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KREUZRITTER, PL: 22, Nazi War Hero/ Super Villian, Name: Milos Rachenbaucher, Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 20/18; SPEED 30, FLIGHT 70; MELEE +10(Elemental Punch +17 S, ), RANGED +9(Elemental Blast +14 L, ), MENTAL +10(Suffocate +14 S, ), SV: DMG +15, FORT +7, REF +2, WILL +9; STR 16, DEX 15, CON 13, INT 20, WIS 16, CHA 20.

SKILLS: Bluff +7, Profession: +9, Taunt +12.

FEATS: Immunity (Crits, Aging, Suffocation, Starvation, Pressure), Aerial Combat, Blind Sight, Detect (Mystical Energy), Darkvision, Diplomatic Immunity, Take the Fall, Human Shield, Power Attack, Infamy, Minions, Iron Will, Indomitable Will, See Invisible, Leadership, True Sight.

POWERS: ELDRITCH ARMOR OF THULE [+14], Element Control (Fire), Element Control (Air), Element Control (Earth), Element Control (Water), Create Element, Destroy Element, Elemental Snare, Suffocate, Elemental Absorption, Elemental Blast, Elemental Movement, Elemental Shield, Shape Element, Armor, Super Strength, Deflection, Deflection (Automatic), AMAZING SAVE (WILL, FORTITUDE) [+6].

WEAK: Disturbing (Physical form is glowing purple skeleton), Quirk (Braggart), Quirk (Racist).

COST: abilities 40, combat 37, skills 7, feats 40, powers 236, weakness -30, total 330.