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- Class: Dwarf
- Alignment: Neutral
- Strength: 9 (Adjustment: 0)
- Intelligence: 13 (Adjustment: +1; +1 Language)
- Wisdom: 10 (Adjustment: 0)
- Dexterity: 13 (Adjustment: +1)
- Constitution: 10 (Adjustment: 0)
- Charisma: 11 (Adjustment: 0; Max 4 retainers, morale 7)
- HP: 8
- AC: 2 (Natural: 8)
- Hit roll table:
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison: 8
- Magic Wands: 9
- Paralysis or Turn to stone: 10
- Dragon Breath: 13
- Rods, Stave, or Spells: 12
Special Abilities
- Languages: Common, alignment, dwarf, gnome, goblin, kobold, ???
- Infravision, 60'
- Detection, 1-2 on 1d6
Equipment & Encumbrence
- Battle-axe (7gp/60cn)
- Sling (2gp/20cn)
- Plate mail (60gp/500cn)
- Backback (5gp/20cn)
- Waterskin (1gp/5cn)
- Tinder box (3gp/5cn)
- Rations x 2 (10gp/400cn)
- 2gp
Total Encumbrance: 1012cn
- Normal speed: 60'/turn
- Encounter speed: 20'/round
- Running speed: 60'/round
Toon: A. M. Phineas
A character for Dangerous Journeys: Mythus Prime!, created by g026r.
Character created using the Mythus Prime rules, as contained within the first section of the Dangerous Journeys: Mythus rulebook.
Character Stats
- Sex: Female
- Socio-Economic-Class: 1 (Rolled 2, Wisewoman = SEC - 1)
- Vocation: Wisewoman
- Height: 5'4"
- Weight: 96 lbs
- Mental: 30
- Physical: 40
- Wound Level: 30
- Spiritual: 50
Knowledge/Skills Packages
Universal K/S
- Native Tongue: 45
- Perception: 45
- Riding: 50
Vocational K/S
- Apotropaism: 45
- Handicrafts/Handiwork: 45
- Herbalism: 50
- Priestcraft: 45
- Religion: 45
- Agriculture: 35
- Nature Atunement: 45
- Pharee Folk & Culture: 40
- Subterranean Ærth: 30
- Animal Handling: 35
Bonus K/S
- Mysticism: 35
- Jury-Rigging: 35
- Impersonation: 35
- Disguise: 30
- Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal: 30
- Criminal Act, Mental: 25
Character Description
Compared to the full/advanced Mythus rules, the Mythus Prime rules aren't actually that bad. A little sparse and limited perhaps, and the BUC system is an interesting but ultimately flawed idea, but as a generic point-distribution, percentile-based fantasy system it's usable at least. The SEC system is a bit out-of-place though. Perhaps a method of distributing points to it as well would have been better.