Kazoth the Rake

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Revision as of 14:51, 2 April 2009 by Mr Adventurer (talk | contribs) (starting the converstion of the sheet - see Wiki page 'Kazoth's old character sheet' for original)
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Male half-orc Rogue 16/Warblade 4/Factotum 2
CG Medium humanoid (orc)
Init +XX (+XX Dex, misc. mods); Senses [special senses;] Listen +XX, Spot +XX
[Aura aura (range, DC XX)]
Languages languages

AC XX, touch XX, flat-footed XX (+XX armor, +XX Dex, +XX size, misc. mods)[; defenses][; AC feats]
hp XX (XX HD (+XX Race, +XX Class))[; fast healing XX][; DR XX/XX]
[Immune immunities]
[Resist resistances; SR XX]
Fort +XX, Ref +XX, Will +XX (Race F+XX, R+XX, W+XX; Class F+XX, R+XX, W+XX; Con +XX, Dex +XX, Wis +XX)[; save modifiers]
[Weakness XX]

Spd XX ft.[; speed feats]
Melee weapon +XX (damage) (+XX BAB, +XX Str, +XX size, +XX weapon quality, +XX feat)
Ranged weapon +XX (damage) (+XX BAB, +XX Dex, +XX size, +XX weapon quality, +XX feat)[; ranged atk feats]
[Space XX ft; Reach XX ft]
Base Atk +XX (+XX Race, +XX Class); Grp +XX
[Atk Options options; atk options feats]
[Special Actions special actions; special action feats]
Combat Gear gear
[Spells (CL XX, +XX melee touch, +XX ranged touch)]
[Spell-Like Abilities (CL XX)]

Abilities Str XX, Dex XX, Con XX, Int XX, Wis XX, Cha XX
[SQ special qualities]
Feats Feat XX level, Feat XX level, Feat XX level, Feat XX level
Skills Skill +XX, Skill +XX, Skill +XX, Skill +XX, Skill +XX
Possessions money derived from DMG tables for NPC wealth-item cost gp, item cost gp, item cost gp, item cost gp, item cost gp, XX gp remaining wealth in coins
[Spellbook All spells prepared plus XX]

[Hook hook]

[Ability (Type) description]
[Ability (Type) description]

Skills (class): Skill XX ranks (+XX ability score, +XX feat, +XX item, +XX racial trait), Skill XX ranks (+XX ability score, +XX feat, +XX item, +XX racial trait), Skill XX ranks (+XX ability score, +XX feat, +XX item, +XX racial trait), = XX (XX skill points)

NOTE: Number of feats is derived as follows: XX.