Necromunda Bible

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Revision as of 23:39, 25 February 2009 by Wiki-munda (talk | contribs) ('''Updates''')
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The legal bit (not my specialty but seems like everyone has to have one these days)

This is an OpenGamingResource intended to compile as many rules, scenarios, characters, ideas etc... based around Necromunda as possible. All information is supplied with intent to educate future and current gamers and is in no way meant to infringe upon any copyright or other legal BS that tends to get companies all worked up. The final work is intended to be a non-profit, personal use, archive for education reference. All content should be considered “works in progress” or just “ideas”. Please feel free to use adapt any of the rules given however you do so at your own risk. I am not responsible for any unbalanced gaming or legal repercussion.

Back Ground[edit]

Now we got that out of the way, here's the scoop. After searching though mounds of notes and dozens of links and archived websites I finally decided to bite the bullet and make a Necromunda Bible. Originally it was just intended to tidy up my office/HD and create a resource for future games. Then I thought to myself why note share what I got and see if there are any other gamers out there in the same position that would like to contribute. If we all chip in a scenario here and a character there then we could make the mother of all hobby gaming bibles. If all goes well we get an Uber universal reference book, maybe introduce a few more players to Necromunda, and dare I say it... get Games-Workshop to breathe some life back into a game that brought, and continues to bring, endless hours of entertainment to so many.

Join the Scrum or Watch from the Sidelines.[edit]

So if your up for a challenge and would like to be a part of something big then roll up your sleeves and jump in. We all have tons of this stuff just sitting in our HD or crammed in our notebooks. And if your like me you've probably spent hours scouring the web for new content for your games, or more likely trying to find a lost article on an alternate gang. So dust off those minis breakout the house rules and help make put Necromunda back on the proverbial map.

Failing that this is the just the mad ramblings of a old gamer trying to share his ideas as he tidies up his office. I'll do my best to keep this updated for as long as I'm working on the project and as long as their is interest.


This page is intended to be an OpenGamingResource so please keep that in mind when adding content. The idea is to collect information not remove it because we don't like someone else's idea for a gang. All criticism should remain positive and should include, where possible, suggestions to aid balancing of game play. Any suggestions with majority support should be included in the target gang posting under the subheading "suggestions".

Enter the Hive[edit]

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Finished the Grotz mob rules (25 Feb 09)

Added cut/paste Undead Gang (25 Feb 09)

Lots added - New Hired guns, gangs, skills, territories, fluff. (mostly cut/paste/edits) (26 Feb 09)

Might not be many updates for the next week-ish. Exam coming up :(


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