been itching to fight him some more.


"Try these muffins! How do they taste? I tried adding more chocolate!!"

Halt Evil Doer!
