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File:Http:// large.jpg Scrap Techno-organic semi-enchanted robotic vacuum.

Personality: Somewhat alien, mostly curious, and strangely nice. Has a tendency to put random things in its mouth, occasionally offering some to others in an attempt to not be rude. Refers to itself as "self" and people generally as "self friend", "self neutral", or "self enemy", sometimes with names included (ex: self friend kitty).

Powers: Shapeshifting to a degree, absorption of inorganic matter, ability to add mass to itself through absorption, amalgamation or possession of any technology it can at least partially engulf. Seems to be immune to extreme cold, and possibly heat as well. When fully compact, can become incredibly durable and strong.

Weaknesses: Shapeshifting ability is limited by the mass Scrap has at any given time. If it takes a large form without having suitable mass, it takes material from inside itself, leaving a hollow, and depending on size, potentially quite fragile, shell on the outside. From there, depending on mass and current size, it can be quite susceptible to physical damage. It also feels hunger if it doesn't absorb anything for too long, hinting that it could actually starve. An EMP or large enough electrical surge could potentially damage it extensively.

Background: Scrap began its existence as a simple hand vacuum owned by Dr. Danger. However, shortly after Dr Danger killed Pseudo and vacuumed up the remains, a piece of reviving magic (in the form of duct tape Patch carries) managed to get sucked in, hitting part of Pseudo and adhering to the vacuum. The resulting effect became a sentient, techno-organic robot, in the form of a vacuum. Which promptly wandered off before being found by Snow Cat, and accidentally being fed. The inherent abilities come from Pseudo, while the spark of life comes from Patch. The personality is a slight mix between the two, while mainly being that of a child currently.