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One-Dot Applications of Yaotl[edit]

Rapid Clotting

The catgirl’s blood clots instantly, preventing death from blood loss except in the most grievous of circumstances. When all the character’s health boxes are marked with Lethal or Aggravated damage, Lethal damage does not begin to upgrade to Aggravated as it usually does.

Cost: None

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Automatic


By smearing some of her blood on another object, she will be able to pinpoint the location of it for as long as the blood remains. The catgirl may have a number of people or objects being tracked at one time equal to her rank in Yaotl.

Cost: 1 Passion to activate, +1 Passion for each attempt to track

Dice Pool: Automatic success to activate if touch is made, Wits + Yaotl to track

Action: Instant

Dramatic Failure: The catgirl believes that the target is in a location wildly off-track from where he really is.

Failure: The catgirl is unable to pinpoint the location of the target.

Success: The catgirl learns how far away the target is, and what direction to take.

Exceptional Success: As above, except that this awareness lasts for the rest of the day.

Blood Taste

With a single taste of someone’s blood, the Tehuantl can learn many things, including any sicknesses the target is suffering, whether or not he is a vampire, and his rank (if any) in Yaotl. Though this ability is always “on,” it requires a few seconds of concentration to learn anything of value.

Cost: None

Dice Pool: Wits + Yaotl

Action: Instant

Dramatic Failure: The catgirl receives completely off-the-base information, believing a health individual to be suffering from AIDS or something similarly harmful, or mistaking a vampire for a mortal.

Failure: The catgirl does not learn anything yet.

Success: The catgirl discovers whether the target is a vampire, the target’s ranks in Yaotl, and the state of the blood (how “charged” it is with Vitae, what sicknesses are carried in it, etc). A successful Knowledge + Medicine roll must be made to know exactly what these sicknesses are, beyond a general understanding of the severity.

Exceptional Success: In addition to the above, the catgirl learns of the specific Applications of Yaotl possessed by the target, and does not need to make a Knowledge + Medicine roll to completely understand what sicknesses plague the victim.

Two-Dot Applications of Yaotl[edit]

Poisonous Blood

The catgirl’s blood develops a poisonous compound, rendering it extremely deadly to anyone who ingests it or is injected with it. By taking a point of Lethal damage (whether self-induced or through combat), she can release it out into the open, but without Rapid Clotting, the character will begin to bleed to death due to the damage necessary to activate this. This can be combined with Flammable Blood, Corrosive Blood, and/or Gaseous Blood, but the Toxicity of the poison is reduced by one point for each additional Application used to affect the blood. The Application may be ended at any point.

Cost: 1 Passion

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Medicine + Yaotl

Action: Instant

Dramatic Failure: The character’s blood turns to poison for a few seconds, but it is harmful to her as well, and she is affected by a Toxicity 3 poison for this turn.

Failure: The catgirl fails to change her blood.

Success: Her blood turns into a Toxicity 3 poison for the rest of the scene. This poison has no effect unless ingested or injected, and is harmless to anyone with at least two dots in Yaotl.

Exceptional Success: The catgirl’s blood turns into a Toxicity 5 poison for the rest of the scene. This poison has no effect unless ingested or injected, and is harmless to the character, and anyone else with at least three dots in Yaotl.

Flammable Blood

The catgirl’s blood becomes highly reactive with oxygen, and is set aflame upon coming in contact with open air (the character subconsciously “purifies” any blood before it receives oxygen from the lungs). By taking a point of Lethal damage (whether self-induced or through combat), she can release it out into the open, but without Rapid Clotting, the character will begin to bleed to death due to the damage necessary to activate this. This can be combined with Poisonous Blood, Corrosive Blood, and/or Gaseous Blood, but only one other Application may be applied before rendering this one useless. The Application may be ended at any point. With an Athletics + Dexterity roll, the character can attempt to throw some of her blood at a target up to ten feet away, with successes beyond the first adding to the automatic damage of the flammable blood, due to the catgirl hitting an especially vital spot.

Cost: 1 Passion

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Science + Yaotl

Action: Instant

Dramatic Failure: The character fails to purify her oxygenated blood of this Application, and for a brief moment is set aflame from within her own body, taking an automatic point of Aggravated damage.

Failure: The catgirl fails to change her blood.

Success: For the next scene, the character’s blood is set aflame in open air. Anything which is touching the blood receives a point of Lethal damage every turn for up to three turns, at which point the blood is consumed entirely by the fire.

Exceptional Success: The character’s blood is more fire-resistant, and takes five turns to burn completely.

Three-Dot Applications of Yaotl[edit]

Corrosive Blood

The Tehuantl turns her blood into a black, sticky, tarry substance which assumes acidic properties upon entering the open air. By taking a point of Lethal damage (whether self-induced or through combat), she can release it out into the open, but without Rapid Clotting, the character will begin to bleed to death due to the damage necessary to activate this. This can be combined with Poisonous Blood, Flammable Blood, and/or Gaseous Blood, but only one other Application may be applied before rendering this one useless. The Application may be ended at any point. With an Athletics + Dexterity roll, the character can attempt to throw some of her blood at a target up to ten feet away, with successes beyond the first adding to the automatic damage of the corrosive blood, due to the catgirl hitting an especially vital area.

Cost: 1 Passion

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Science + Yaotl

Action: Instant

Dramatic Failure: The character’s blood briefly becomes acidic while within her own body before reassuming its natural state. She takes two points of automatic Aggravated damage.

Failure: The catgirl fails to change her blood.

Success: For the next scene, the character’s blood becomes highly corrosive when in open air, and is extremely hard to wipe off. Anything touching the blood receives a point of Aggravated damage, but it dissolves after one turn on flesh, or three turns on inorganic surfaces. This blood damages the Structure of an object directly, and also reduces the Durability of the object by one for every two points of damage dealt.

Exceptional Success: The character’s blood is more stable than usual, and dissolves only after three turns on flesh, or seven turns on inorganic surfaces.

Gaseous Blood

The catgirl’s blood turns into a gas upon hitting the open air. This is activated whenever the character takes at least one point of Lethal damage, and does not do any further damage due to the harmlessness of the blood (to the character, at least). This can be combined with Poisonous Blood, Flammable Blood, and/or Corrosive Blood, but only two other Applications may be applied before rendering this one useless. The Application may be ended at any point.

Cost: 1 Passion

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Yaotl

Action: Instant

Dramatic Failure: The character’s blood turns to gas while in her own body, causing her to lose her next action as she suffers extreme pain while her body tries to survive and change the blood back.

Failure: The catgirl fails to change her blood.

Success: For the next scene, the character’s blood becomes gaseous in the open air, and all effects of her blood apply to the entire area within five feet. This lasts for one turn after the character is wounded, and the character herself is immune to all effects of her blood.

Exceptional Success: The gas which the blood turns into does not dissipate as quickly, and lasts for three turns after the character is wounded.

Four-Dot Applications of Yaotl[edit]

Snake-blooded Cat

The character’s blood is permanently under the effects of Poisonous Blood. This Application requires that the character first purchase Corrosive Blood, and after this point cannot have Flammable Blood, Corrosive Blood, or Gaseous Blood activated at the same time. If Fire-blooded Cat and/or Black-blooded Cat are also available for the catgirl, then she may switch between the effects of these Applications with an instant action.

Cost: None

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Automatic

Fire-blooded Cat

The character’s blood is permanently under the effects of Flammable Blood. This Application requires that the character first purchase Flammable Blood, and after this point cannot have Poisonous Blood, Corrosive Blood, or Gaseous Blood activated at the same time. If Snake-blooded Cat and/or Black-blooded Cat are also available for the catgirl, then she may switch between the effects of these Applications with an instant action.

Cost: None

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Automatic

Vengeful Blood

After spending a point of Passion, the Tehuantl focuses her rage into her blood, altering it and giving it a small semblance of intelligence for the rest of the scene. If she is killed by a melee weapon, then the entirety of her blood will travel up the weapon from her wound and smother her attacker, dealing two points of damage per success rolled, along with any other effects of her blood. If she was not killed with a melee weapon but her attacker is within ten feet, then it moves along the ground to get to him.

Cost: 1 Passion (to activate)

Dice Pool: Resolve + Occult + Yaotl (rolled upon death)

Action: Reflexive (to activate)

Blood Boost

The spilling of blood is a holy thing, a sacrifice, and for the rest of the scene after this Application is activated, the character can increase her Strength, Dexterity, or Stamina by one point for every point of Lethal damage she suffers, whether self-inflicted or not.

Cost: 1 Passion

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Reflexive

Five-Dot Applications of Yaotl[edit]

Black-blooded Cat

The character’s blood is permanently under the effects of Corrosive Blood. This Application requires that the character first purchase Corrosive Blood, and after this point cannot have Poisonous Blood, Flammable Blood, or Gaseous Blood activated at the same time. If Snake-blooded Cat and/or Fire-blooded Cat are also available for the catgirl, then she may switch between the effects of these Applications with an instant action.

Cost: None

Dice Pool: N/A

Action: Automatic

Horror of the Blood

One of the most terrible Applications of Yaotl, this power allows the Kindly One to turn her blood into an intelligent weapon. Whenever she takes two Lethal damage in the same round(whether self-inflicted, inflicted by others, or both), she may spend her next turn to cause her blood to take shape. In fights where health is more important than Passion, three points of Passion may be spent so that only one point of Lethal damage must be taken. The blood-beast produced by this Application has the following traits: Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1, Composure 1, Size 1, and all Advantages which would stem from this. The blood-beast deals lethal damage with unarmed attacks, and cannot use anything more complex than a knife or piece of pipe. For every success rolled past the first, one of the blood-beast’s Attributes may be increased by 1. Alternatively, for every three successes past the first, another blood-beast may be formed. These two options may be used together, so that five successes past the first can produce another blood-beast and increase the Strength of both to 3.

Cost: 1 or 3 Passion

Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Yaotl

Action: Instant

Special: If Vengeful Blood is also possessed by the character, then this Application may be activated once for every two points of Lethal damage taken. If the catgirl took four points of Lethal damage in the blow that killed her, for example, at least two blood-beasts would form.