Iceman PL15

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Revision as of 12:07, 8 August 2005 by (talk)
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INIT: +2, DEF: 17/15; Base Speed 30/60/120 Ice Slide 60/120/240;MELEE +7, RANGED +7. SAVES: DMG +2, FORT +2, REF +2, WILL +2; ABILITIES: STR 14 (+2), DEX 14 (+2), CON 14 (+2), INT 12 (+1), WIS 10 ( 0), CHA 14 (+2)

SKILLS: Bluff +7/5, Computers* +4/3, Diplomacy +8/4, Disguise +4/0, Innuendo* +4/0, Intimidate +4/0, Listen +3/3, Pilot* +4/2, Sleight/Hand* +4/0, Taunt +12/.

FEATS: Accurate Attack, Blind Fight, Identity Change, Iron Will, Move-By Attack, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot.

POWERS: ENERGY: COLD +12, [extra: Energy Blast, Energy Shapes, Shapeble, Snare, Area, Drain: Dexterity, Ice Slide]; source: Mutation

ALTERNATE FORM +8, Immunities: Cold, Critical hits, Disease, Poison, Suffocation, Pressure, Exhaustion; [extras: Continous, Regeneration, Regrowth, Back From the Brink, flaw: Missing Effect: Super Strength, Requires Moisture; source: Mutation