Character:Kelga Silvertongue
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Kelga ‘Ne cyrean
Deed name: Silvered Tounge
Caste: Changing moon
Concept: Nobles Hand
Kelga is a lightly built women, with a mane of wild almost unkempt brown hair, from under the fringe green eyes state out seeming evaluating everything she sees. Her lips seem to have a constant smile upon them, and she handles her problems and problem people in a seemingly good natured way, unless that problem threatens what is hers. Since she has exalted she favours light, loose fitting clothes in which it is easy to conceal various powders, potions and other implements a proper lady should have no need of, the only visible ornamentation she wears is a set of bracelets and anklets beautifully engraved these are in fact a set of armour dating from the 1st age itself. She openly carries a flute and wears the brightly coloured cloak that in her homeland would identify her as a travelling performer
Bring peace to the Hundred Kingdoms
Veri is the centre of my life it is due to her that I have been lifted from a life of obscutiy, I will protect her against all harm no mattre the cost. A quick tounge and a sharp mind are better than brute strength, never use brute force unless or other options are exhausted.
10 motes to create a Illusion of someone you know, aura of trustwirthiness gain bonus die equal to perment essence to social actions. If banner activates array of shifting light and shadow +essence in diffculty to identfiy lunar. Discription Purple, and white flowing mist. With two points of silver light. (Iconic form: the Two points of light become the eyes of a prowling cat.)
PHYSICAL: Strength 2, Dexterity 3*, Stamina 3
SOCIAL: Charisma 4*, Manipulation 5*, Appearance 3
MENTAL: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4*
Martial arts 5* Dodge 2 Thrown 2 Integrity 2 Resistance 2
Performance 3 Presence 3 Socialize 2 Survival 2 Linguistics 1 (Riverspeak, Forest tongue) Stealth 2 Craft 1
Bureaucracy 1 Lore 1 Medicine 1
Hearts Blood 2
Kelga has spent time on her travels after her iniation to gain new forms. She has begun to enjoy the freedom gained by shapeshifting the wonder of flying as the eagle or hunting as the cat. Panther, goat, Horse, Anaconda. Plus a few human forms she has promised not to take a humans form and thus life unjustly. (Brothel mistress, Male Slaver)
Reputation 1
Althrough her deeds of glory during her trial where barely succesful. She showed great ability in cunning by destroying a small garrison of mercs who had intruded into a Elders domain from within, it took her little longer than two weeks to reduce the camp to a set of feuding fractions.
Solar Bond 1
Kelga has begun to have strange dreams, a shadowy figure appears within them someone who seems to be important to her. The person is both inticing and frighting. She has begun to search for the person finding herself needing to know who it is.
Manse 1 (Stone of Passion)
Artifact 2 (Descret Essence Armour)
Not long after returning to her home kingdom Kelga occasionly felt the need to wonder the surronding lands, it was during on such soujurn that she decided to enter the endless ways. She quickly became lost and stumbled upon the manse as she tried to find her way out. As soon as she steped across the threshold she felt a sense of belonging. As she examined the site she found the Bracelets and Anklets that made up the armour laid out as if she was expected.
Allies 1 (Veri)
Veri is Kelgas older 'sister'. The two young women are very close and support each other as much as possible, althrough Veri has become slightly distant as of late as she tries to come to terms with Kelgas exaltion.
Resources 2
Kelga recives a small stipend from her family and supplemts this with her earning as a entertainer.
1st Excel (1m/die, adds dice to any Dexterity roll)
Golden Tiger Stance (2m, removes up to Dex points of DV penalties)
1st Excel (1m/die, adds dice to any Maipulation roll)
Mask of White Jade (2m (+1wp), Makes any attmept to read intent, motivations or detect lies automticly fail)
Mirror Sight Dismay (5m, roll Manipulation+Presence, any target whose MDv is less than roll has one belief inverted)
New Friend Aroma (3m, Roll Charisma + Presence Vs Mdv succes creates intimacy as friend or foe as desired)
2nd Excel (2m, Buys one succes for any charisma action)
Martial arts
Birdsong over blades (2m, Reduces damage to Zero, Target still suffers other effects)
Alehouse Stance (3m, Make unexpected attack without penatly)
Owl Clutches at the Night (3m, Before step 3 make Wits+Ma Vs Target Perception+1 if succesful attack never happened)
White Veil form (4m, +die upto essence to stealth to regain suprise by lossing same amount of die to attack from suprise. -1 die penalty to all attackers)
Blinded by laughter (2m, As long as succesful unexpected attack is made and no damage is dealt, no-one is aware of attack)
Dragon Dies sleeping (2m, 1wp Creates posion which takes effect up between 1-3 weeks later when target is asleep. Wits+medicine roll Vs diffculty 2 allows exalt to choose time of effect)
Prey Skins Disguise (Take other human forms)
Life of the Humming Bird (Take new form for one hour with even trickle of blood, 1hl worth allows one use of shape for 1 full day)
Subtle Silver Declaration (1m, Makes Tell mental attack auto work for 1 day)
Combo: Death comes silently (Birdsong over blades, Blinded by Laughter,1st Dex)
Essence: 3
Peripheral: 31/36 (5 commited)
Personal: 15/15
Perment: 6 avalible: 6/6
Compassion: 2, I take care of those who are close to me, and lend a hand when to others when it suits me to.
Conviction: 2, I will stand by my ideals for aslong as I can
Temperance: 3, I may wear the shape of a beast, but I will not act as one. I will control my baser impulses
Valor: 2, I know fear and it knows me, but I will not let it rule me. That being said I know that some times discretion is the better part of valor
Limit Break
Spitefulness of the Scalded Cat: Kelga will do everything in her power, no matter the cost to destroy someone who she feels has slighted her in some way (real or perceived). Controlled: Can be convinced not to risk herself or her close allies.
Limit Conditions: Resisting Temperance,the full moon. Current Limit: None
Hand needle
Throwing needles
(Several does of various poisons in secret pouches)
Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage, 2B Defense 6, Rate3
Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 5B, Defense 2, Rate 2
Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 2B, Defense n/a Rate 1
Hand needle: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 1L Defense N/A Rate 3
Throwing needle: Speed 5, Accuracy 4, Damage 1L Defense N/A Rate 3 Range 10.
Coral Snake Venom: Dmg 6L/1 tick, Tox 3, -5 internal penalty
Dragon Dies sleeping: Dmg 12B/min, Tox 3L, Tol -, Penaly -0
Dodge DV: 7
Parry DV: 4 (Unarmed only)
Soak: 1L/3B (6L/9B with armor)
Dodge MDV: 5
Parry MDV: 4
Kelga is the Twinborn sister of Veri, that is she was born at the same time as Veri. As is the custom in Parlson she was adopted into the cyrean family she was brought up as a member if the family and began her training to support Veri when she took over as head of the family. Kelga quickly became devoted to her older 'sister' and would do anything for her, this did land Kelga in alot of trouble but she did not mind too much. She did however find that she could get out of trouble with a winsome smile or a slight down turning of her lips.
Much of her time was spent in training. Learning about lore, the ways of the court. But also song and dance and darker things such as the uses and counters of poisons and other methods of assassination. Yet she endured all this for the occasion moments of free time with Veri. Eventually they both reached the age of majority and where sent to be fostered by another family it was a chance for them to get to know the other great houses, and to test them to see if they were worthy of their positions. It was while they where being fostered that Kelga true talent for rhetoric came forth, she was eloquent in her speeches and easily able to argue her points with people many times her senior. She was also a shrewd advisor to Veri, and helped her to steer a course through the courtly intrigues. However they also uncovered some corruption within a few of the noble families especially that Salder, when they began to pressure to have laws enacted to curtail them. The Salder where furious and attempted to have the two girls killed. The assassin was caught before he could act, instead of pursing the matter in the council Kelga decided to take revenge personally. She was quickly able to counter many of the Salder’s plots and spread rumors about Sadler’s dealings soon very few would willing deal with the family. Several members were arrested and tried for corruption, dealing in slaves and other illegal items, when she was satisfied that she had broken the family, she lead the forces dispatched to bring the heads of the family to court to be tried for their crimes, so that they would know who was responsible for their fall. After they had be tried and sentenced, they tried to strike one more time. This time the hired killer reached the Girls private chambers and made to strike at Veri. Kelga imposed herself, and although she was severely wounded, with the assassins poison flowing through her system, she was able to kill him before she collapsed into a deep sleep. It was then that she was visted by Luna who showed Kelga that what she had experienced was simply a symptom of a wider problem and that if she truly wanted to protect Veri, then she must help to heal the Hundred Kingdoms as well. Since then Kelga has begun to travel from Parlson to see the troubles of the lands for her self, she has found country after country where the strong oppress the weak for their own gains, where the law is a sham. But she also has heard rumors of others who she may be able to ally with, beings such as her self and the ancient godkings of all. Most disturbing however is the shadowy figure in her dreams, she can’t make out their face yet something seems to be elusively familiar about them. The figure is both welcoming and fearful at the same time.
Kelga is a short even for a women, she stands at barely 5'2, with a light frame. Her green eyes stare out from a fringe of wild brown hair, Kelga does her best to keep it tied back but it still tends to escape and hang loose. She favours loose fitting clothes with sashs and long sleeves, the easier to hide certain objects on her person, the clothes tend to be in light shades of greens and blues. Since she has begun her travels she has disguised her self as a traveling entertainer, dancing, playing music and telling stories, and she wears the traditonal cloak that marks her as such.
She tends to have a ready smile on her face and deals with all problems in a good natured way, espeically when dealing with Veri and her familly. That being said she does however have a vindictve streak that appears to have got worse since her exaltation and more than one person has regreted their words and actions.