Time Line for Exalted: The Dragonblooded Rumors of War
Rough Timeline
Early School Days
- Destro and Falia form a friendship in primary school.
- Kythri, Usera and Vaigu become roommates. Kythri and Usera become BFFs, and Vaigu is treated like an annoying little sister.
- Gulio and Falia become roommates. Gulio and Falia become friends, sparring partners and teammates.
- Kythri, Ravel, Guilo, Falia, Tokkera and Usera form the heart of the "cool kids."
- Desro and Zende become Kythri's agents. Zende for muscle, Desro for cunning, as she develops the habit of ruling openly and subtly. Desro and Kythri date in a casual fashion, and their families mumble about possible marriage.
- Falia, Usela, Guilo, and Horus become the stars of the schools various athletic and tactical competitions.
The Brotherhood in Earnest
- The Emperess appears before us.
- Ravel reforms his ways, beginning his path towards the Immaculate Faith, becoming close with his former victim, Viagu.
- Kythri attempts suicide, and is saved by Viagu and Ravel.
- The group becomes a close-knit circle, promising aid and friendship to each other.
- Tokkera is accidental snubbed and rejected from the "Cool Kids", having not shared the vision. She swears enmity against Viagu for 'taking her place' and starts up a rival clique
- Viagu, Zende and Ravel become increasingly focused on investigating the Empress and the spiritual import of the Visitation.
- Desro falls hard for Viagu, and stops seeing Kythri, who takes it well at the time, using his guilt to make him do her bidding.
- School years pass, with the group performing physically, socially and academically, supporting each other. The shared 'Golden Age'
Shadows on the Horizon
- A bit too much to drink, a challenge and a bet led Falia to agree to climb to the peak of Eagle Rock during a dinner party one night. She ended up badly injured and quite probably would have died before morning had Zende not found her and got her back to a healer in time.
- After Zende and Desro investigated the matter, they found out that it was someone in Tokkera's clique who had pushed Falia into accepting the challenge.
- Zende was barely of note to Guilo until he saved Falia from Tokkera's malice. While they watched over their injured friend, they passed the time with Gateway, finding themselves evenly matched. Since then, the games have formed the central thread to their relationship, played when they meet and by post when they cannot.
- Desro, maturing into a man of unique honour, refuses to rat on a client who is part of Tokkera's clique, allowing the clique to throw an immense party and stealing Kythri's crown.
- Kythri, spurned by Desro, decided to take his "innocent flower", Viagu, and change her completely. Time for a makeover!
- Zende, at Kythri's instructions, commits his first murder, poisoning Tokkera's simharta and causing it to throw her to her death.
- Kythri attempts suicide again and is discovered and saved by Desro and returns to being her pawn and lover for the while, even as she comes to loath him for knowing her weakness.
- At Kythri's prompting, Guilo informs Desro's family about his marital attentions towards Viagu, and Desro's hopes are swiftly and painfully crushed.
- Out of spite, Kythri causes Usera to become infatuated by the 'new' Viagu and an affair begins between Usera and Viagu.
The Shattering Storm
- Falia accidentally reveals Kythri's role in his dissapointments to Desro, and suggests to him her role in Tokkera's murder. He becomes her bitterest enemy, never again referring to her by name and generating a storm that shakes the Brotherhood to its knees.
- Desro does (insert some pretty shocking and cunning and dangerous things) to try destroy Kythri, and she lashes back.
- Guilo and Usela take Kythri's side, since she seems to be seeking unity and wanting peace. Viagu and Zende are reluctantly dragged to support Kythri by their complicity in her plans and their relationships, familial and sexual, but both want peace and do their best to remain friends. Falia and Ravel remain awkwardly in the middle, seeking peace for their own reasons. Desro feels wronged and abandoned.
- Viagu, somewhat lost and isolated within the tubrulent tensions, becomes increasingly mysterious, Laura Palmer-style, involving herself with odd people and inexplicable projects.
- Failia arranges a sizable loan from House Ragra to Viagu for unstated, but likely weirdness-related, purposes
Graduation Day
(Note: I'm not sure about the timeline here. Looking at the initial post for this thread, it sounds like the Dinner party occurred very shortly after the graduation. Some of thse events may need be to rearranged).
- Desro, feeling abandoned and bitter, returns to the sea with a vengeance, seeking to get away from traiters, monsters, the woman he hates and the woman he loves.
- Ravel joins the Immaculate Order, formally breaking his engagement with Guilo and causing an immense rift between them.
- Although, recuited by the Legions, Falia agrees to go to work for her House instead, starting out as an itinerant agent.
- After being discharged from the Legions in a cloud of mystery, Viagu goes "adventuring", disappearing off the map for a few years.
- Kythri spends a period leading an unattached calvary company in the Legions.
- Zende becomes an enforcer for the Cynis Vice Council.
- Horus and Usera accept commisions into the Legion.
The Dinner Party
- Aiming to further impress her elders, Falia seeks to engage in important and secret business deals with the Cynis but Guilo has orders from Mnemon herself to prevent the deal going through.
- Guilo, seeking a chance to stop Falia, pushes her to abandon Desro and take Kythri's side once and for all. A duel occurs, and Guilo is beaten and disgraced, recieving from Falia her first physial and emotional scars.
- Usera and Zende get into a screaming match over the result of the duel, what loyalty is, the divisions between friends, Usera's abandonement of Viagu to her fate in the Scavenger Lands and their responsibility for the mess and the real purpose of the Brotherhood.
- Kythri, after watching the duel and seeing Desro's face as he watched the duel, needed 'some air'. She was joined by Ravel, who sought to comfort her and once again save her soul. She looked to him for comfort, and they slept together... and the next morning, he was gone without a word.
Life Beyond School
- Guilo, shamed and disgraced, takes to slumming in the Imperial City, squandering her coins
- Falia, successful in her mission at the dinner party, becomes a star in her family, her ambitions many steps closer to being achieved.
- Kythri becomes Satrap of Caspian, a isolated pirate-city surrounded by mountains, deserts and horse-nomads.
- Zende is given control of the drug trade in Caspian, becoming once again Kythri's top man.
- While recruiting a team of roughnecks from the slums of the Imperial City, Zende encounters Guilo and gives her a sharp wake-up speech that Guilo takes to heart.
- Guilo starts using the docks of Caspian as a base, and despairing of even finding Lyta, accepts a Letter of Marquee to hunt Lintha from Kythri via Zende.
The Present
- Falia is in the Juche Prefecture being trained to become the Head of Security for House Ragara.
- Horus has been transfered back to the Blessed Isle.
- Usera and her troops were stationed in the rear of the battle against the Bull of the North. Most of them made it out alive and now Usera controls one of the only standing, regular wings of Tepet legionaires.
- The day before she died, Vaigu turned up at Zende's place, clearly uncharacteristically drunk and stoned, and babbled and rambled for a few hours, talking about everything from their school days to the possibility of a Realm-wide civil war. She was often almost completely incoherent, and also often seemed frightened and depressed, but Zende put that down to the drugs. Eventually, she made a clumsy pass at him and Zende, made uncomfortable by this breach of their big brother/little sister type relationship, shot her down as gently as possible and strongly suggested she go home and sleep it off. The next day, of course, she was found murdered on the streets.
- The night of Vaigu’s death everyone in the group dreamed of her, but only in Zende’s dream did she speak, giving him something that seemed like a cryptic, unclear warning.
- Viagu is found to have been murdered.
- Guilo, now a respected and feared pirate-hunter, hears of Vaigu's murder in the Caspian port and agrees to ship Zende and Kythri home for the funeral.
Exalted_The_DragonBlooded:_Rumours_of_War Exalted PbP game in RPG.net