Starfall: Weren
The weren are a race of large humanoids that originated on the planet Kuth. They were discovered in 2232 by a scout ship from Mesak. At that time the weren were going through something of a cultural Renaissance. The most advanced technology that most werens are familiar with is flintlock firearms.
Many humans consider the werens a warlike race. While it is true that war is an important part of weren culture, it is no more important than in many human cultures. This stereotype is perhaps a reflection on how formidable the average weren is to the average human. Werens are larger, stronger, can take more damage, have natural weapons, and can camouflage themselves to just about any environment.
Werens are divided into clan based societies on their frozen homeworld. The clans do often wage war on each other in order to secure natural resources like water or to satisfy their concept of honor. Werens are also deeply emotional and philosophical. While many of the clans are nomadic or semi nomadic, some have built cities of quite impressive proportions.
Clans are largely based of geographic region. Each clan contains a number of families. The Clans are
Aberda: These are scholars who live mostly in the cities on the north shore of Vevet Sea.
Benadi: Also known as the blackfurs, these brutes are considered uncivilized by the rest of weren culture.
Blostin: The Blostin are known to be mystics and sages that use various drugs and rituals to enter altered states of mind. Many werens believe the Blostin have supernatural powers.
Corsin: These traders live in the stretch of land between the Vevet and Orgini Seas. They are traders and diplomats, the wealthiest of all the clans.
Elaria: The Elaria live on the west shore of the Orgini Sea. The are skilled artists and craftsman.
Forle: The Forle live on the eastern shore of the Vevet Sea. They are strict adherents to the "Old Ways" and uninterested in new ideas. They follow a strict code of honor.
Germatri: Mostly horticulturalists, the Germatri are the most nomadic of all the weren clans. They have developed a close relationship with many of the animal species on the planet are are responsible for most of the domesticated animals on the planet.
Hetri: The Hetri are shinning examples of the effect that the renaissance has had on the weren. The Hetri are gunmakers and marksmen, that live and die by a strick code of honor taken from traditional weren philosophy.
Interia: The Interia live on the south side of the Orgini Sea. They are best known for their many medicines and cures. Like the Hetri, they still abide by traditional concepts of honor.