Scar PL10

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SCAR, PL: 10;

INIT: +7, DEF: 20/17; Base Speed 30/60/120; MELEE +9(2S), RANGED +10, MENTAL +10. SAVES: DMG +3, FORT +3, REF +3, WILL +5; ABILITIES: STR 14 (+2), DEX 16 (+3), CON 16 (+3), INT 14 (+2), WIS 16 (+3), CHA 12 (+1)

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +6/3, Bluff +4/3, Disguise +4/3, Escape Artist +6/3, Intimidate +6/4, Jump +5/3, Listen +6/3, Move Silent +6/3, Sense Motive +6/3, Spot +6/.

FEATS: Assessment, Chokehold, Imp. Grapple, Imp. Initiative, Infamy, Iron Will, Power Attack, Startle.

POWERS: DISINTIGRATION +12, [Extras:Disruption, Continous]; source: Mystic.

WEAKNESS: Disturbing [min] - -2 Bluff / Diplomacy Scar has a large scar across his face, ehnce the name.