Texas: Special Circumstances

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Texas: Main Page --> Texas: Special Circumstances

The following give examples of classic Western conflict resolutions, to give you ideas as to how to use them on your game.

The Gunfight at the Corral - A Standard Physical Conflict[edit]

This is a multiplayer conflict, with each participant having the Lose Condition Get Shot and the Win Condition Be The Last Man Standing.

It is a Physical conflict, so characters with the Physical Aptitude get the bonus chips.

The Gunslinger shtick is appropriate, as is the Ex-Infantryman shtick. Both these sorts of characters will get the frankly massive advantage of an extra card in their hands.

If a player character is shot, then he literally takes a gunshot wound.

If this conflict is in Act 1, then the wound is just a graze, and the character escapes with his tail between his legs but no serious injury.

If this conflict is in Act 2, then the wound is a bad one, but not instantly fatal. He'll likely be laid up for a while - the length of time depending on a later scene with the sawbones trying to patch him up.

If this conflict is in Act 3, then the wound is deadly serious. He's probably going to die, though he may have enough time for a few last words. At the GM's discretion, if its cinematically appropriate, the sawbones might have a chance to save his life, though the Grim Reaper will be fighting off the sawbones with an extra card and a decent chip advantage from the outset.

High Noon Showdown - A Physical Conflict with Special Rules[edit]

This is a one-on-one conflict, with each participant having the Lose Condition Get Shot Dead and the Win Condition Be The Last Man Standing.

By definition, it will only ever happen in Act 3.

The showdown has the "No Escape" rule - there's no way out except victory or death, so the normal rules for withdrawing from a conflict are not used.

The showdown has the "All or Nothing" rule - its just one attack, then death, just like the old iajitsu duels from samurai fiction. Both participants must go all-in on the first hand. Whoever wins that first hand wins the conflict.

The loser dies, simple as that.