Starfall: Wyatts Rest
System Information
Star:(F) Green
- White Judge Ring System
- Cadora Class 1, Super-Terran (G2, R1, A1, P4, H4)
- Elithan Class 2, Sub-Terran (G3, R1, A1, P4, H0)
- Delsom Class 5, Gas Giant, Small (G5, R3, A1, P5, H0)
- Master Class 5, Gas Giant, Small (G5, R1, A1, P5, H0)
Wyatt's Rest is one of the Stellar Nations.
Elithan is the only inhabited planet. The people here live in floating cities suspended above the frozen surface of the planet. Advanced native life is also present here.
People and Culture
Wyatt's Rest was founded in 2243 by Sadora Wyatt, a decorated hero during the Galactic War. After the war Sadora devoted his life to pacifism and created a colony as a refuge for people who had lost their homes during the war.
It quickly became largely populated by members of Sadora's church, the Followers of the White Ship.
Game Information
In addition to the rules in the PHB Halorians have the following traits: