Cynis Hasijna Zende

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Cynis Hasijna Zende is a character played by chrespo in Exalted_The_DragonBlooded:_Rumours_of_War Exalted PbP game in

Cynis Hasijna Zende[edit]

  • Aspect: Earth
  • Concept: Rough Vice Lord
  • Motivation: Run the Underworld the way he sees fit
  • Anima:
  • Anima power: 5m, For the duration of the scene, the Exalt may soak all lethal damage with full stamina. May also add essence to dice rolls to resist grapling attacks or avoid knockback. May add Essence to Stamina for all purposes, but only while feet rest on either earth or stone.


His skin is darker though, kind of the same hue as wet dirt, and he has gray wings in his hair. Otherwise, the pictures below are pretty spot on. Especially with the hand-tattoo and scars and stuff. Zende definitely has sad angel eyes.


  • Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5
  • Charisma 4, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1
  • Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3



  • Awareness 2
  • Craft 2 (Air, Earth)
  • Integrity 5
  • Resistance 4
  • War 1


  • Martial Arts 4 (Grappling +1)
  • Stealth 2
  • Socialize 3 (Conspiring +1)


  • Archery 1
  • Athletics 2
  • Bureaucracy 2
  • Larceny 3 (Poisoning +1)
  • Lore 2
  • Investigation 1
  • Melee 1
  • Medicine 1
  • Performance 1
  • Presence 3 (Intimidation +1)
  • Ride 1


  • Connections 5 (Vice)

Zende's crime organization, the Broken Fingers, are based out of Caspian but their reach and influence can be felt far further out within the Realm. They deal in extortion, drugs, protection rackets and prostitutes.

  • Backing 2 (House Cynis)

Zende is more of a self-made man, leaning on his connection to Kythri for House Cynis backing. He gained a substantial amount of recognition when he would not sing to the law about his connections to his higher ups within House Cynis and did time for them in prison.

  • Reputation 2

You don't mess with the Broken Fingers, unless you want to take a swim in the river with a chain and ball for your only company.

  • Resources 2

Crime pays. Most of it is locked down in fronts and money washing, and it takes time to procure what he might need at any given time. Once the cash starts moving though, its gonna be a completely different story.

  • Henchmen 2

Tiago Don't let the spectacles, the thin frame and his slick mannerism trick you. Tiago is a stone cold bastard and Zende's second-in-command. He deals with a lot of the day to day management of the Broken Fingers, and keeps track of all the minutiae for his Earth aspected boss. As loyal as he is slimy. Tiago did time together with Zende in the Imperial City when his master chose not to snitch. Favored Ability: Bureaucracy

The Tiger of Light and Shadow A no-nonsense bounty hunter who brings in the people who Zende wants to meet with, who lack the prudence to schedule appointments when it is obviously appropriate. The Boba Fett to Zende's Jabba the Hutt. Favored Ability: Archery

Lucretia An oracle from Sijan, Zende's confidante in all matters spiritual and religious. She runs a gambling den from a caravel in the docks called the "Horned Beetle." She is obese yet possesses a strangely magnetic personality. Favored Ability: Occult

  • Artifact 2

See below

Artifact details[edit]
  • The Rings of Dust and Basalt. (Artifact 2)

A pair of grappling aids in the form of two massive thumbrings of black jade with hooks on them, that connect and form a bond that is very difficult to break. This helps Zende pull off difficult chokes and arm bars. They were gifted to him as a memento of his elder brother Cynis Hasijna Orphas, who was slain in the service of the Wyld Hunt.

(A modified bloodspike harness from the MRB p. 387, but with less damage for being easily concealable.) Speed 6, Accuracy +3, Damage +6L, Defence -, Rate 1, Minimums Str 2, Attune 5m, Tags C, P.

  • Authorative Stamp. (Artifact 2)

Zende created his own Authorative Stamp in his youth, mostly out of laziness than anything, to avoid unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy. Being a driving force in the underworld of Caspian, he's never had much patience for such stuff. (Odanol's Codex p. 33.)

Hearthstone and manse details[edit]
  • Hearthstone (Manse X, page number)


None at present



  • Second Integrity Excellency
  • Oath of the Ten-Thousand Dragons


  • Second Socialize Excellency
  • Sweeten-the-Tap Method


  • First Larceny Excellency

Martial Arts

  • First Martial Arts Excellency
  • Currents Sweep to Sea


  • Compassion 1
  • Conviction 3
  • Temperance 3
  • Valor 2

Other traits[edit]

Essence 2

  • Personal motes 6 (note: I think the math may be wrong here. By my calculations it should be 8)
  • Peripheral motes 20
  • Committed motes (peripheral) X

Willpower 6

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap


  • Intimacy
  • Intimacy

