Righteous Hammer of the Sun

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Name: Righteous Hammer of the Sun Caste: Zenith Concept: Preacher with a bloody past Motivation: To create a center of worship for the Unconquered Sun so bright and faithful that the Sun personally blesses it. Anima: A whirling cyclone of sand from which emerge powerful hands to smite at foes.

Attributes: Physical

  • 3 Strength
  • 5 Dexterity
  • 3 Stamina


  • 5 Charisma
  • 1 Manipulation
  • 2 Appearance


  • 2 Perception
  • 2 Intelligence
  • 3 Wits

Abilities: (Mark Favored and Caste with italics)


  • 2 Archery
  • 5 Martial Arts
  • 0 Melee
  • 0 Thrown
  • 3 War


  • 3 Integrity*
  • 5 Performance
  • 1 Presence
  • 2 Resistance
  • 3 Survival


  • 0 Crafts
  • 0 Investigation
  • 0 Lore
  • 0 Medicine
  • 0 Occult


  • 3 Athletics
  • 0 Awareness
  • 4 Dodge
  • 0 Larceny
  • 0 Stealth


  • 0 Bureaucracy
  • 1 Linguistics (Flametongue, Riverspeak)
  • 1 Ride
  • 0 Sail
  • 0 Socialize

Charms: First Martial Arts Excellency, Fists of Iron Technique, Thunderclap Rush Attack, Second Performance Excellency, Heart-Compelling Method, Husband-Seducing Demon Dance, Body-Mending Meditation, Increasing Strength Exercise, Shadow Over Water, Seven Shadows Evasion,

Combos: Non Yet


  • Followers 2 - After leaving the desert, Hammer returned to the Band of the Bloodied Sand and recruited them to the glorious cause of the Unconquered Sun!
  • Resources 2 - He also dug up buried treasure from his bandit days, as well as what he found in the ancient burial site, to fund his crusade.
  • Artifact 2 - Orichalcum Razor Claws (6 motes attuned, Speed 5, Accuracy 5, Damage +5L, Defense +3, Rate 4)
  • Artifact 1 - Orichalcum Artifact Chain Shirt (2 motes attuned, Soak +7L/+5B, Hardness +3L/+3B)


  • Fierce Knowledge Attained (the Dragonblooded lady from so long ago)
  • Loyalty to the Band of the Bloodied Sand

Possessions: Small shrine and attached bunk house, mundane tiger claws, mundane chain shirt, Composite Blow (strength 3), 12 Broadhead arrows, a riding camel


  • 2 Compassion
  • 3 Conviction
  • 3 Temperance
  • 2 Valor

Temperance Limit Break - Overindulgence

6/6 Willpower

3 Essence 15/15 Personal 37/37 Peripheral 08 Committed to armor and razorclaws

00 Limit Break

Health levels: -0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -4 Incapacitated

Armour: Concealed orichchalcum artifact chain shirt (regular chain if in disguise)

Bonus points spent: 15 (7 essence, 5 abilities, 3 virtue)

Experience spent: 0

Experience unspent: 0

Experience gained: 0

Likes: Meditating Quietly, Preaching to the Crowds, the Unconquered Sun (but secretly seducing and drinking, even though he denies his desires)

Dislikes: rival religions, unreformed people

Quotes: "Feel upon you the glory of the Unconquered Sun! Repent and change your ways. Who here loves the Sun? I c-a-n-'t h-e-a-r you! Go, Sun, yeah!"

Appearance: Hammer is a tall man with wiry muscles. Much of his face is concealed by an enormous grey beard, but what remains visible is heavily weathered from years of solitary life in the wastelands. He is somewhere in his forties, but the hard life he lived pre-exaltation makes him look like he's in his fifties. He has piercing eyes, an enormous hooked nose, and frequently wears a turban.

Motivation: To create a center of worship for the Unconquered Sun so bright and faithful that the Sun personally blesses it.

History: As an infant, Hammer was taken in by a small ascetic order that dwelled deep within the desert. There he was trained in their martial disciplines to become a champion of the Sun. But the blood of a young man burns hot, and Hammer bitterly resented having his future so decided by a bunch of know-nothing old men. So at fifteen he betrayed the order to a bandit gang, slaying the monks when they expected no attack and joining with the bandits. Within a matter of three years he rose to become their leader, shamelessly strangling the old chief in his sleep.

For about a decade the Band of the Blood-Soaked Sands rampaged without mercy, capturing or destroying caravans and brutally dominating all those weaker. Yet a great emptiness began to grow in Hammer's soul. He lived a life without purpose. At last the breaking point came when he infiltrated a caravan posing as a guide, something he had done many times before. Travelling with the caravan was one of the fabled Dragonblooded, a young woman burning with the Fire of the dragons. A potent danger, but such was the arrogance of the Band that they would not shrink from such a foe. With treachery and cunning, even one of the Exalted could fall.

But treachery requires knowledge. So Hammer made himself friendly to the Exalted and cultivated her company, speaking of beauty and philosophy as he had not for many years. He began to recall the teachings of his childhood, and the emptiness lifted. Eventually he confessed all to his friend and broke with the Band, sending them away from the caravan and vowing he would be their leader no more.

Feeling that the blood on