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Human Form[edit]




I awake to here a voice screaming hoarsely, then it dies to a rasping shudder I realize that it was my own. I pull myself unsteadily to my feet and begin trying to work out where I am. I don’t remember how but eventually I leave that dark place. I soon find a pool of water and stoop to quench my thirst. It’s then that I see my face, soft green eyes stare out from under a unkempt mane of dark hair, I don’t remember the face it seems wrong some how, thats when I first see him standing at my shoulder I start and turn but no-one is there.


I dream. I often dream of the future what it could hold for me, what I could change or be changed by. Yet I lack something to take hold of it, I am willing to make my stand but only to a point, when things become difficult I would rather find an easier way than stay the course. For now I stay in the background, Observing and learning maybe I will find what I need.



Starting Ability Scores[edit]

Str: 11 Con: 12 Dex: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 13 Cha: 16

Final Ability Scores[edit]

Str: 11 Con: 12 Dex: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 13 Cha: 16


AC: 13 Fort: 12 Reflex: 13 Will: 14 HP: 24 Surges: 2 Surge Value: 6

Trained Skills[edit]

Thievery (dex), Streetwise (Cha), Insight (Wis), Perception (Wis), Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha)


Skill Training: Stealth Weapon Proficiency: Knife, Hand crossbow


1: At-Will: Manifest Persona


Knife Hand crossbow




Aligor was a Grandduke and Knight of Hell, commander of 60 legions. He found that which was hidden and knew all battles past present and future.


Aligor stands tall and proud in his carefully wrought suit of armour. His eyes look out with absolute arrogance and conviction. He is beauty incarnate, yet this is spoiled by the arrogance of his eyes and the slight sneer that hovers on his lips. He carries his immense lance easily with casualness of one who is well used to wielding it.


I Have seen battles beyond mention, wars that have been and yet to be fought. I know each soldiers meeting and their fate. I have walked in the dark places and uncover lore long forgotten to man. And yet I find myself empty, I commanded hordes of lesser creatures, but had nothing to do with them, for I lack one thing that all humans have the ability to imagine and dream. To truth I envy them that power greatly, so when I saw my chance I left my throne and armies behind and bound myself to one special person. Together maybe we can be complete.



Level 1 Tiefling Warlord

Starting Ability Scores[edit]

Str: 14 Con: 12 Dex: 10 Int: 11 Wis: 13 Cha: 16

Final Ability Scores[edit]

Str: 14 Con: 12 Dex: 10 Int: 13 Wis: 13 Cha: 18


AC: 16 Ref:11 Fort: 13 Will: 15 HP:24 Surges:8 Surge Value: 6

Trained Skills:[edit]

Athletics (Str), Heal (Wis), Diplomacy (Cha), History (Int)


1: Armor Proficiency (Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chainmail, Light Shield) 1: Weapon Proficiency( Simple Melee, Military Melee, Simple Ranged) 1: Inspired Recovery


1: At will: Furious Smash 1: At will: Wolf pack Tactics 1: Encounter: Guarding Attack 1: Encounter: Infernal Wrath 1: Encounter(x2): Inspiring Word 1: Daily: White Raven Onslaught 1: At-Will: Revert

Class Features:[edit]

Combat Leader Commanding Presence (Inspiring Presence) Ecounter: Inspiring Word

Race Features[edit]

Bloodhunt Fire Resistance



Chainmail Armor Longspear