Gun Mage
Gun Mage
Gun Mages are magicians who focus their power through guns. As such, in 4e they are an Arcane Striker class - and a theme of Sorceror.
Gun Mage
Role: Arcane Striker
Key Abilities: Charisma, Dexterity (only one type at present)
Armour Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Guns (all)
Implements: Pistols, Rifles, Spellstorm Pistols
Bonus to Defence: +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Hit Points: 12+Con/+5
Healing Surges: 6+ Con
Class Features
Born to gun: A Gun Mage wielding a pistol may use charisma or dexterity to make basic ranged attacks with any gunpowder weapon.
Gun Affinity:When firing through a gun, a gun mage can add dex to the damage roll.
Spellstorm Pistol: if a gun mage fires through a spellstorm pistol, the gun mage also gets to add the spellstorm pistol's damage to any damage rolls. (Note: Paragon Spellstorm Pistols do 1d4 damage, and Epic ones 1d6. There are no Heroic Spellstorm Pistols - this is to balance the extra damage gained by normal sorcerors)
Rune Bullets: Each bullet is only good for shooting one target and is then expended. 3GP each (ouch - low level gun mages have severe financial problems)
End of the Gun: Gun Mages get +1 to AC against targets not in melee.
Gun Mages pick powers from the sorceror spell list, although the Gun Mage picks from the list of Gun Mage At Will powers below. No attack spells with special rules for Dragon Magic or the Psychic keyword may be chosen by a Gun Mage unless noted below.
At Will Powers
Black Penny: At Will, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 8/16
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma vs Will
Damage: 1d8+Charisma modifier psychic damage
Special: This attack ignores cover and concealment but not total cover or concealment.
Note: Gun Mages don't often get to attack Will.
Detonator At Will, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 8/16
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude
Damage: 1d10+ Charisma modifier damage
Special: This attack scores a critical hit on a roll of 18-20. This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.
Ricochet At Will, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 8/16
Primary Target: One Creature
Primary Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 1d8+Charisma modifier force Damage
Secondary Target: One Creature within five spaces of the primary target
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 1d8+ Charisma Modifier damage
Special: If the gun mage is wielding two pistols, the primary and secondary targets can be the same creature
Note: very powerful - balanced against Chaos Bolt from a Wild Sorceror. (That thing hits will, does slightly more damage with primary attack, and slightly less average secondary damage). It is directly more powerful than Twin Strike if a gun mage wields two pistols, but this is counterbalanced by the Gun Mage having problems reloading under these circumstances.
Shocker At Will, Arcane, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged 16/16
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 1d10+Charisma modifier lightning damage
Special: A warjack hit by this power is dazed until your next turn. This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.
Note: This power sucks almost as much as in Warmachine I think - even with the accuracy bonus.
Thunderbolt At Will, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action Ranged 8/16
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma vs Fortitude
Damage: 1d10+ Charisma modifier damage and you push the target back one square
Special: On a critical hit the target is knocked prone. This power can be used as a ranged basic attack.
[Wraith] Bane At Will, Arcane, Implement
Standard Action, Ranged 8/16
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Damage: 1d8+Charisma modifier damage of a type chosen by the firer
Special: A Wraith Bane shot ignores insubstantiality.
Daily and Encounter Spells
L1 Daily Dazzling Ray may not be used by Gun Mages.
Long Shot: L2 Utility:
Encounter Arcane
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the end of your turn, add your Dexterity modifier to the short (or normal) range of your ranged arcane powers, and your Dexterity modifier and Charisma modifier to the long range of your ranged arcane powers. Note: Warcaster Armour makes this power a Burst 3 affecting all allies in burst including yourself, with Sustain (minor). In this form it is known as "Snipe".
L5 Daily: Acidic Implantation
Gun Mage: The explosion is Burst 2
L7 Encounter: None of the existing L7 encounter powers may be used by Gun Mages
Thunder Bolt L7 Encounter
Encounter Arcane Implement Thunder
Standard Action, range 8/16
Attack: Cha vs Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + Cha modifier thunder damage and the target is knocked prone
Smoke 'Em if you got 'em L7 Encounter
Encounter * Arcane Force Implement
Standard Action Range 8/16
Target: One creature
Attack: Cha vs Reflex
Hit:2d8+ Cha modifier damage, and all targets in a burst 1 area take d6 poison damage and a further d6 if they remain in the burst at the end of their turn. (Note: This power can be fired at a patch of ground).
Devour Magic L10 Utility:
Gun Mage: You can fire one additional basic attack with your next attack.
Narrow Escape L10 Utility:
Shift, don't slide
Thunder Slam L13 Utility
Encounter Arcane Implement Thunder
Standard Action
Ranged 8/16
Target: One creature.
Attack: Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 2d12 thunder damage, and you knock the target prone
Gun Mage: You push the target d4 squares directly away from you, and can enter the space of any foe in the way. Any foe in a square the target moves into takes d10 damage. Any foe of equal size to the target or smaller is knocked prone as well. If the target enters a square containing a creature of equal size or larger or a solid obstruction (or would move into a wall) it stops moving and takes d10 damage (and this counts as a separate damage roll).
L17 Encounter:
Breath of Winter: This is called "Hail of Bullets" by gun mages
Dragon Tail Meditation: This can be used by a gun mage under the name "Whites of the Eyes." And the gun mage gets to push the target a number of squares equal to their dexterity modifier.
Poisonous Evasion: Slide, not Teleport. And Force rather than poison damage
L19 Daily:
Baleful Gaze of the Basilisk can be used by a Gun Mage
Split Strike
Gun Mage: The target is restrained (Save Ends)
Maelstrom: L19 Daily:
Standard action:
The sorceror gets to make a ranged basic pistol attack against every enemy in short range.
Note: Caine's Feat Warcaster Armour bumps this to long range... Also note that if shocker is one of your basics, you can use the range of that - and that this power combines with Long Shot.
L23 Encounter
Chaos Orbs:
Gun Mage: Cha vs Fort, force damage. If the gun mage fires both orbs at the same target, they each do 2d8 damage - and if both hit, the target is dazed (save ends)
Chain Shot: As Iron Chains with the guns firing a mini bolas.
Overpower: L29 Daily:
Standard Action: You may make ranged basic attacks until you miss. Like other such powers, this has a normal maximum of five attacks against one target. Warcaster Armour increases this maximum to 10. Each target defeated by this power explodes as a burst 2, doing the same damage as your basic attack.
Note: Caine's Epic Feat