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The primary adventure setting of Dungeonpalooza is the dungeon, and there are dozens upon dozens of such locations in any given section of the soon-to-be-created map.

The idea is this: Dungeons, old-school ones, were fun. Yes, they were somewhat silly. No, sometimes they didn't make much sense. But it was this wondrous anarchy that made them memorable and at times wonderful.

All of the background material of Dungeonpalooza is designed to give the Game Master ample reasons to send players packing off to forbidden caves, underground temple complexes and vast citadels of night deep within the earth.

It is largely assumed that bad guys lair in dungeons in Dungeonpalooza. In fact, they all do. Depending on the GM, this may even be considered a point of curious honor for the evil ones:

Ortak the Unclean: "Didja hear about Xyanthra?"

Blazzzor the Lich-Lord: "Yeah. Something about a floating citadel?"

Ortak: "I know, I know. It's horrible. I mean, lairs are hidden underground. That's ... that's just the way it's done."

Blazzzor: "Indeed. Evil exposed to the sun and air? It's just ... just ... unnatural!"

The Dungeonpalooza Theorum is this: The wackier the dungeon, the more fun for the players. The entire setting is designed to promote this sort of play. There is a sort of world background, but its primary function is to provide a backdrop to all the dungeoneering.

Magic mouths spouting riddles, living cystal statues, rotating rooms, checkerboard floors, fountains that change your sex if you drink from them, girdles that change your stature if you wear them ... it's all here and should be. While every dungeon should have some sort of internal consistency in terms of difficulty and theme, weirdness and humor are the watchwords for a Dungeonpalooza quest.

Enjoy what we've created so far, and add your own ideas -- either to the offical thread in the forums, or here.