Effect Roll

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To figure out how many Effect Points you have to play with for a given Astrological Effect you roll your Essence + Rating in the applicable College. Usually kind of wimpy by itself, you can boost it with a few simple bits:

Planning a Destiny Also known as doing the Spiders' work for them. Intellegence + Craft (Fate), Difficulty = Essence of highest Essence NPC or PC affected. Takes the PC Sidereal 24 hours and nets them one die on the Effect Roll per three successes on this roll (round up).

Precompute a Horoscope Doing even more of the Spiders' work for them. Requires 24 Hours of work with access to Astological observatory, must follow Destiny Planning above (not usable by itself). Intelligence + Occult, Difficulty 1. you get one die on the Effect Roll per three successes on this roll (round up), not to exceed the successes of the Destiny Planning Roll.

Extra Sidereals Sidereals who cosigned the petition may help the submitting Sidereal at the prayer, each one making a Charisma + Performance, Difficulty 3. Each successful Sidereal adds their Essence to the Effect Roll.

Ritual Behavior Wearing the trappings of the constellation for three days prior to drawing up their petition can get you an extra die on the Effect Roll, three dice if they don the Resplendent Destiny of that Constellation.

There are a few extra bits and gotchas, but that's the gist of it. Check pages 208 and 209 under Effect Modifiers, as well as the summary on pages 218 and 219.

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Original Author: Neverway

Please, feel free to edit this so it actually make sense. Neverway 18:19, 3 Jul 2005 (PDT)