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Witness field trial.
There are 4 probable scenarios for the 'end of the world.' Currently, the best of these scenarios involves the Pentheus Corporation. They have asked for our assistance in some field trials they are going to be undertaking soon. The field trials sound unpleasant. They will involve voluntary human sacrifice. Despite this unpleasantness, it is imperative that we maintain good relations with Pentheus and help them if we can. It sounds like our plan for this is going to involve just a small number of us officially observing the trials, probably just me and Boris. The others will, presumably, try to watch unobserved by Pentheus. I'm not really on-board with this plan, but what can I do? It seems to me that this risks angering a potential ally. The thought is that they will learn something more than we would learn just going the official route, but it strikes me as unlikely. If they want to spy on Pentheus, this does not seem like the best opportunity. Also, I believe that the KoF's team has already undertaken some espionage against Pentheus. I'm not sure if we've talked to them and discovered what it is, but, if we're going to be acting in a underhanded manner with them, it seems that this would be relevant information, as there is no sense in duplicating effort that has already been undertaken.
Economics Research
I've been letting my research slide. If I ever want to get another paper published, I'm going to need to hit some libraries with reasonable frequency and talk with fellow scholars if possible. NYU would be a good place to go while I'm in town for a few days.
Investigate 3 Donals issue.
In the 'Tale of the 3 Donals,' one is dead, one is mostly dead, and one is alive and well. Though I'm probably not the one to track down the dead ones, the living one seems reasonable.
He is supposedly in New York working with Pentheus. In particular, while we're here, it would seem to make some sense to try to locate him and talk to him, if possible.
The most critical element of this, I think, is to find 'Laura's' Donal. It may be necessary/useful to pull the rest of this mystery apart while I'm at it. This may also be the answer to Laura's 'Agent of Change', as I suspect that may be the selfsame Donal. We know that at least one of the Donals is associated with Pentheus.
My original plan involved having the Fae assist me in locating Donal, but I've not had much luck on this front. Since I'll be travelling with members of Pentheus soon, perhaps the appropriate course is to engage this in a forthright manner, i.e., I'll just ask Pentheus about him. Depending on how they answer, I'll gain some information about how trustworthy they are.
On a mildly related note, I should mention the Brotherhood of the Beast to them, as well, since it appears that 12 of their employees were murdered by this cult.