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Intermediate Deity

Symbol: Bloody Red Cross

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Portfolio: Gleeful destruction, strife, fire, healing in service of discord

Worshipers: Good clerics gone bad, bad clerics gone good, tacticians

Cleric Alignments: CN, NE, CE

Domains: Fire, Healing, War

Favored Weapon: Light Flail


Galfyndwr occupies the Chaotic Evil spot in the pantheon, however he doesn't represent Chaos or Evil in any symbolic way. Rather, he IS Chaotic Evil. He enjoys nothing more than watching mortals destroy themselves messily and gets all giddy every time a war burns a once mighty metropolis to the ground, but he doesn't gain any power from it. As such, he maintains a vast conspiracy of worshippers dedicated to promoting war and other atrocities.

Such endeavors are, of course, expensive, and manifesting of material wealth is one of the most difficult things a god can do, so he, long ago, discovered a great way to turn a steady profit. Many towns have a temple dedicated to Galfyndwr of the Cleansing Flame, home of some of the best healers in the land. If you or any of your friends get into a messy accident, drag however much of them you can manage there, and the priests will fix you up after a nominal donation. Within hours, you'll be back on your feet and back to work. No need to even take precautions against another messy injury, since the healers will always be around.

Galfyndwr's Clerics are well loved throughout the land. Nearly everyone would be in worse shape without their easily available healing. In fact, when a war breaks out they're almost always around to offer to keep the troops in fighting shape, for a retainer. Funny thing that.