Starfall: T'sa System

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System Information[edit]

Star: (F) Green

  • Al-Thathal Class 4, Super-Terran (G1, R3, A0, P0, H5)
  • Kavex Class 1, Terran (G2, R1, A2, P3, H2)
  • Soldarex Class 5, Gas Giant, Small (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
  • Ca-Vanex Class 4, Terran (G1, R3, A0, P0, H0)
  • Sordis Class 5, Gas Giant, Small (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
  • Arrow Class 4, Super-Terran (G1, R3, A0, P0, H0)
  • Kingsport Class 2, Super-Terran (G3, R1, A1, P4, H1)
  • Ashin Class 1, Sub-Terran, (G2, R1, A2, P3, H2)

Complete Data


T'sa is one of the Stellar Nations

Kavex is the home world of the T'sa species. The T'sa tend to live in large groups, the planet is dotted with a number of large cities and relatively few smaller towns or settlements.

People and Culture[edit]

The T'sa are a race of reptilian humanoids. The T'sa are known to be quick and full of energy with a natural inclination towards technology. T'sa families are based around the brood and do not recognize any T'sa outside of the brood as family. T'sa have a monolithic culture and have never had the kind of cultural diversity or conflict common among other species. This sense of unity has allowed the T'sa to advance quickly in scientific endeavors. The most highly regarded T'sa innovations are their mastery of terraforming and cryogenics. The T'sa have little in the way of military technology, at least until relativity recently.