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Beyond the Tomb of Five Corners - Session 11[edit]

SonoftheMetalFlame: The University of Makers is a large, two-story building that looks to be sculpted more than constructed - its form is elegant and aesthetically pleasing in a very minimalist way.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Within the building, there is a large commons area connected to a large dining area - and connected to that, a reasonably small kitchen.

SonoftheMetalFlame: From the commons area, there are stairs leading upward to the dormitories - 20 rooms for the students, two for myself and Sibu Romayi, the Dragonblooded who assists me in running the place, and five rooms for guests. Every room is exceptional - expensive silks for the beds and curtains, baths, and so on.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Also off of the commons area is a library of decent size containing information on a variety of subjects.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Another building is a few yards from the main one - the forge and the workshop. The facilities are equipped with the finest tools and nonmagical materials (and a bit of magical) and are constantly being used by the students.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Just behind the main building are hot springs, which see frequent use by the students later in the day.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Sibu Romayi, the cofounder of the university, is an aging Dragonblooded who looks to be in his mid 200's. He is very kind and smiles often, though with his students he is often strict and punishes imperfection reliably.

SonoftheMetalFlame: His voice is deep and gravelly and speaks at a slow pace. He is short, but appears very strong built (especially for his age).

SonoftheMetalFlame: His features appear to have been chiseled from stone, and not one hair is visible on his head or face.

SonoftheMetalFlame: The students are all very polite and formal with guests and with the two headmasters, but with each other, are semi-casual and generally relaxed.

Thelaos: What's the area around the manse like?

SonoftheMetalFlame: It's about 30 miles out from the foot of a dormant volcano, and there is a village some 5 miles to the west.

SonoftheMetalFlame: The town runs extensive mining operations.

SonoftheMetalFlame: The manse itself has minimal defenses at best.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Though the students are all skilled combatants and would willingly die to protect the manse and Sibu and myself.

Lei_Zu: On the way Lei Zu's face has changed to that of young man of perhaps 18 years, of Eastern descent but with hints of Northern features mixed in, with short, blonde hair. His clothes are now colored in red and brown and of good, if simple, make.

Lei_Zu: "My previous face is known to Lanterntown now," he explains the metamorphosis to the others. "Best if 'Lei Zu' becomes 'Johan No-Father' from now on."

Johan: Besides training in solitude and developing his new technique Johan will attend some classes, if Son permits, furthering his general education as well as learning the basic facts of thaumaturgy and the occult.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Son is quite glad to have Johan attend classes - everyone is welcome to join in and learn what they can, and peruse the library at their discretion.

Johan: Johan spends quite a bit of time in the area of the library dealing with the dead and the Underworld.

Johan: He will also ask Son if - as a favor to him - he would forge new weapons for him, better than the knives he currently uses.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Son will gladly do just that for Johan.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Yeah, I don't think I will name them - but they will carry my initials engraved in the hilt. Not that it makes a difference.

SonoftheMetalFlame: Perhaps not my initials, actualy - a rigid sketch of a flame.

Johan: "One day these will be worth a lot as a collector's piece - should we all survive."

SonoftheMetalFlame: Son grins. "One day you will have things from me that will be worth more by orders of magnitude."

Johan: "It seems I already have." *lets rope protrude from one sleeve, snake-like*

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Oh, trust me. Before I am dead, I shall have made weapons and all manner of things so great that no person would even consider parting with it for less than the Blessed Isle itself."

Johan: "And anyone in the position to pay such a price would be unlikely to do so."

SonoftheMetalFlame: Son just smiles.

Alyssa: Apart from what appears to be a fairly modest exercise routine, Alyssa spends more time at the village than she does at the university.

Johan: (oh right, I forgot, Johan will want to borrow one of the wasps for a trip, returning perhaps a week later, not speaking of where he went)

Thelaos: (and Thelaos will make regular trips to the nearby village to check on them and give medical aid to anyone who might be sick or injured)

Kuros: One day, several months after you have arrived, Sibu comes and finds Son.

Kuros: He bows slightly, a faintly worried look on his face. "We have some visitors."

SonoftheMetalFlame bows in return, his expression stoic. "Who are they?"

Kuros: "They are Dragon-Blooded, from the north." he pauses slightly, then says, "They claim to be emissaries of the Bull."

SonoftheMetalFlame lets a slight smile crack. "Well, please lead me to them."

Kuros: Sibu turns, and leads you through the hallways down to a rather opulent sitting room, where three Dragon-Blooded, a Fire Aspect, an Earth Aspect, and a Water Aspect are seated at a large, round table.

SonoftheMetalFlame walks into the room and bows deeply. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. What brings you to my humble school?"

Kuros: The Fire Aspect stands, and bows slightly. "My name is Kainon, and these are my companions, Cheyasa and Issaga." They each nod slightly in turn.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It is a pleasure to meet each of you. My name is Son of the Metal Flame, though I trust this is not new information."

Thelaos: (and Thelaos, at this point, was probably either in the library or the nearby village.. if he was present when Son was summoned, he would've come along)

Johan: Johan will be there. Though nobody will ever know, unless he drops his new Charm ...

Kuros: Kainon smiles faintly, his dark red skin crinkling at the corners of his mouth. "Naturally not. May in inquire who your associates are?" He gestures at Thelaos and Alyssa, if she came.

Alyssa: (Alyssa would probably be in the village for the day)

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Forgive me. To my right is Thelaos, another good friend. He is quite skilled in medicine and combat, so he has been teaching a few things to my students."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "And of course, Sibu Romayi, craftsman extroardinaire. Though I also imagine this is known to you."

Thelaos nods his head, not being much for bowing, "good to meat you all."

Kuros: "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you both. Your university is gaining quite a reputation."

SonoftheMetalFlame smiles and bows slightly. "That is kind of you to say."

Kuros: "In fact, that is why we are here. We have heard of your extensive collection, and wish to be granted access to your library."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I ask of anyone that wishes access to my facilities a few things. First, in the case of the library, what do you intend to study?

Thelaos raises an eyebrow, having figured that emissary from the Bull would've wanted more from a circle of solars than a few books.

Kuros: Kainon smiles. "Historical documents, primarily."

Kuros: "We would also have some interest on any information you might have concerning warstriders. AS you may have heard, we...acquired...a number of them after our little confrontation with the Empire."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Then there is the matter of payment."

Kuros: Kainon nods. "What do you require?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Knowledge. Information. Perhaps you have something that could expand my library."

Kuros: "Well, we do have access to several First Age libraries, but as you might imagine, we couldn't very well bring them with us..."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Hm. I do not have much need for books on the First Age at present, but perhaps..." Son ponders for a moment. "Have you any texts on sorcery? Perhaps of the Celestial Circle? I have been searching for some for quite some time."

Johan memorizes the faces of the Dragonblooded, intending to draw sketches later. They don't seem to be enemies, but you never know ...

Kuros: Kainon looks at his companions for a moment.

Kuros: He then reaches into his pocket, and withdraws a cube of about 1 inch on each side, and sets it on the table.

SonoftheMetalFlame steps forward and picks up the cube, looking it over.

Kuros: "I was told to offer you this, if silver or jade did not...tempt you." He smiles faintly. "Our patron's companion, Siva, thought you might be interested in it."

Thelaos seems to be watching the terrestrials more closely than the cube.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Do you know what is recorded on this?"

Kuros: Kainon shakes his head. "No."

Kuros: "Such things are beyond us."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "You will not mind if I check to see what it contains before I accept your offer, then?"

Kuros: They glance at each other, then Kainon turns back to you. "Shall we return in a day, then?"

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "I shall have an answer in that time, yes."

Kuros: They stand, and Kainon bows. "Until tommorow, then."

Kuros: THey file out of the room.

SonoftheMetalFlame bows deeply. "Until then."

Johan follows them, undetectable.

Johan: Driven by the old paranoia he shadows the three Dragonblooded, wanting to see where they will go and what they will talk about.

Thelaos remains behind with Son of the Metal Flame, "before you consider their offer too favorably.. remember that the Bull is a thug. Helping him achieve his ambitions may not be the best course."

SonoftheMetalFlame sits at the table where the cube had been set down and looks at Thelaos. "All the more reason to cooperate, as I see it. I do not wish to start a feud with this man, and their offer appears quite generous."

Johan: A few minutes later there's a knock at the door and Johan enters the room when invited.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Please come in."

Johan: bows in greeting to both Son and Thelaos

Johan: He closes the door behind him. "So, the Bull ..."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods to Johan. "Did you learn anything that we should know?"

Johan: "Sadly not. I couldn't even tell which dialect they speak."

Thelaos frowns as he thinks it over. "He has murdered his way across the north and is poised to continue into my own homeland soon. These men came a long way to see your library, and I doubt terrestrial servants are employed lightly. There is something important here."

SonoftheMetalFlame sets the crystal on the table and looks at it intently. "Perhaps we can also amend this agreement to have him spare your homeland, Thelaos. As far as what they intend to find in my library... well, Sibu and I have read through it quite extensively and I do not think there is anything in there that would pose a threat, though I do of course intend to keep an eye on them."

Johan: Johan sits down. "Yes, the question seems to be whether we oppose him at this point?"

Johan: "He is a warlord, the worst kind of ruler there is."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I see no reason that we should oppose him. If he had not sent his men here, we would not be considering ever going up against him. As it stands, I stand to benefit quite a bit and there is little they can gain here that would be used against us."

Johan: "In the long run, we will have to either oppose him, join him, or meet him as equals to check his expansionist plans."

Johan: "It might be years until it comes to that, but such a decision will have to be made."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Indeed."

Thelaos nods. "I will respect your choice here in your home, Son of the Metal Flame, but I made the decision of which Johan speaks years ago."

Thelaos: "The Bull of the North opposes *me*."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "He knows of you, then?"

Thelaos: "I doubt that he does."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "That is good. I feared for a moment that I had compromised our safety by notifying him of your location."

Thelaos: "His nature is such that he will only find me an enemy. That's all."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods, pondering things silently.

Johan: "What is his nature? I know only what is general knowledge."

Johan: "And on the way to Nexus I imagine quite a few things will have been lost or changed in the telling."

Thelaos: "As you said.. he is a warlord. There many of them, and they all have their differences, but in the end there is little to say about a man who would slaughter thousands to rule."

Thelaos: "I know this well."

Johan nods, sadly.

Thelaos: "Before I cam here, I saw many refugees migrating south - trying to escape his war. I treated sick and wounded travelers who told me stories of his fledgling empire."

Johan: "I would gladly see thousands dead if it meant peace, but with rulership as a goal ... that is different."

Johan: "Of course, a good rhethorian can make the two seem to be the same."

Alyssa, having returned from the village and picked up the gossip that there had been Dragonblooded visitors from some students, knocks on the door to the sitting room.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Please enter."

Alyssa walks in. "So, I hear that there have been some interesting visitors. Not Wyld hunters, I take it?"

Johan: "Probably."

Johan: "Their story is that they are emissaries of the Bull of the North."

Alyssa: "Well that gives me a comfortable certainty about their good intentions." Alyssa pulls out a small bag of tobacco and looks at SonofMetalFlame for permission to light up.

Johan grins sardonically.

SonoftheMetalFlame nods to Alyssa.

Johan: "We were just discussing that very matter."

Alyssa starts rolling a cigarette. Keen perceptions might note that there is more than tobacco in the roll-up. "What does the Bully-boy of the North want?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "He wants to use my library."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "They claim it is because he wishes to study about warstriders, as he has just come into possession of a few."

Johan: "And 'historical documents', whatever they mean by that."

Johan: "It occurs to me, that those might be more valuable to them then is apparent to you, Son. They might have complimentary intelligence, that gives greater meaning to seemingly unimportant details."

Alyssa: "Hard to say. The warstrider study probably makes sense, now that I think about it," Alyssa says, fitting the cigarette into a holder and lighting it with a sulphur match. "They're supposed to need a corps of sorcerers to keep running from all accounts."

Alyssa: "Do you even have any texts about them?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Some. Perhaps nothing exhaustive on the matter, but I have books with plenty to teach about them."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "It is feasible that one could learn the basics of operating them from what I possess."

Alyssa: "So he can pretty definitely profit by studying here - or at least having some of his people study here since I doubt he'd handle this himself." She shrugs. "How do you feel about supporting him like that?"

Johan: "If the information they seek here is crucial to that endeavour, denying it to him would make sense. His power would increase enormously."

Johan: "However we also need to consider that this may be secondary to establishing a positive relationship, testing the waters so to speak."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then perhaps I should see what it is he is offering me." Son picks up the crystal concentrates... (Channeling a mote of essence to active it)

Johan: "They spoke of other libraries under their control, this visit might be no more than a pretext for a different mission."

Kuros: Son's eyes go glassy as the crystal begins to go with a soft golden light

Alyssa: "Possibly, did they say anything to suggest they know that any of us are Solars?"

Johan: "Not that I noticed. Finding that out might be one of their objectives, though."

Kuros: The glow from the cube stops

SonoftheMetalFlame looks at the others in the room. "I... don't think I can turn this offer down."

Thelaos: "What is it?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "The entirety of the Terrestial Circle of sorcery and six spells of the Celestial Circle. This is exceptionally rare."

Thelaos: "All in that..?"

Thelaos looks at the cube.

SonoftheMetalFlame: nods. "It is, in fact, a library."

Johan: whistles.

Thelaos: frowns and considers the information.

Alyssa: Alyssa nods. "That's no a piker's offer."

Thelaos: "This only means that your library is far more important than you may realize."

Johan: "Then either the information they seek is a great deal more valuable than we have previously considered or they want you to become indebted to them."

Alyssa: "Either the historical information is very important or he's up to something with his warstriders. Either would be interesting."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I apologize, but I must be upfront with all of you. I do not care what his intentions are, as long as he does not intend to harm us directly. I want this crystal."

Johan frowns. "Actually, have they established their identity, proven they are who they say they are?"

Alyssa: "It is your library, Son of Metal Flame. Whatever our interest, the decision is yours as far as that goes."

Johan: "The last Dragonblooded we met was allied with the Mask."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "There has been no proof, no. Though I dare say, this crystal might suffice for that."

Johan nods at Alyssa's words. "If you grant them access, then let someone watch over them. They will expect that. I will be the watcher, they won't expect."

Johan: "Perhaps someone who knows their language. I regrettably don't."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "One of my students might. If not one of them, then possibly Sibu. Certainly we shall do our best to keep an eye on them."

Kuros: Bright and early the next day, the three Dragon-Blooded show up again, and Sibu escorts them to the same room

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Good day, gentlemen. Welcome back."

Kuros: Kainon bows. "Have you come to a decision, then?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have. You are welcome to use my library for your research. When would you like to begin?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: (Also, a student of mine from the general area in the North that the Bull rules is present in the room)

Kuros: Kainon smiles. "Immediately, if that is acceptable?"

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "It is indeed. Durnid here is an exceptional student of mine who knows the library very well. He will be assisting you with all of your needs while you are here."

Kuros: They glance at each other briefly, then give fractional nods. "Of course. We would welcome his assistance."

Kuros: Durnid inclines his head, then says, "If you will follow me?" And heads off to the library, the three Dragon-Blooded in tow

Johan is already in the library under cover of his Easily Overlooked Presence Method, apparently no more than another student working on something

Johan: (he will watch them, both in his guise as easily overlooked student and sometimes from up close in his imperceptible state)

Johan makes notes of what books they're looking at, what pages seem interesting to them, etc, anything to track their search

Kuros: (We're going to advance a couple more days. DOes anyone want to do anything in the interim?)

Alyssa: (if they're here for days, Alyssa will invite them to dinner with intention of finding out more about them)

SonoftheMetalFlame: (I'm going to be studying the sorcery in the crystal almost exclusively)

Kuros: OK, dinner, several days after they have arrived. It is later at night, after they have finished work in the library.

Kuros: Kainon is the talkative one, the other two are extremely quiet.

Alyssa: (Alyssa has Judge's Ear Technique and Sagacious Reading of Intent up)

Alyssa: (also gone all out to make the occasion a comfortable one for the guests)

Alyssa: "So, Kainon. Perhaps you'll indulge a woman's curiousity. What is the Bull of the North really like? I've heard so many stories."

Kuros: He takes a bite of his meal. "He is very intense, and very alive."

Alyssa: "Of course, he must be, to have had such an impact upon the North."

Kuros: "Are you the same Alyssa who makes such excellent wine? We have heard a great deal about you as we traveled."

Alyssa: "Well I do have some vineyards. This wine is from my vineyards in fact." Alyssa refills glasses as needed. "I didn't know it was trading that far north though. I suppose the trade routes have quite recovered from the wars though?"

Kuros: "Not quite yet, though we are trying to encourage trade as much as we can. But we only encountered your wine as we entered this area."

Alyssa: "Well, perhaps I should send a bottle or two with you for your lord when you leave." She smiles. "As a mark of my respect, of course."

Kuros: "I'm sure he would enjoy that."

Alyssa: "Have you served him for long?"

Kuros: "A little over a year," he says, smiling. "I'm sure you can understand the relief of belonging to a group that truly appreciates your talents."

Alyssa: "It's always good to be appreciated, I know. So you didn't fight for him in the wars then?"

Kuros: "I didn't, no. We all came to him later. How did you meet our most beneficent host?"

Alyssa: "Oh, we aren't so very far from my own lands here. We're practically neighbours. And we have some, well not similar - complementary interests, wouldn't you say, Son of Metal Flames?"

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "Complementary, most certainly. I am a man of the crafts, and in a way, you are as well. I do not yet understand the complexities of crafting a fine bottle of wine."

Kuros: As you are all conversing, a student bursts in...

SonoftheMetalFlame turns to Kainon. "Once I'd had a glass of her wine, I knew I had to meet her. I'm actually quite hoping to-"

Kuros: "Sir, forgive me, but I must speak with you."

SonoftheMetalFlame stands up from the table. "Please excuse me." He turns and follows the student out of the room.

Alyssa: "The demands of leadership," Alyssa says with a nod after the departing Son. "I suppose it's something else we share."

Kuros: He nods. "It can be trying."

Alyssa: "Well, it must be easier for us than it is for the Bull. After all, we rule quite small communities in comparison to his empire."

Kuros: Kainon smiles thinly. "Yes, that is certainly true."

Alyssa: "So, since you're presumably not from this area, and only recently joined the Bull, may I ask where you gentlemen come from originally?"

Kuros: Kainon eats some more. "I am from near Lookshy. Cheyasa and Issaga are from further north even than that." Cheyasa and Issaga nod, still not speaking a word.

Alyssa: "Ah, so you aren't from so very far away then. I suppose that's why you were sent here."

Kuros: Kainon nods, "I am indeed familiar with this area."

Alyssa: "I suppose this must be quite a backwater compared to what you're used to."

Kuros: "Our patrons lands are not yet the pinnacle of civilization, though we are working on it." He smiles

Alyssa: "Ah, but the attention of all Creation is upon you, while here the most excitement we've had all year was Lanterntown shuffling its ministers."

Kuros: Kainon shrugs. "I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time sooner or later."

Kuros: (Johan, Son finds you, in something of an excited state)

Johan: Johan is in the library, finishing up his report on the day's investigation into the DBs.

SonoftheMetalFlame approaches Johan, walking quickly. "Thelaos and a student of mine apparently saw a very large of people moving toward the manse carrying torches. I fear that this may lead to a conflict."

Johan: Johan stands up, letting his papers be. His voice is business-like. "From where? How far away? How many?"

Johan: His clothes change, shimmering like a mirage, settling into concealing black veils.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "All my student could tell me is that he saw the torches from a mile away."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have instructed him to ready all of the other students for combat."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I have not ventured outside to look, myself. First and foremost, I am notifying everyone of what is occurring. I must now go tell Sibu and Alyssa."

Johan: With practiced motions he checks his weapons, never out of reach even when he plays at being a student.

Johan: "Very well. Sibu will have command here in your absence, I assume?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Indeed."

Johan: "I will investigate these people with torches."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods, and exits the library.

Johan: Johan tucks his papers away between two books, then races up to the roof where he lets essence sharpen his ears to a superhuman degree, listening for the sounds a group of people like Son described would make.

Kuros: You hear the sounds of horses and men, perhaps 200 or 300, perhaps half a mile away, approaching the manse

Kuros: You hear metallic sounds, but it could be from anything. They are marching in step, though

Johan: (activate Monkey Leap Technique and move closer, using the darkness to hide myself)

Kuros: They bear the symbol of House Tepet

Kuros: And are a well armed group of 250 or so soldiers

Johan crouches down in the way or the soldiers, letting his clothes assume a shape approximating the soldiers' uniforms. Once they reach him he will insinuate himself into the ranks among the commander's aides, signal-givers, etc, still perfectly invisible and also Easily Overlooked in his uniform.

Kuros: OK, you gain the following information: They are here to seize Son's library and university. They are expecting little to no resistance, and don't suspect there is anything other than mortals there, except for Sibu, which they are confident they can deal with

Johan will keep an eye on the command structure ... or in other words make a list of people to take out to reduce their chain of command to pure chaos.

Johan: (any other DBs beside the commander?)

Kuros: Just one, another Air Aspect

Kuros: He seems to be the second in command

Johan: draws the shadows close and keeps his rope ready for when hostilities begin

SonoftheMetalFlame opens the door to the dining room. "I must apologize, my friends, but there is pressing business that needs to be attended to and I require Alyssa's assistance."

Alyssa: "It would seem that you spoke truer than you knew," Alyssa murmers to Kainon before standing. "Of course, how can I help?" she asks as she walks to the door.

SonoftheMetalFlame exits the room with Alyssa and leads her outside to further address her.

Thelaos walks up to the two as they step outside, coming from the direction of the village. "I take it your student delivered the message."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "He was not terribly informative, though. Do you know how many there were, how far away they are, or if they appear in any way armed?"

Alyssa: "What? Are we being attacked?"

Thelaos nods, "a full wing of warriors. They bear the markings of the Tepet Legions. I saw two dragonblooded fighters leading them, though there may be more."

Thelaos: "They should be less than a mile from us."

Alyssa: "The TEPET Legions? I'm astonished that they can scare up that many soldiers."

Thelaos: "They claim this area is now.. under House Tepet's control."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "This area? My manse?"

Thelaos nods at Son, "apparently, yes. I would've tried to hold them myself, but one of you may be able to handle this in a way that will not bring the attention of the wyld hunt."

SonoftheMetalFlame shakes his head. "I'm tempted to unleash everything I have on these fools. They had better not make any attempt at force."

Thelaos smiles slightly.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "If you will excuse me, though, I do not think this is a battle for my students. I need to get them somewhere safer."

SonoftheMetalFlame walks off.

Thelaos: "Of course. We're short on time, however."

Alyssa: "Where are they?" Alyssa asks, clearly concerned.

Thelaos: "They're on the road. They should be here in about twenty minutes."

Thelaos looks in the direction of the Tepet forces, musing, "I doubt their timing is a coincidence."

Alyssa: "With emissaries from the Bull in the area? Unlikely."

Thelaos: "Were you able to find anything more out from them, by the way?"

Alyssa: "A few things. He's not being entirely truthful, but I'm not sure what he's up to."

Thelaos nods.

Alyssa: "He's only served the Bull for about a year. And he claims to be from Lookshy, which I doubt."

SonoftheMetalFlame returns to Alyssa and Thelaos, moving at a quick jog.

Thelaos asks the two of them, "where's Johan?"

Kuros: You see the troops heading towards the manse, they will be there within 10 minutes, and you can hear the jingling of their arms and armor.

Alyssa: "I'll just go and fetch something. Just in case." Alyssa steps inside for a moment.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I do not know where Johan went. I notified him of what was occurring and he said he was going to investigate."

Thelaos nods, "very well. Shall we fight them, or see what they have to say about all this?"

Alyssa emerges again, recognisable from her clothes, but now with refined, patrician features and slightly curly red hair. She holds her blackwood staff in one hand.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We shall see what they have to say, but we should most certainly be prepared to fight."

Alyssa: "Talking would seem to cost little and might reveal what they are up to. We can always fight them afterwards if they aren't co-operative."

Thelaos: "Also.. have your guests been secured?"

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Ah. That slipped my mind. I suppose I should notify them of what is occurring."

Thelaos: "They have not proven faithful, as far as I know, and their timing here only makes them more suspect."

Kuros: The column of 250ish troops approaches, headed by a dragon blooded with pale skin, and light blue hair, who's breath fogs with each breath. He is mounted on a horse, and is encased in blue jade armor with a blue jade daiklave across his back.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Nevermind."

Kuros: The Dragon-Blooded nudges his mount forward, and he looks down at all of you.

Alyssa: "Good evening," Alyssa greets him with perfectly feigned good cheer.

Kuros: He sneers at Alyssa, and unrolls a scroll. He begins to read from it.

Kuros: "By order of the Regent, this land is now under the control of House Tepet."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Unacceptable. What gives House Tepet the right to control this land?"

Kuros: "The Regent has every right!" the Dragon-Blooded snaps. "You will vacate this area immediately, or you and all your students will be arrested."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "We shall not vacate the premises. I demand to know why you are attempting to claim rights to my land."

Kuros: "It is no longer yours. ANd if you will not vacate..." he makes a gesture, and his horse steps backward, and a dozen troops begin moving forward, weapons drawn.

Thelaos addresses the terrestrial matter-of-factly, "The Realm has tried this before in the Scavenger Lands, I think. It never ends well."

Alyssa: "I don't recall any treaties that give anyone in the Realm the right to dispose of these lands," Alyssa says. "Or has some new agreement been made, Tepet..." She tails off, implicitly asking for his name."

Johan: Standing behind the commander, unnoticed among his soldiers Johan follows the Tepet scion's every movement, determined to strike first should hostilities begin.

Johan: As the man sends his troops forward Johan looks at his circlemates - they all seem ready to fight. So be it. But if bloodshed is inevitable, then it won't be these unwitting mortals who die first ...

Johan: Out from Johan's sleeve his rope shoots in a spiralling motion and in mid-air turns into the shadowy image of a serpent striking directly at the Dragonblooded's back. Following his attack Johan jumps forward onto the back of his horse where he flickers into visibility just as he is winding the snake around the man's neck like a strangling cord.

Johan: Who is this man in a Tepet soldier's uniform who is attacking the Talonlord just as he is sending his troops forward to do the Empire's will? Confusion is a weapon like any other to Johan.

Kuros: The Dragon-Blooded yells in surprise as your weapon emerges from his chest in a bloody fountain.

Johan: "Thus the unrighteous shall perish!" Johan's voice is surprisingly loud and clear and expertly modulated to strike fear into other's hearts.

Kuros: THe Dragon-Blooded grunts as you choke him, and struggles weakly.

Thelaos capitalizes on the mortals' shock at brutal attack against the wing's commander. He strides toward the dozen who'd been ordered forward, his voice deepening and his eyes burning. He appears greater and more powerful than any foe they've faced before as he draws and brandishes his daiklave.

Thelaos: "Back the way you came, mortals! Any who fight WILL die."

Kuros: Half of the troops give a great cry, and begin to flee into the fields, away from the manse. The rest, including the second Dragon-Blooded, look away from you.

Johan: Following the dramatic statement from Thelaos the shadowy serpent swells to enormous proportions, almost dragon-like and hurls the Tepet commander forward over the heads of the mortal soldiers in Alyssa's direction - she is the one with the means to knock him out rather than killing him. Then in the blink of an eye the shadow dragon's head moves forward and clamps his teeth shut around the 2nd in command.

Alyssa: Alyssa's eyes narrow as the arrogant Tepet is hurled in her direction. Grabbing one end of her staff, she slids it up between her fingers to shorten her grip on the weapon and brings it around with all the force she can, aiming to catch the fool with the fast moving end of the hardened wooden stave. (1 attack, 14 dice+stunt)

Kuros: The DB vainly attempts to parry with his daiklave as he sails through the air

Kuros: Your staff cracks him on the head, and he falls to the ground at you feet, unconcscious.

Kuros: The other Dragon-Blooded twists to the side as you attack him, barely managing to dodge.

Kuros: "You will all answer dearly for this!" he snarls.

Johan retorts with another intimidating cry of "The Dragons themselves are against you!"

Kuros: Sibu snarls, and darts towards the remaining nearby soldiers. He grabs one, and using him as a club, swings him into two other soldiers, sending them flying. (3 more soldiers down, leaving 3 within short range, and the 120 or so nearby)

Kuros: The soldiers swing their swords at Subi, but they glance off his rocky hide withno effect.

SonoftheMetalFlame crouches low into his fighting stance and waits for an opportunity to strike... (Aim, next action Tick 9)

Thelaos doesn't break his stride as he steps toward the other dragonblooded warrior, bringing back his daiklave and thrusting it forward into him.

Kuros: The Dragon-Blood tries to dive to the side, but your daiklave catches him in mid-leap

Kuros: Seeing the mess you are making of the Dragon-Blooded leaders, the remaining troops begin to flee into the fields...

Johan: Dancing on top of the commander's horse, his balance perfect, Johan's every motion controls the unnatural shadows around him like a master conductor's baton. Out of the mouth of the shadow dragon a sharp edged tongue shoots forward to impale the Air Aspect.

Kuros: Combined with Thelaos's wound, the one you inflict finishes the Dragon-Blooded off, and he collapses in a pool of blood.

Kuros: And the rest of the troops rout, fleeing into the fields.

Johan: Johan lets the shadows around him dissolve back into the night air and looks after the fleeing men with a troubled expression. "We need to kill every single one of them who saw your anima, Thelaos ..."

Johan: "But I'm not sure we can succeed at that."

Thelaos lets his anima effect subside as he watches the mortals flee into the fields for their lives.

SonoftheMetalFlame nods. "I may be able to convince anyone that hears of a Solar here that it was a sorcerous illusion. It is fairly known in this area that I have such talents, though I do not flaunt it. Nonetheless, as many of the soldiers must be disposed of as possible."

Alyssa shrugs indifferently and bends over the stunned Terrestrial Exalt, starting to strip him of his artifacts. She doesn't want him to wake up armed and armoured, after all.

Thelaos: "No.. we probably can't. And I did that to *save* their lives."

Johan: "Then you have made a grave mistake."

Johan: Johan's voice is sad as he explains to Thelaos that he has doomed these poor people.

Thelaos turns to the dying terrestrial as he replaces his daiklave, kneeling over him and inspecting his injuries.

Johan: "They would have fled even without that ... and we cannot allow knowledge of our activities to spread."

ExBot: Johan rolled 5 dice on Conviction and achieved 6 successes.

SonoftheMetalFlame sighs. "I am sorry, Thelaos, but Johan is correct. If word of a Solar at my university spreads, we will have a lot more trouble on our hands than what we just experienced. And far more might die."

Johan: With a nod to Son he disappears into the night like an arrow shot from a bow."

Alyssa: "There may be other witnesses," Alyssa points out, indicating the house. "And the soliders might not have fled if he hadn't done what he did. The Scarlet Dynasty rarely recruits cowards."

SonoftheMetalFlame looks at Alyssa, urgency in his eyes. "I'd forgotten about our guests. I must speak with them at once."

Thelaos ignores the others as he focuses on doing what he can for the dragonblooded soldier.

Alyssa: "You speak to them. Sibu can help us handle the Dragonblooded."

SonoftheMetalFlame nods, darting off into the building.

Alyssa: "Sibu, is there anywhere that this one can be secured. I don't suppose that ropes would be sufficient restraint?"

Kuros: Sibu shakes his head. "No, ropes would not be enough. We have some chains and shackles we can use."

Kuros: "And a basement room we can keep him in."

Kuros: "Assuming he will live?" Sibu looks at THelaos questioningly

Alyssa: Once Alyssa has removed any jade from the unconcious dragonblood, she'll search him for other weapons or tools that he might use to escape.

Thelaos glances over at the unconscious Tepet commander, "He will live. This one will too. I need something to move him - he can't simply be carried."

SonoftheMetalFlame runs back outside, hurriedly. "Sibu, where are the students at?"

Kuros: Sibu looks at Son. "in the basement."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Did you possibly see any of the Bull's men leave?"

Kuros: Sibu shakes his head. "I didn't seem them at all after I got the students to the basement."

SonoftheMetalFlame: "Then we have an issue. They have stolen materials from my library and I cannot find them."

Alyssa: "Is anything missing?"

Kuros: Sibu leans down, and picks up one of the Dragon-Blooded effortlessly.

SonoftheMetalFlame: "I'm going to get on one of the Agatae and search for them. Does anyone intend to join me?"

Alyssa: "I'll see if there are any tracks. Please have someone carry the wounded Tepet on a stretcher - would that be alright Thelaos?"

Thelaos picks up the other and follows Sibu.

Alyssa: "Did they arrive on foot?)

SonoftheMetalFlame: "They came on horses."

Alyssa: "They should be easier to follow then."

Alyssa: Alyssa looks for tracks for the horses of the Bull's Dbs

Kuros: (OK, this is a good stopping point)

Kuros: (You can look for them next week. I have to go do some stuff. The gym, and study for my organic chemistry final. =/)

Kuros: 7 xp for everyone

Kuros: We can do Saturday next week