Session 126

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Chapter 14

-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@75.141.248.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hiya Angelo
<Angelo> hi
<Angelo> I was checking the ragù
<Knockwood> just don't get mixed up and dump sauce on your keyboard. :)
<Angelo> don't worry, is done now. :-) Tomorrow came my brother and then pappardelle col ragù e scaloppine al marsala
<Angelo> ;-)
<Knockwood> ... scallops & mushrooms? Or am I totally mixing my menis up?
<Knockwood> *menus
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<Knockwood> Hiya RN
<Angelo> Hi RN
<Angelo> no Marsala is a type of wine that can be used to cook meat in
<Angelo> scaloppina is escalope
<Random_Nerd> Similar to port, right?
<Knockwood> ah... so, you're having scallops cooked in wine with red sauce over pasta?
<Random_Nerd> Marsala, I mean.
<Angelo> uhm I don't know porto
<Angelo> Marsala is a sweet lkiquoros wine
<Random_Nerd> Well, they're both fortified, as I recall. And there are relatively few fortified wines that aren't, you know, MD 20/20 or the like.
<Angelo> ok, so they are similar :-)
<Knockwood> Fortified?
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<Knockwood> Hiya Beth
<BethE> Evening, guys!  :)
<Random_Nerd> With extra alcohol, generally from some kind of distilled thing, added.
<Angelo> Hi BetheE
<Knockwood> ah, paint thinner.
<Random_Nerd> Not /all/ fortified wines are for homeless alcoholics.
<Angelo> urgh Knok you made this seem a ugly think!
<Random_Nerd> Hmm! What do that crowd drink in Italy? Low-end fortified wines, or something else?
<Knockwood> orange juice? :)
<Angelo> no Marsala is more like high end... on the low end we have uhm... I don't know... sorry
<Knockwood> will Brian be here this week?
<Angelo> look:
<Random_Nerd> I've not heard from him since he was going connectionless. Is he back to posting on
<Angelo> no Brian received internet just today... He is straightenig the connection and doing some ground work.. can pass tonight .. maybe
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
<Theresa> He says Sara-his-girlfriend has control of his laptop at the moment.
<Random_Nerd> Be nice if he came, but internet stuff can take time to set up in a new place.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Ftisk> jeah, He say thet nex week will be here
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Random_Nerd> Okay, cool.

  • DanteE is trying not to read _too_ much into "Sara has control of his laptop"...

<Ftisk> so... last time we are in the deep in a chat with Giulio Cesare
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, I'm just looking at the tail end of that to get the thread of it.
<Ftisk> no with our beloved Sakharoth that renamed as Ceasar
<DanteE> you mean Gaius
<Theresa> Knock - yeah, I was sidestepping the innuendo pothole as well..  :)
<Random_Nerd> Okay, yes, you were suggesting a party, and he wasn't very interested.
=-= Ftisk has changed the topic to ``Chitchat with an Imperator or a Warmain?....
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Random_Nerd by Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> And telling him about the Aides.
<Random_Nerd> Ready to go?
<Ftisk> right
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o DanteE by Ftisk
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Theresa by Ftisk
<Ftisk> I'm ready!
<Random_Nerd> ______________START____________________
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "This 'Luc'. Do you trust him?"
<DanteE> "Haven't actually met him... just his Aides. Two of them help us."
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "And them, you trust, both in their own loyalties, and whatever they may report back to home?"
<Theresa> "I trust them. Can't speak for everyone."
<DanteE> "Many Nobles do.
<DanteE> "And they're better than the alternative."
<Ftisk> "They have a good status among Novilis... If they start to tricky Nobles no one wants theyr help... no good for an help organization based on pr"
<Random_Nerd> He stretches, and sighs. Given that he has neither muscles, nor lungs, this looks rather odd.
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "And I suppose that the loyalties of a human without the Spiritus Dei may be checked easily enough, though of course those may be subverted by the Excrucians."
<Theresa> "Plus the Aides must go under certain training to resist (full name of DA here)."
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "Nobles will be better. I think I'll be needing them. If only there were a faster and less cruel way to get Nobles."
<Theresa> "Your way is cruel?"
<Ftisk> "is there a cruel way to get a noble?"
<DanteE> to Theresa: "He may be thinking of a Chancel"
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "Is there a way to get Nobles that is not cruel, and that would work for me? I have no children, and I have no eyes to cut out. There's only the old way."
<DanteE> can we contact our Aides?
<Ftisk> "Wath old way?"
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "A hundred deaths, on a hundred nights. So far, I have managed to get by with executions of criminals. I hope that it may continue so."
<Theresa> "That was the way that our Chancel was erected."
<Ftisk> "Right, the chancel rite"
<DanteE> "Do you need a Chancel to create Nobles?"
<Theresa> "It makes sense that to create such a powerful Place that sacrifices must be made. They just shouldn't be in vain."
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "Is there another way to create Nobles, now?"
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "I have tried to produce shards of myself, in the fashion of the Excrucians. Either my essence is not theirs, or I do not know the techniques involved."
<Ftisk> "Can't you just embedd a sparkle of your essence into someone? I belive this is the way to make a noble"
<DanteE> (Which of us has the highest Realm?)
<Ftisk> (mine is 0)
<Random_Nerd> (You have the highest Realm.)
<Theresa> (Mine's 0! I'm a nobody!
<Random_Nerd> (At least, of you three. I think Brian may have as much or more.)
<Theresa> )
<Ftisk> *ld* data on noble creation
<Random_Nerd> G, to Ftisk: "I can make Anchors in that fashion, but I believe that i need to embed my sould in the ground to make a Noble."
<DanteE> (and if Ftisk's data-search doesn't work I'll try contacting our Aides and see what they know about Chancel and Noble creation)
<Ftisk> (we need an in game GWB! ;-) )
<DanteE> (We have one, trouble is it's back in Amyra.)
<Random_Nerd> (He's correct that a Chancel is needed to make Nobles. There are other classes of beings with Noble-like beings that do not require it, such as children of Imperators, beings summoned with High Summoning, and Shards, but producing true Nobles takes a Chancel.)
<Ftisk> (But is only partial.. and Kudzu flavored)
<Random_Nerd> (Err, beings with noble-like /abilities/.)
<Ftisk> "@GJC: uhm.. seem that you're right you need a chancell to make a noble"
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and it's possible to take an existing Noble with the Rite of Rescue.)
<DanteE> "Know of a better way to make a Chancel?"
<Theresa> "How many criminals do you have? And do you have anyone in mind already for your Nobles?"
<Random_Nerd> (But the Rite of Rescue requires existing Nobles to use.)
<Ftisk> (Also I remember that to made a chancell the 101 deaths are mandatory)
<Random_Nerd> G: "I have some reliable retainers, although I have not yet decided whether it would be best to use them, or to make people afresh for that purpose.)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, there are a few other methods, but they tend to involve crippling the Imperator in some way or another.)
<Random_Nerd> (And less will work for a fleshless Imperator, since most have been developed on Earth, as Earth is a major front in the War and Dionyl isn't.)
<DanteE> (Hm... what are the chances that he tried that with his memory or identity? Those are kinda crippled at the moment...)
<Ftisk> "Usually Nobles are choosed between the one more akin to one of your estates"
<DanteE> "Creating people to sacrifice sounds rather like 'gaming the system', so to speak."
<Random_Nerd> (Well, he doesn't have a Chancel. If he did, he would be able to tell, as all Imperators connected to such a place have at least Realm 5.)
<Random_Nerd> G: "Not creating people to sacrifice. Creating people to en-noble."
<Random_Nerd> G: "And I imagine that even created people would be a viable sacrifice, were they true people. But creating people who are cruel and hateful, for the explicit purpose of taking their lives? It seems... unseemly."
<DanteE> "It would probably be better to choose people with histories and connections to modern Creation, I'd think/"
<Ftisk> "How many sacrifice are already be done?"

  • Theresa likes this Imperator.

<DanteE> (Sacrifice Entropy! That'll solve _everything!_ :D )
<Random_Nerd> G: "Only six, at the moment. I have started very recently, and it will be a large portion of a year before the time is come. It should be ready by the end of the Age, but most of the time will already be lost."
<Ftisk> (Noo sacrifice is cute... with you a least Dante :-P )
<Ftisk> (subst sacrifice with Entropy)
<Theresa> (I don't think you can sacrifice an Imperator. Otherwise Excrucians would be doing it.)
<Theresa> "Do you have any thoughts on this Age and the coming one?"
<Ftisk> "Do you believe we have 100 day to the turning of the age?"
<Random_Nerd> G: "There is another method, if I run out of murderers and scum. Some of my troops, though not all, would sacrifice their lives willingly if I ashed it. But for each of them I use, I deprive myself of the people we need most."
<Random_Nerd> G: "Not 100 days until the beginning of the end. I imagine that is beginning already. But until the end, I feel sure."
<DanteE> (Anything in particular scheduled for 94 days hence?)
<Ftisk> (If he is right this info is like a nuke)
<Random_Nerd> (He doesn't mean exactly 100 days, he means at least 100 days.)
<Random_Nerd> (Perhaps I was unclear, but you'd be able to catch that nuance from his tones.)
<Ftisk> (ok, but he give us a end of the age timeframe)
<Theresa> (And he's preparing for life to be normal after the turning of the Age. No reason not to.)
<Theresa> (I figure that it must be spreading all through Creation at the moment that there's a countdown going on. Three months?)
<Ftisk> (yes, a couple of day more --- a couple less)
<Random_Nerd> (In the current timeline, you're in... early March. The first week of March.)
<Ftisk> "Isn't better to sacrifice the undecised one if you have no more scum. So you don'r reduce your power base? Is cynical but we are in a war"
<Theresa> (And the Age was going to go *boink* in May, if I remember.)

  • Theresa ponders offering the two jerks we met on the way to the tower up for sacrifice.
  • DanteE mulls over a Darwinist possibility...

<Random_Nerd> GJC: "Oh, I'm willing to do it, and cynical enough that I'd gladly kill three people a day if it got us prepared faster. But murder of the defenseless is still hateful to me, even if I will enact it for the sake of the War if I must."
<Ftisk> (maybe juny... a summer event)
<Theresa> (Nah, it should be before June to tick off all of the bridezillas. ^^ )
<Ftisk> (don't piss off the bridezillas! Never ever!)
<Theresa> "Can't really think of a good way to work around it then. Creation has its own rules that cannot be broken."
<DanteE> "Well, wait...
<DanteE> "There are other people we can ask."
<Random_Nerd> GJC: "Then I will continue to prepare, and fashion what creatures and monsters I can for defense while I must wait."
<Theresa> (Going to write Sam a note?)
<Ftisk> (if G alter the local time flow? he can have 100 day in like 2 'real' day? Isn't in the imperator reach to play with time?)
<DanteE> (Can I? I didn't think I brought that magic paper...)
<Random_Nerd> (He could try, but he doesn't want to. After all, the Rite of Enchanceling is already Imperial magic that is incompletely understood. If he tried that, then it might not work and he might have to start all over.)
<Ftisk> (ok, trash the idea then)
<DanteE> (Well, if we ask around Noble society, we may be able to find a better way of enChanceling... or a way to create Nobles without a CVhancel, either of which could help Gaius out.)
<Theresa> (Do you want to poke the Aides or shall I?  :) We at least have cell phones.)
<DanteE> (Or we could ask Tpyo, since her Domain score is soemwhere around Avogadro's number...)
<Ftisk> (lc can travel chancell bounds? I mean can I LC some memores into will /sam on Amyra where I ask to call us?)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius takes a long-handled horseman's maul from the wall, and taps the ground with it. The floor divides in that spot like a mouth opening wide.
<Random_Nerd> G: "Come with me, I have work to do while we speak."
<Random_Nerd> He steps into the dark gap, and when his boot is about to break where the surface was, he is gone.
<Ftisk> "Ok, where we go?"

  • DanteE follows...

<Ftisk> "crud... "

  • Ftisk follows too...

<DanteE> "How long has it been since you were last in Creation?"
<Random_Nerd> He's now standing in the grassland on the east (reckoned from the sun's local position, at least) side of his protochancel.

  • Theresa follows along.

<Random_Nerd> G: "I've chosen to set aside the issue of who I was previous to a week or two ago. So, I don't know.
<Theresa> "A new birth."
<DanteE> "Fair enough..."
<Ftisk> "..."
<DanteE> (Heh... maybe he can sacrifice Sakharoth/Suebi to help enChancel Gaius. :) )
<Random_Nerd> He peels the grass away, it coming apart from the ground like a sheet of sod, and starts taking handfuls of the red-brown clay beneath. In the process, his leather gauntlets and boots are getting increasingly dirty.
<Random_Nerd> G: "Would it offend you if I was to disrobe for this work? I do not wish to overly soil my clothes."
<DanteE> (I thought he was his clothes...)
<DanteE> "Feel free."
<Ftisk> "no problem"
<Theresa> "Fine by me."
<Random_Nerd> (Nah. A dionyl without clothes still exists, no less than a human does.)
<Ftisk> (he is a dyonil... he is air )
<Random_Nerd> (Besides, he's technically not a dionyl, just an Imperator with a dionyl-like body.)\
<Ftisk> (right he is Suebi!)
<Random_Nerd> He strips off his armor, wearing only a short tunic, which looks very odd hanging in mid-air as invisible hands start shaping a large form of clay.
<Ftisk> (Golem! Gargoyle! James!)
<Theresa> (Nah, we haven't had anything chirping Brick! at us...)
<Random_Nerd> G: "Name an animal for me, please. An Earth animal, something that will seem exotic to my people."
<DanteE> (Sure we can't convince him to throw a toga party? With actual togas?)
<Ftisk> "rihno"
<DanteE> "Hm... should it be one that won't eat people, or is that not a problem?"
<Random_Nerd> G: "Rhino. Something like a unicorn weightlifter?"
<DanteE> "Something like that."
<Ftisk> "Is more like the panzer of animals"
<Random_Nerd> He starts making a clay rhino. From the proportions of the legs and feet, it seems like it will probably stand about fifteen feet at the shoulder when it's done."
<Random_Nerd> (Err, no "
<Random_Nerd> )
<DanteE> "Ah, real ones are less than half that size, I think."
<Random_Nerd> G: "Details."
<Random_Nerd> G: "So, keep talking, please."
<Ftisk> "Need You a rihno description?"
<Theresa> "There's elephants, ostriches, platypi..."
<DanteE> "OK. We certainly agree with your desire to create a Chancel without undue pain..."
<DanteE> "We're relatively new Nobles ourselves, so we've only heard of 2 ways to make one. The eye thing would be a 3rd, I guess..."
<Random_Nerd> G: "I think I've seen them, I just wanted to be sure that I remembered the right creature. And fine details won't matter."

  • DanteE makes sure there aren't any fires around...

<DanteE> (For those of you who've seen the Gods Must Be Crazy)
<Theresa> (All I know is that there is a Coke bottle involved?)
<Ftisk> "If you want some human eating creature you can made some lions or tiger or panther (add othe mac osx version)"
<DanteE> (Aha. Wikipedia (all hail!) sez rhinos range from 1.4 to 2 m high at the shoulder)
<Random_Nerd> G: "I won't need it to eat humans. There will be no humans around to eat. I merely wish to make some creatures that can defend my city when I'm taking my place at the Wall."
<Ftisk> "But do you want to enNoble these creatures?"
<Random_Nerd> G: "Doubtful. But they'll help until I have Nobles, and when I do I can turn these over to them."
<Random_Nerd> The giant clay rhino takes form under his hands, which are now more or less visible from their coating of clay.
<Theresa> "Ah, elephants might be good then. Nice, big, broad. Maybe tigers for sneak attacks." (Won't mention gorilla troops.)
<Ftisk> (... a god must definitely have a cow as mitichal crature  :-P)
<DanteE> (Ooh... do the sacrifices have to be human?
<DanteE> (or 'people'?
<Theresa> (I think they have to be essential to the Chancel.)
<Random_Nerd> (Human or the equivalent. Humans, dionyl, jutunn, demons, or whatever.)
<DanteE> (In that case, sacrifice some washing machines. :) )
<Ftisk> (Hey! don't touch my precioussssssss!)
<DanteE> (er, dryers. Wherever neonate Dionyl--known elsewhere as 'lost socks'-- come from. :D )
<Random_Nerd> The clay rhino has its finishing touches made. Then Gaius leans and breathes into the partially-opened mouth, and as he does so the animal takes on the glossy shine of a glazed pot.
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Okay, you know where to go. Get moving."
<Random_Nerd> The now-finished rhino lumbers over towards the city.
<DanteE> "... how much control do you have over him?"
<Theresa> "Nice work!"
<Ftisk> "Nice trick!"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "I imagine I could make him do what I want if I had a reason to. But he knows what to do."
<Ftisk> "He is an anchor... right?"
<DanteE> "How intelligent is it?"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Intelligent enough. And no, not an anchor. Just something I made."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "So, let's see. City, Nobles, Aides. Is there anything else you think we need to talk about?"
<DanteE> "Active writing, remember.
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "What about it?"
<DanteE> "We'd like to know more about it, maybe use it.
<DanteE> "Our Aide Samuel has made good progress in deciphering it, now that it's reappeared, but could use some help."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "What kind?"
<Ftisk> "Do you have a guide... an"
<Ftisk> (some man pages...)
<DanteE> (Active Writing for Dummies?)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Nothing around, but... okay, what's a small animal with hands?"
<DanteE> "Raccoon."
<DanteE> "Not quite hands, but close."
<Ftisk> "Or lemur"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "There's an animal called the lemur? Odd. I thought those were ghosts."
<Random_Nerd> He starts making a clay racoon, with unnaturally humanlike "hands."
<Theresa> (We could give him lemmings but that wouldn't be any good but to watch.)
<Random_Nerd> The raccoon, no larger than normal size, takes form swiftly under his hands.
<Ftisk> (yes, but with how many boomers?)
<DanteE> (Do they have raccoons in Italy?)
<DanteE> ... nope
<Random_Nerd> He lifts the clay raccoon and breathes life into it, too. This one hardens to a darker color, with a more matte finish.
<Ftisk> (I believe we don't have)
<DanteE> (They came to mind cuz I saw this last night: )
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Okay, give him pen, ink, and paper, and he'll write you a fairly broad amount of knowledge of Active Writing. He can also create some of the simpler devices himself."

  • Ftisk weave at the racoon

<Theresa> "Oh, how interesting!"
<Ftisk> "Really!"
<DanteE> "Heh. Long as Samuel doesn't get jealous..."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "The more involved ones take more of a mind to formulate than he has, but he can at least write out directions for those."

  • DanteE gently takes the raccoon

<Ftisk> (we have a new pet?)
<Theresa> (I don't think we get to keep him...)
<Ftisk> "You can store the racoon here"

  • Ftisk open the washing machine

<Random_Nerd> The raccoon holds out his right paw, which looks very handlike, and opens his mouth to make "Ah! Ah!" sounds.
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "You don't want to keep him?"
<Ftisk> "Is it ungry?"
<Ftisk> "I'll be happy to take it"
<DanteE> "We're OK with keeping it... him."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "He doesn't need food, but he'll get a bit irritable if he doesn't have writing materials."
<DanteE> "Hm... we can temporarily store him in Ftisk's washing machine with some paper and a pen, then..."

  • Theresa creates and hands the racoon writing materials.

<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Humans still use Latin, right?"
<Theresa> "Some do. Many use English or Chinese."
<Ftisk> "Is a death language but they can read it"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Good enough. I wonder why we never developed written languages. It can't be a True God thing, since I've seen writing elsewhere."

  • DanteE checks what the raccoon's writing...

<DanteE> ("Stately, plump Buck Norman... " Ack! :D )
<Ftisk> "But Dionyl have written language... I see Sam writing in a Dyonil write"
<Random_Nerd> It isn't a formal textbook or HowTo, like what Shadows sent you on Summoning. This is more a matter of random facts as they occur to the raccoon scribe.
<Theresa> "I think Sam created that language, Ftisk. It's a form of shorthand. to help with his notetaking."
<Random_Nerd> G: "'Sam' is a Dionyl?"
<Theresa> ("It was a dark and stormy Chancel..")
<Ftisk> "yes, he is, and an Aide too"
<Theresa> "Yes, he is and is one of our Aides."
<Random_Nerd> (And, yes. Sam uses a human shorthand system to write. Since shorthand is phonetic, it works better for his purposes than normal letters would.)
<Theresa> (Jinx! Owe me a Miracle Point! Nah, just kidding.  :) )
<Random_Nerd> (But the language he writes it with is a Dionyl one.)
<Random_Nerd> G: "What language does he write it with?"
<Ftisk> (ok human infrastructure, dyonil data)
<DanteE> (Oddly enough, the only phrase the languages have in common is "Inspected by #13". :) )
<Ftisk> "he use an human phonetic shorthand system to write dyonil"
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and there is a reason why Dionyl hasn't really developed written langauges. The worldsight of Dionyl even within the same city will differ enough that it's hard to see the writing as exactly what was written by the original writer, unless he's standing right there to share his perspective. Even Sam uses writing almost entirely to take notes for himself, rather than to communicate with others.)
<Ftisk> (ok, nice explanation)
<Random_Nerd> (And that's because he was largely educated by the Aides, who favor human systems of pedagogy. If he was a normal Dionyl, even a Noble, the thought just wouldn't occur to him.)
<DanteE> (Aha. So, spoken doesn't have that problem?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yeah. For spoken, the speaker is right there, and you can go along with how he sees things if you want to.)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. Recordings of speech, if dionyl used them, would have the same problem.)
<Theresa> (No speaking-at-a-distance?)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, they used to use Active Writing for that. As it ceased to exist for a long time, messages tend to be carried by messengers now.)
<Random_Nerd> (And part of how Active Writing worked was to send concepts more than actual words. It's related to how the words that must be written to make it work vary based on the language of the writer.)
<Ftisk> (we want to ask some other think?)
<DanteE> (He doesn't want to talk about coming through the Wall...)
<Theresa> (I think we've gotten plenty for the moment.)
<Ftisk> (is time to return to Amyra then...)
<DanteE> "Gaius?
<DanteE> "We'll look into ways to make Chancels and Nobles.
<Random_Nerd> G: "Very well. And I hope the raccoon tells you what you need to know."
<DanteE> "Maybe someone's come up with a 'clean' way to do either or both while you were away."

  • Ftisk pat on the washing mahine
  • DanteE checks out what he's writing...

<DanteE> ("All work and no play makes Scribbles a dull raccoon..." uhoh...)
<Random_Nerd> G: "It would be pleasant, I suppose. But I imagine that the world is not such."
<Random_Nerd> G: "Things of value have a price."
<DanteE> "Well... there are one or two other possibilities, as well." (the Darwin and Kevorkian methods)
<Random_Nerd> G: "I cannot cripple myself. No, rather, I must not. I do not know what will happen at the end of the Age, but I suspect that there will be a need for able-bodied divinities."
<DanteE> "Makes sense"
<Ftisk> "Right"
<Ftisk> "End of age can be traumhatic"

  • Theresa rubs at the fingers remaining on her hands.

<Random_Nerd> Gaius looks at Theresa's fingers. "Was Jan hungry that day, or did you have many questions?"
<Ftisk> "Theresa why you don't give our flowers to Gaius?"
<Theresa> "Oh, you've met Jan Ben Jan?"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "I think both of my... ancestors... did."
<Ftisk> "Ooh"
<Theresa> "Huh. I wouldn't have expected either to have met, but still... I had many questions that day. And my fingers were the price. But I still believe that it was a fair price and I paid it myself."

  • Theresa , in the meantime, LCreates a basket with our flowers. "Ftisk, what does your flower look like?"

<DanteE> "Wait, both?
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Yes, if Jan still lives, than there will be no safe and easy way to make a Chancel."
<DanteE> "Suebi met Jan Ben Jan?"
<Ftisk> "Mett J.B.J. friendly?"
<Ftisk> meet even
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "His memories are foggier on the matter than Sakaroth's are, but I have a sense of familiarity. And, no, he was not friendly. Jan Ben Jan frightened him rather more than Entropy did."
<Theresa> "I can believe that."
<Theresa> "Imperators of an Age are....I can't describe it. Something different."
<DanteE> "That part about Jan Ben Jan and Chancels... can you explain that?"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "The Ymera of an Age has powers to draw upon that few others do. And particularly him."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "Sacrifice. It is one of his Estates, is it not?"
<Theresa> "Pretty much. The concept of giving up something precious to yourself, especially body parts, in exchange for knowledge. It pops up a lot in Earth mythologies."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "And he is fundamental to Creation in a way that few others are. No, I doubt we can make Chancels without cost until he dies, if he ever does. Self-created beings are hard to kill."
<Ftisk> (brain ooze)
<Theresa> (Did we know he was self-created?)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, it's heavily implied by his name.)
<Random_Nerd> (Jan, Son Of Jan.)
<DanteE> (ben-Jan. Of course.)
<Theresa> (Sorry, I don't know enough Hebrew to notice that.  ;) )
<Ftisk> (me too)
<DanteE> (Well, Jan Janson or Jan O'Jan would have been too obvious. :) )
<Theresa> (He could have just sounded Norweigen.)
<Theresa> (Oh and btw, this game turns 4 years old on Monday.)
<Random_Nerd> (Should we stop soon, guys? You seem to have gone a bit brain-oozy.)
<Theresa> (Ooze!)
<Ftisk> (I'm positive for the stopping soon)
<DanteE> (Should we head back first?)
<Theresa> (A flail snail thread: )
<Ftisk> (happy birthday game!... snif the same years as my son)
<Random_Nerd> G: "I almost wonder if, should he somehow die, if he could create himself /again/."

  • Theresa will make Ftisk's flower as well and tuck it into the basket.

<Ftisk> (thank you ;-) )
<Random_Nerd> (Well, you guys were mostly done here, right. Shall we say our goodbyes and end the session with you going back to Locus Kudzu?)
<DanteE> (OK)
<Ftisk> (OKY)
<Theresa> (Sounds good.)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "But yes. Treat him with respect. And whatever happened to Ebrot Appeka? I've heard conflicting reports."
<Theresa> "The Wildlady? She's still alive as well. We met one of her aspects in our investigations."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "The Angel. He was an Angel, a fallen one."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "He became a Magister of the Wild?"
<DanteE> "uh... you know someone named Attaris?"
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and he was around for the end of the Second Age, or at least Sakaroth was. Sakaroth died in early-mid Third age.)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "I believe so. Wild-Magister. Don't recall her Estates."
<DanteE> "The coming of the Third Age was heralded by the appearance of Attaris Ebrot Appeka."
<DanteE> (We know what's in the GWB, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "This confuses me. They became each other, somehow?"
<DanteE> "Apparently the original Ebrot Appeka crumbled to dust at about the same time"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "That is strange and troubling. When did this happen?"
<Ftisk> (end second age?)
<Random_Nerd> (Yep.)
<DanteE> "Ah... by the Celestial calendar, 1999 years After the Fall--3000 years ago
<DanteE> (Hm... when was the anniversary of that happening?)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "That was... Sakroth was alive then. He could hardly fail to notice such a thing. But I don't remember that at all. At /all/. And Sakaroth is the one of my parents I remember most clearly!"
<Random_Nerd> (That was 3000 years ago, or a few months less.)
<Theresa> "Huh..."
<Random_Nerd> (No, wait, 5000. Calendar shift.)
<DanteE> "Oh, my mistake.... 5000 years, not 3000.
<DanteE> "
<DanteE> they renumbered the calendar."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "That is very puzzling. Why would Sakaroth have chosen to forget that? Why would he deny me that knowledge?"
<DanteE> "... that was also when the Excrucians assault6ed Heaven, and started the Valde Bellum."
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "I need to think. Alone. You have been helpful, but I need solitude."
<DanteE> "Call us if you need us."
<Ftisk> "We leave now"
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "If the past is any indication, you'll show up before I have to. Take care of your raccoon."
<Ftisk> "I'll do"
<DanteE> "Good night, gaius."
<DanteE> *Gaius
<Theresa> "Thank you for your help."
<DanteE> (Tpyo, stop screwing with our diplomatic overturees, dammit! :) )
<Theresa> (We need to set up a place for Ftisk to stay in our Chancel.)
<Random_Nerd> Gaius: "And you have given me much to think about. Much."
<Ftisk> (I thinked on this issue... i like a car junkyard...)
<Random_Nerd> (Shall we cut here?)
<Ftisk> (yes please)
<Theresa> (I'm okay with that.)
<DanteE> (Sure)
<Random_Nerd> _________STOP__________
<Random_Nerd> Sorry it took a little longer than you wanted, but it seemed best to get the last parts in.
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Knockwood> OK, which parts of that are Actually Important?
<Theresa> I am concerned that we keep making Imperators...think.
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo___brain_oozing
<Angelo___brain_oozing> well, I'm concerned too
<BethE> Isn't that part of the 'things you don't do with Imperators'? We didn't even sneeze!
<Angelo___brain_oozing> also a great tough provoking session as always
<Random_Nerd> Oh, a lot of that is Actually Important.
<Knockwood> Hah! We're a challenge to the current order! :D
<Angelo___brain_oozing> We are challenged *by* the current order
<Angelo___brain_oozing> :-OP
<Angelo___brain_oozing> :-P
<BethE> We were given current orders.
<Angelo___brain_oozing> btw I think that Ftisk will be at home in pile and pile of machines... so a car junkyard spring to my mind...
<Angelo___brain_oozing> òBethe true
<Knockwood> either that or you can room with Brian in the computer room
<Angelo___brain_oozing> uhm... nice sugestion
<Random_Nerd> Good session, by the way. We didn't get nearly as much demonboxing as we sometimes do, and the questions you asked Gaius have helped me see who he is more clearly.
<Angelo___brain_oozing> OH... how many rule zero breaking we do this time?
<BethE> And who is he now?  :)
<Angelo___brain_oozing> made a RN think is more dangerous that made an imperator think....
<Knockwood> (Quick, Beth, distract him!)
<Angelo___brain_oozing> (Secondeed!)
<Random_Nerd> Oh, he is who he always was, more or less. But he's shifting in how he sees who he is.
<BethE> (I failed my Feminine Wiles roll...)
<BethE> (I get a penalty when he's more awake than I am...)
<Random_Nerd> Anyway, good session, guys.
<Knockwood> Did we do anything that'd make things objectively worse?
<Random_Nerd> For who?
<Knockwood> (And how many of you checked out that video link with the baby raccoons? :) )
<Knockwood> Anyone
<Angelo___brain_oozing> No me... the pc is not powerfull enougth
<BethE> (I did. So very very cute...)
<Angelo___brain_oozing> btw, I leave... my bed is singing siren song
<Random_Nerd> So cute.
<Angelo___brain_oozing> Good night!
<Random_Nerd> And the things you did will make things objectively somewhat worse for some people, and better for others.
<Random_Nerd> But telling you who they were would be cheating.
<Random_Nerd> G'night, Angelo.
<Knockwood> g'night Angelo
<BethE> Good night!
<--| YOU (Angelo___brain_oozing) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 14