Assassins team

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Revision as of 23:13, 14 March 2009 by Zoraker (talk | contribs)
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Name: Ben

Title: assassin

Race: goblin

Guild: goblin tribe

Class: ranger

Body features

Body type: dragonish

Horns: triceratops

Eyes: dragon

Fangs: vampire

Spikes: fish spikes

Wings: angel

Tail: raptor

Claws: raptor


Head: cyber helm


Shoulders: cyber shoulder pads

Arms: cyber arm guards

Hands: cyber gauntlets

Body: cyber body plate

Ring 1: finger piece: laser aimer

Ring2: finger piece: laser aimer

Left weapon: laser shooters

Right weapon: laser shooters

Throwing weapon: grenades

Throwing weapon:

Waist: cyber torso

Tail: cyber tail plate

Tail weapon: laser tail gun

Legs: cyber leg plate

Feet: cyber greave

Mount: triceratops

m-head: cyber helm

m-body: cyber body plate

m-tail: cyber tail plate

m-legs: cyber leg plate

m-feet: cyber greave


Pet: t - rex


  • elite goblin archer

  • elite goblin archer

  • goblin cleric

  • goblin cleric

  • goblin sword master

Reinforcements: goblin warriors

Mana disciplines

Attack spells

