A New Hope

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A New Hope (also known as "The New Hope") is a Mon Calamari-80 Starship Cruiser manufactured by the Mon Calamari race. Unlike the ones that are later adapted to fight the Empire, the mile long cruiser is almost totally unarmed except for a group of six turbolasers that it possesses for self defense. It also possesses a squadron of aging Z-95 Headhunters and six Y-Wing modern starships. The rest of the Y-wings never arrived.

The New Hope is mostly filled with medical supplies, medical bays, food transport bays, and a surprisingly large bar and casino. The accommodations are quite nice and it's the size of a small city that exists to travel around the galaxy dispensing what aid that it can to worlds in need. In fact, the ship can't possibly cope with even a small amount of the crises that are occurring on even a single world.


The devastation from the Mandalorian and Sith Wars has brought the Republic to the brink of collapse. Only by making their overly generous treaty with the Sith have they managed to preserve it. Still, the galaxy cries out for relief and the government has decided to make a large number of public relations exercises to put down the complaints without actually allocating any real resources to rebuilding the "expendable" Outer Rim and Mid Rim worlds. The Republic Relief Agency was created as a result to less than stellar acclaim.

Instead, Senator Pooja Naberrie from Alderaan (and ancestor of Padme), has taken it upon herself to wheel and deal from the New Hope to get supplies desperately needed on one world from an abundance on other worlds in order to try and alleviate as much suffering as possible. Most of the crew is aware that the idealistic Senator has been assigned onto this mission purely as a public relations exercise and are aware they really have little chance of doing much. She is determined not to let this be the case.

Knights of the Old Republic