HorizonVirtual:Igtenio's Program Armor Mods

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Revision as of 00:45, 13 June 2005 by IMAGinES (talk | contribs)
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This is Virtual Armor converted to the Damage Reduction Rule in Unearthed Arcana.

Name Armor Bonus Damage Reduction
Protective Vest 1 1/-
Infiltrator Suit 2 1/-
Full Body Suit* 2 2/-
Pilot Suit 2 2/-
Combat Rig 3 2/-
Full Combat Suit 3 3/-
Heavy Battle Armor 4 4/-
Personal Firewall** 6 6/-

* - Is listed in the Virtual book as "Light Combat Suit". Since there's no Full Body Suit listing, yet an illustration, and there's no illustration for a Light Combat Suit, I've decided that it must be a mistake, therefore renamed it.

** - The Personal Firewall doesn't adhere to the standard rules for Armor, since I considered that, even if an Attack does penetrate the field, it'll disperse the energy of the attack better then most armor. Hell, it IS listed as being "The best Armor RUs can buy". I've simply made it so.