Patty Patria

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Name: Patty Patria

Alternate Identity: N/A

Identity: Public

Base of Operations: NY

Power Level: 10

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 14

Constitution: 14

Intelligence: 15

Wisdom: 16

Charisma: 14

Damage: +2 (+2 Con, +2 feat)

Fortitude: +2

Reflex: +2

Will: +3

Defense: 22 (Base +10, +2 Dex)

Initiative: +2

Hero Points: 5

Base Attack: +7

Melee: +8

Ranged: +9







Profession (Police Officer): 11 ranks (+14)

Search: 11 ranks (+13)

Spot: 10 ranks (+13)

Gather Information: 11 ranks (+13)

Disguise: 6 ranks (+8)

Listen: 11 ranks (+14)

Read Lips: 10 ranks (+12)


Patty Patria was a simple police officer in Sydney, Australia, when she saw a drunken vagrant not only survive being hit by a speeding car, but destroy it in the process. At the time, the US government was searching for a stolen hypno-ray, and the President was convinced he needed the help of the then-missing hero Captain Invincible. Patty helped locate the vagrant, who of course was the Captain after many years of ignominy and alcoholism. She became Captain Invincible's partner as he worked to foil the plans of the evil Mr. Midnight, and has served at his side ever since.