Cynis Hasinja Kytharsis' Relationships
Relationship Summary - Cynis Hasinja Kytharsis, Wood-Aspected
- Nellens Vaigu (NPC): The sister of my heart, such as it is. I would feel guilt for failing to save her, but we all bring our own dooms on our heads, she and I more than most... In death, she shall achieve what she could not in life, and bring unity to the Brotherhood, I will ensure it.
- Mnemon Guilo (Drakensis): A once-shiny jade coin, tarnished and scarred in so many ways. No wonder she avoids me assiduously. Still, I wager that there is still great buying power there, once some polish is applied.
- Cynis Hasijna Zende (chrespo): My left arm. It is so important in politics to have someone you can trust completely, without agenda or connivance, someone on your side above all. If Zende did not exist, I would have needed to create him.
- Sesus Denerid Ravel (Tyrnis): I do not understand him. Neither truly monastic fish of venal foul, but somewhere in between. He will be shown the price for slighting me, but I intend our reconciliation to be tender...
- Tepet Usera (Kayashi): My dearest friend, my only rival in the Brotherhood - a real lady and a real talent.
- Ragara Calel Falia (S7Michelle): Nice enough girl, taught me to thrust and parry, but not all that bright, y'know? Or so I thought... her ascension in the ranks of her House raise questions, and her feud with Guilo was telling. I will endevour to bring her closer to me.
- V'Neef Desro (Toras): Ughh.. loser.
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