Session 130

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Chapter 14

-->| YOU (angelo) have joined #Nobilis
-->| Random_Nerd ( has joined #Nobilis
-->| BethE ( has joined #Nobilis
<Random_Nerd> Hey.
<angelo> Hi!Hi!
<BethE> Hi Angelo!
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o BethE by angelo
=-= Mode #Nobilis +h Random_Nerd by angelo
<BethE> Quiet night tonight.
<angelo> Eh, I'm facebooking (is a word?)
<BethE> Yeah.  :) I only have livejournal myself.
<angelo> well, opening an account is easy.. but is like the maelstrom can suck you into a crazyness
<angelo> I found myself wasting time sending earths, hugMe and trudi around! :-( bad thing the fb Habit! :-P
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Random_Nerd by angelo
<Random_Nerd> We'll wait a little longer for Knock, but if he doesn't show, we can start without him.
<angelo> but we Aare only in 2+RN
<BethE> Very true.
<angelo> also I spoke with Lazarus yesterday. He continue to have conenction problems
<BethE> Oh and Angelo, we got some bad news, btw. I got laid off from my job yesterday.  :(
<angelo> Oh my!
<angelo> Is terrible!
<angelo> I hope you can find a new one asap
<BethE> I hope so too.  :)
-->| Knockwood (~chatzilla@71.94.75.IP) has joined #Nobilis
<angelo> Hi knock!
<Knockwood> Hi guys, sorry I'm late
<Knockwood> got hung up at work
=-= Mode #Nobilis +o Knockwood by angelo
<BethE> Hi Knock! It;'s okay.  :)
<angelo> Really, no problem knock, stay firm in your work chair!
<Knockwood> leaving?
<angelo> being laid off is ALWAYA a bad news
<angelo> always even
<angelo> yeah, Bethe received this "pretty" news
<Knockwood> urgk
<Random_Nerd> Hey. I'm back, sorry about that.
<Random_Nerd> Okay, let's get ready to start.
<Knockwood> what's Brian's status?
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Random_Nerd> *shrug*
<angelo> MIA?
<Theresa> Laz is still having connection problems.
<Random_Nerd> I've not heard from him.
<Random_Nerd> So... guarding the horses, I guess.
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Ftisk> We are in the chancell
<Ftisk> just after the trip to Shadow's one
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, you'd just gone back.
<DanteE> we're trying to locate James
<Ftisk> I rerrange the junkyard to accomodate Gnome!
<Ftisk> rearrange even
<Ftisk> (thiss will be our little love nest... :-P )
<Theresa> I will try to convince Dante that a Trunk of Holding would not be covered in most car manufacturer's warantees.
<Random_Nerd> So, shall we start with you guys in the meeting room?
<DanteE> That's where Brian is... putting together the infrastructure for Gnome souvenirs. :)
<Theresa> Sure. Does Sam want to keep his sunflower buddy?
<Ftisk> ok form me
<Ftisk> we are collecting peoples lately
<Ftisk> gnome, sunflower...
<DanteE> we've always done that
<Theresa> Oh yes.
<DanteE> starting with Lesson & Monty
<Theresa> Lesson was our first.
<Ftisk> (Nobilis the co0lletible people game!)
<Random_Nerd> Okay, let's get going. Which of your various retainers will you want in the meeting?
<Ftisk> Gnome! of course
<Ftisk> Sam also so we can be updated for the Aw
<DanteE> our Aides & Lesson, to help locate James
<Theresa> Sam definitely. Will's welcome and Lesson, although I don't like the idea of throwing him Outside.
<Random_Nerd> Okay, let's go.
<Random_Nerd> ____________________START______________________
<Ftisk> "Well was a fruitfull experience with Shadows"
<Random_Nerd> Sam is wearing an assortment of scarves that tends towards reds and blues, today. William's suit is black, and his tie is blue. Lesson's not wearing his usual jacket or fedora, and his sleeves are rolled up. The gnome is clothed only in his shiny metal flesh.

  • Theresa is in a plain brown cotton dress if we're going all fashion plate today.
  • Ftisk is in bare metal in snail form

<DanteE> "OK, so, let'ss see what we've got..."
<Random_Nerd> Samuel looks at the gnome. "You were shorter and chubbier when I saw you around noon, weren't you?"
<DanteE> (and Typo's here, in something subtle. :) )
<Random_Nerd> (Angelo, as the gnome is your anchor, you can choose between me handling its dialogue, or you talking for both it and Ftisk. Which do you prefer?)
<Ftisk> (I prefer to be you to talk for Gnome now)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay.)
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "Yeah, not sure about how that happened."
<Theresa> "We're trying to keep young impressionable Japanese children away from him just in case."
<DanteE> "Here are the printouts of the gnome's 2 trips..."
<Ftisk> "Wehn returned from the last trip outside he was changed in this way"
<Random_Nerd> William: "So, it seems that for the first thirty seconds of being Outside, he thought like a person with brain damage, and afterwards either the machine didn't work, or he didn't think at all."
<Random_Nerd> William: "And I don't see any difference between the two times, do you?"
<DanteE> "And when he came back, he didn't remember the trip at all."
<Ftisk> "second time he recovered quickly"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Do you mind if I pass this information along to our oracle?"
<DanteE> "Well, hold on...
<DanteE> "We're obligated to give our report to You-Know-Who first.
<DanteE> "And that I wonder about...
<Ftisk> "do we need to find James before reporting?"
<DanteE> "We'd essentially be telling them that the enemy they've been struggling against is probably amnesiac and, well, out of it."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Didn't Kudzu, uh, eat james?"
<DanteE> "That's what I'm thinking. He can check our assumptions.
<DanteE> "Well, you remember, when he 'woke up from the dream' he said James got away."
<Theresa> "We think James got better. And at least walked away from it."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Weird."
<Theresa> "Does the report have to be in person?"
<DanteE> "In fact, Will, weren't you there at the time?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I hadn't heard that part."
<Random_Nerd> (Was he? I find it hard to keep track of which NPCs were where, when.)
<Theresa> "We were a little wary to let it out that a possibly starry-eyed person had survived being eaten by an Imperator and we didn't know where he is..."
<DanteE> (Remember, Will was riding on Kudzu's shoulder)
<Ftisk> "Weird as the stars in his eyes. We believe these can be here because he is alt-James from outside wall"
<Random_Nerd> (Ah, okay.)
<DanteE> "Which opens a whole lot of questions, about hium, Kudzu, and even Lesson."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I've never fully understood how Imperial cannibalism worked."

  • DanteE double-checks everyone with The Sight, and Mythic view

<Random_Nerd> William: "I read up on it, when I took this job, but the available papers seem to be confused and contradictory."
<Random_Nerd> (Everyone looks as they should to the Sight. Lesson and the Gnome are rather shiny, you guys are really bright, everyone else is really dull and dim.)
<Ftisk> "Well, I believe that Wild Imperators are really unfanthomable"
<DanteE> "Does auto-cannibalism happen often?"
<Random_Nerd> (Mythically, Lesson has a large obese man sitting on him, and Sam looks like a human who dresses the way Sam does. William has an Imp of Puzzlement burrowing into his brain.)
<DanteE> (? Who's the obese guy?)
<Theresa> (His problems.)
<Theresa> (?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Not that I know of. That seems to be a rather unique vice on the part of Kudzu. The only other Imperators that I've read about doing it are Dark or Fallen, and they don't seem to do it as often as Kudzu.)
<Random_Nerd> (The obese guy has greyish skin, and his face seems vaguely unreal in an uncanny-valley sort of way.)
<Theresa> (Ah, a James substitute?)
<Random_Nerd> (Maybe!)
<Ftisk> "Kudzu is a _wild_ Imperator, what do you expect that he follow coded rules?"
<Theresa> "It does seem like a habit of the boss. Kind of like twirling one's hair or biting one's fingernails."
<DanteE> "Lesson, did you, ah, feel anything when Kudzu ate James?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Wild Imperators are as consistent as the next kind."
<DanteE> "Which is 'not even close'?"
<Random_Nerd> Lesson tilts his head for a moment, rubs at his neck, and says "No. Didn't. Not sure why."
<Ftisk> (do I meet kudzu? before? I can't remember)
<DanteE> (Don't think so)
<Random_Nerd> (No. He's made himself scarce lately.)
<Ftisk> "well, call me biased, but I still believe that a wild imperator is more umpredictable that the other kinfs of Impetarors"
<Theresa> "Who do you feel the most connection to at the moment, Lesson?
<Random_Nerd> William: "More so than Gods, and Splinters?"
<DanteE> "We need to ask James, I think."
<Ftisk> "Gods, yes, splinterd are pending further analisys"
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Amyra. This city, in particular. Not strongly to specific people. James has not entered my mind since the last time you know of."
<DanteE> "... that sounds like he's Kudzu's anchor."
<Theresa> "It's possible."
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Don't think so. Felt strongly about this city even before James left."
<Ftisk> "Or is anchor of no one and James bong him to protect the city"
<Ftisk> bond even
<Random_Nerd> William: "You can'
<Random_Nerd> t be an Anchor, but not be anyone's."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "That's not entirely true."
<Random_Nerd> William: "It isn't?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Well, at least with the miracle immunity part."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Some creatures naturally are like that. Mostly the descendants of Imperators or Powers."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I'm not sure if they count as Anchors, though."
<Theresa> "I don't think Lesson's a descendant."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I'm not sure that the demon" *waves at Lesson* "counts as one either."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Sure, but there are precedents."
<Ftisk> "If I'll be disactivated, Gnome will remain functional (I hope), Lesson can be in the same situsction... survivimg James"
<DanteE> "Well, we've got Giant ben-Azazel in town..."
<Ftisk> situsction even
<Ftisk> arghh Tpyo leve me!
<Theresa> "I don't think he's an Anchor per say. I think it's more gifts from his father instead."
<DanteE> "William, Sam, you guys would know... what happens to an Anchor when his Noble dies?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Sure, but it works the same way."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Usually one of the Anchors becomes the new Noble. Other than that, they generally stop being anchors."
<DanteE> "If it's the latter, do they just revert to normal human-or-whatever?"
<Ftisk> "if the anchor received some gift by said nobble, these gift remain or fade away?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Generally, although if their Power hates them, they may renounce them all as they die."
<Random_Nerd> William: "And renounced Anchors... if they're lucky, they die."
<DanteE> "Wait a sec.

  • Theresa remembers that James was not that fond of Lesson...

<DanteE> "We've been assuming that when Kudzu 'ate' James, he was just killed.
<DanteE> "Which, granted, makes sense.
<DanteE> "But... wouldn't it make more sense if James was absorbed into Kudzu?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I think he's... well, if he's dead, he's not dead and gone. Yeah. Absorbed."
<Theresa> "Then what was walking around Amyra?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "That's generally why Imperators eat things. If they just want to kill someone, they have better ways."
<Ftisk> "Amazing... then the one going around _can_ be alt-James from outside the wall"
<DanteE> "Does Lesson have any precedent? You know, an anchor of an 'eaten' power?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "If he does, I haven't found it yet."
<Random_Nerd> William: "But most chancels don't make public the lives of their Anchors."
<DanteE> (And, any word from Theresa's Noble-locating power?)
<Random_Nerd> (It found nothing unexpected.)
<Theresa> "Makes sense they would keep the Anchors under wraps since they're how the Nobles deal with a lot of the world."
<Theresa> "Wish Snow wasn't busy. We could use the tracking help."
<DanteE> "But, one way or another, there should be a way to locate James-or-whoever."
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Kudzu seems best way. There a way to talk calmly about this with him?"
<Ftisk> (can I ldiv of James memory on the entore chancel?)
<Theresa> "Depends on if he's still trying to remember things. He was a bit cranky coming out of his nap last time."
<DanteE> "The Realm heart, maybe.
<Random_Nerd> (What would you be looking for, Ftisk?)
<Ftisk> (someone that see him and then remember this event, is under data when the info is stored somewhere)
<Random_Nerd> (Hmm. To check everywhere in the chancel all at once would take a Greater Div, Domain 5 miracle. Lesser Divs could check one place at a time, but covering an entire country would take days.)
<Ftisk> (then we can play sherlock holmes and following is memories trail)
<DanteE> "William, when and where did Kudzu 'cough up' James?"
<Ftisk> "Dante, you that are so loved by population, can't ask if someone see him and report"
<Theresa> (Brian's the Beloved.)
<DanteE> "That's more Brian than me...
<Ftisk> (ops, my fault)
<Ftisk> 2Urgk, I missremember"
<Ftisk> "
<DanteE> "Waaaait a sec...
<Theresa> "It's okay." *smile*
<DanteE> "Anyone seeing an animate gargoyle would be spooked, wouldn't they?"
<DanteE> (What's the level of a Greater Div again?>)
[ERROR] Unknown command ``5).
<Random_Nerd> (5.)
<DanteE> (And I don't think I've done squat with Domain, ne?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, people know about James. He's one of the official heads of state, and we never removed him from that."
<Random_Nerd> (Not sure. Maybe something with Courage, but I don't care enough to look through logs.)\
<DanteE> "Theresa, is he in Amyra at all?"
<Ftisk> "We don't know"
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and when Kudzu had William on his shoulder, he was in a public park.)
<Random_Nerd> (You don't think he's in-Chancel, unless one of the Nobles has left.)
<DanteE> "Ftisk... anyone reporting an animate gargoyle to the authorities?"
<Ftisk> "I can do a gdiv on the memories but then I'll be completly drained"
<Theresa> (LDiv Plants in the park to see which way James went.)

  • Ftisk do a ldiv for these reports

<Theresa> "He's not in Amyra, or if he is, he doesn't show up as a Noble or Anchor or such on my radar."
<DanteE> "OK, logic. He must have gone from the park to an exit...
<Random_Nerd> (Kudzu said, in the park, that he regurgitated James. But you didn't see James in the park.)
<Ftisk> "Last time you meet James he was on Theresaradar?"
<Random_Nerd> The plants in the park did not see James, or if they did they don't remember it.
<DanteE> "and I think the original James had enough of a connection to the Chancel to know where to go.
<DanteE> "Sam... can you give us a map of the exits near the park?"
<Theresa> "The last time we saw him, which was after the Kiln but before the ketchup, he had an Auctoritas. Anything that has that shows up on my radar."
<Random_Nerd> (Dante. James was not in the park.)
<Random_Nerd> (You heard, in the park, that James had been vomited up. But James himself was not in the park.)
<DanteE> (no one's told me that IC. :) )
<Random_Nerd> William: "So, James is probably not in Amyra. So, do we know where else he might be?"
<Theresa> "The plants in that park didn't see James."
<DanteE> "Will, where did Kudzu manifest?"
<Theresa> "Well, his original body was on the Tower. His soul, I guess you could call it, was from a person from Amyra."
<Theresa> "Unless he was called to the quarry where the gargoyle was carved. Then again, he might have went back to the kiln in CA."
<DanteE> "That's right, he sealed the guy up in gray vines..."
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Would want to go somewhere Kudzu wouldn't go."
<DanteE> "He's been sittinmg on our roof ever since."
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "Is what I'd do, if I was him. Kudzu ate James, James didn't seem to like it. So, would go somewhere Kudzu wouldn't go."
<Theresa> "Someplace Kudzu wouldn't...that would be Barakiel's or the other Angel's, the one with the Giant for a son."
<DanteE> "Somewhere Kudzu wouldn't go... no cities, no forest, no plants, no hope or courage or blades...
<DanteE> "...Death Valley?"
<Ftisk> "not on eart? I meand mabe he is on another world?"
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "James knows Consequences. Was there when you bargained with him to buy me, correct?"
<Theresa> "Yes, he was."
<DanteE> "That's just a wild guess. We need to find something we can trace him with."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Do we know if he can go back Outside at will?"
<DanteE> "If this James has the same connection to Amyra that the original James had, he could find out where all the exits in Kaerkoven are, wouldn't he?"
<Theresa> "He'd probably need a spot that's thin, like with the cult."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If he had any power with the Chancel, he could find that out."
<Theresa> "We may be able to find exits out of the Chancel but we wouldn't know where they lead."
<Theresa> (What was James' realm?"
<Theresa> )
<Ftisk> "but we really don't know. Maybe he is here (this side of the walll) but don't remember how he came here"
<Random_Nerd> Lesson: "What about bait?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "What would he want, though?"
<Ftisk> Gnome: "Eat our soul? bwaaaaaa... sorry"
<Theresa> "He may hate our guts."
<Theresa> (And it's not like we can float along the clouds with gargoyle bait on a hook calling, "Heeeeere James...")
<Random_Nerd> William snaps his fingers.
<DanteE> "Let's see... we can't pray to him, we'll get Herb...
<Random_Nerd> William: "I know how we can talk with him."
<Ftisk> "how?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Realm's Heart. He's in it, and if he's not absorbed by Kudzu any more, then there has to be a representation of him."
<DanteE> "worth a shot..."
<Ftisk> "good idea..."

  • DanteE heads upstairs.
  • Theresa follows.
  • Ftisk & gnome follow

<Random_Nerd> Okay, remember the bricklike bits in Kudzu's gear? They're gone. It seems that theyv'
<Ftisk> on the stairs to Gnome "Hey, laid off Gnomely..."
<Random_Nerd> they've left holes in the gear, which have partially healed.
<Theresa> "Huh."
<Random_Nerd> Instead, there's a new gear made of the same bricklike substance.

  • Ftisk poke one hole "stange"

<Theresa> "Darn it, am I the only Noble of this Chancel _without_ a gear?"
<Ftisk> strange
<Random_Nerd> Gnome: "That doesn't look good."
<Random_Nerd> (Dante lacks one too, doesn't he?)
<DanteE> "I have a modest one that's not hooked to anything."
<Ftisk> (I lack one here .. and in my)
<Theresa> (But it's not expected for you to have one here.  :) )
<Ftisk> "right Gnomely, that gear is James"
<DanteE> "Will, you may be well on your way to becoming the Power of the Bleedin' Obvious."
<DanteE> "Or just the Duke of Duh."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "So, what do we say to it?"
<DanteE> "Hold on...
<Theresa> (That would be a boring Estate if you weren't able to make things true just by saying they were.)
<Ftisk> "We can try: Hi we are your brother, where do you are?"

  • DanteE goes over and checks our the gear more closely...

<Random_Nerd> The brick chunks seem to have been roughly tossed together, and held together with mortar made of some silvery metal.

  • Theresa peers as well. "Is that silvery like star-eyes?"

<DanteE> "We're getting conflicting info concerning whether the James we just met comes from this side or that side of the wall...
<DanteE> "Here goes nothing."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I don't think it has stars drifting in it."

  • DanteE grabs the brick gear.

<Ftisk> (the shark soundtrack start playing)
<Random_Nerd> The gear is warm to the touch.
<Random_Nerd> It starts to slowly turn.
<Ftisk> (was before still?)
<Random_Nerd> Now, it doesn't exactly speak, but it just seems like it's saying something. Everyone who's a Noble of Kudzu can understand it, as can Lesson. Ftisk, William, Sam, and the Gnome can't.
<Random_Nerd> James: "Dante?"
<DanteE> "James?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "How can you tell if you're an Excrucian?"
<Theresa> "Good question."
<Ftisk> (compulsion to destroy estates?)
<DanteE> "You don't know?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "Because I think I might be one."
<Ftisk> (otherwise is 'only' from outside)
<Theresa> "Are you okay?"
<DanteE> "What do you remember from when the Chancel was first created?"
<DanteE> "That first night when we met on top of the tower?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "I tried the... you know the Warmain trick, where you spit in the wind? I tried that, and it worked. I'm not the Power of Urbanization any more, either."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I remember."
<DanteE> "You did a Winds of Hate?"
<Ftisk> (he used wind of hatred?)
<Random_Nerd> James: "I did, and it worked. But I don't want to destroy the world, or anything. I don't know how to do a Flower Rite, either."
<Ftisk> (cool!)
<DanteE> (Both sides know Flower Rites, right?)
<Random_Nerd> (Nobles do something somewhat similar called the Nettle Rite.)
<Random_Nerd> (The Flower Rite is one of the three ways to attack an Estate. It's the one Strategists favor.)
<Theresa> "Well, Entropy knows World Breaker's Hand so posession of an Excrucian talent can't be immediate lock-up."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I wonder if he's one."
<DanteE> "We all do."
<Random_Nerd> James: "He's a vindictive prick with that crazy talent. But does that mean he's a Strategist, or that he's just better at being a Strategist than the real ones are?"
<Theresa> "I'm sure they worry about that too."
<DanteE> "James? Where are you?"
<Random_Nerd> James: "If I tell you, how do I know that you won't tell Kudzu?"
<DanteE> "WEll, the Council wants you to see them/"
<Random_Nerd> James: "Nope. Not until I figure out what I am."
<Theresa> "Can we come and help you?"
<DanteE> "We'll come to you. I think there are a few ways to figure that out."
<Ftisk> (and a meeting with shadows? he can be of some help to determine ifJames is from outside?)
<Random_Nerd> James: "I'll tell you where I am, if Theresa swears for all of you that she won't let you turn me in, to Entropy or Kudzu or anyone else. If she swears it by the Ash and the Stars."
<Theresa> (Oh, low blow, dear.)
<Theresa> "Is that a promise that you will never turn yourself in either, James?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "What did he say?"
<Ftisk> "I don't know..."
<DanteE> "We're negotiating."
<Random_Nerd> James: "If I decide to turn myself in, I can. But you won't, and you won't let them do it. Will you swear to that?"

  • Theresa scribbles to the others who can't hear: "James will let us come to him if I swear by the Ash and Stars not to let me or the others turn him over to Entropy or the boss."

<Random_Nerd> William starts shaking his head.

  • Theresa looks at the Dante and raises an eyebrow.

<Random_Nerd> William: "Bad idea. Crowfoot Law."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hmm. Entropy isn't actively looking for him, is he?"
<Ftisk> "Ok form me, I *want* to know"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Let's see. The Crowfoot Law only applies to violations of the Code. Has James done that?"

  • Theresa uses prayer and says to Dante, "I think we should. I'll take responsiblity. He's our Brother, even if he's gone all weird in the head. Imperator before the War, and all that."

<DanteE> "I think the only thing he's done is maybe be an Excrucian... and technically he hasn't done anything with that."
<Theresa> *scribble* "Not that we know of."
<Random_Nerd> William: "As your advisor, I suggest that you swear to it only if James permits the condition that it only applies if he doesn't break the Code."
<DanteE> "James? Have you broken any of you-know-who's laws?"
<Ftisk> Gnome: "No way, No way Daddy! Is.. is ... bad"
<Random_Nerd> James: "Don't know. Don't think so."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yeah, under circumstances like this, I think you need to not put yourself in a dangerous situation for any of the rules, since you can't count on yourself not breaking the Acacia Law."
<DanteE> (Which one is that?)
<Random_Nerd> (It's not one of the official ones. It's what they call Entropy's Rule Zero.)
<Theresa> "James, is it okay with you if I make that promise on the condition that you not break Entropy's Code?"
<DanteE> "Come to think of it... there is no law against being an Excrucian, is there? Just acting upon it."

  • Ftisk and Gnome, with wispers, argue vigorously in a room's corner

<Random_Nerd> James: "Don't know. Oh, sure."
<DanteE> "As long as he does not love, take orders, or protect a fugitive..."
<Random_Nerd> William: "No law against being an Excrucian. And Excrucians are explicitly under the protection of the laws."
<Theresa> *to Dante* "I'm ready to make such a promise. Would you abide by it?"
<DanteE> to Theresa: "Do it."
<Ftisk> "I'm with you."
<DanteE> (ignore the "INCOMING SCREWAGE" klaxons and lights...)
<Theresa> (I know, but that's what makes it fun.  :) )
<Ftisk> (gnome: if you go and do this crazy thing I'll return to my mother's home! :-P)

  • Theresa clears her throat. "James, I swear by the Ash and Stars that I will do all in my power to prevent ourselves or others from turning you over to Entropy or Kudzu without your permission as long as you do not break the Code given to Nobles."

<Theresa> (The junkyard?  :) )
<Ftisk> (some factory or mine :-) )
<Random_Nerd> James: "Okay, that'll do it. I'm on the moon, with the other lost things."
<Ftisk> (The moon with monty?)
<DanteE> "That... makes way too much sense."
<Random_Nerd> (Other moon.)
<DanteE> to William: "He's with the Lost Things."
<Ftisk> (oh, rigth there are 2)
<Random_Nerd> James: "The Angel of the Moon believed that I was sincere when I begged for sanctuary."
<DanteE> "Sam, find us a passageway."
<Theresa> "Will she believe us if we visit you?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Where to?"
<Theresa> "The moon of the Angel of the Moon."
<Random_Nerd> Sam just stands there for a moment.
<DanteE> "James, you do remember she plays tennis with Kudzu, right?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I can see why my starling degree of awesomeness would confuse you, but I can't do that."
<Random_Nerd> James: "I didn't know that. But I believe her when she says she'll hide me for the time being."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "This Chancel links to places with cities, or forests. The moon is quite conspicuous for having neither."
<Theresa> *to Sam* "'re right."
<DanteE> "Is it? Ecologists are always saying the Earth is in trouble because of lost jungle."
<Theresa> "Can you find a road from somewhere else? Like out in the real world?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I could, but wouldn't it be easier to walk?"
<DanteE> "They call it 'biomass burning'... but it basically means a lot of lost forests."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I don't think it's that kind of lost things. As I understand it, it's not things that were destroyed, but things that were misplaced."
<Ftisk> "And is the mythic side of the moon without cities and forest?"
<DanteE> "Oh... then that Inca or Aztec city that no one can find...
<Ftisk> "Eldorado?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Only the near side of the moon has the prosaic/mythic split."
<Theresa> "Can we walk like we did to Jupiter?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The far side is arranged differently. And yes, you can walk, if you switch to the Mythic world. Just take the Selenian Way. It's a bit of a walk, but not horribly so."
<Theresa> "Okay, James, we're coming to visit. Is that okay?"
<Ftisk> "We have the DanteMobile!"
<DanteE> "We can do that, then."
<Random_Nerd> James: "If you want. I'll tell my host that you can come see me."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "How does your car handle stairs?"
<DanteE> ( o/~ Driiive me to the moon, and let me park among the stars... o/~ :D )
<DanteE> "It's a 'hummer', stairs aren't a problem."
<Theresa> "Yeah, but there may not be enough ginger for the motion sickness."
<DanteE> "The big problem is if you want the stairs to remain stairs."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I can try to reset my view to the mythic, but it will take at least ten minutes. If you don't want to wait, you may want to go without me."
<DanteE> "You can do that?"
<Ftisk> (He was Aidee trained)
<Theresa> "Need any incense?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "The tough thing was learning to see the Prosaic. It's far more alien to me than your Mythic world is."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "But basically, as a result of a lot of practice, I can somewhat reliably do it if I have enough time and I can relax and focus. Of course, you can do it in an eyeblink, and with no effort at all."
<DanteE> (Hm... I wonder if it may just be better to leave the Aides here and communicate via sunflower.)
<Ftisk> (I'm for lraving Sa, and Will here)
<Ftisk> leaving even
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "In theory, anyone can learn it, although it comes easier to people raised on Dionyl. But even those raised on Earth have an edge on everyone else."
<Theresa> (Up to guys. I'm losing brainpower.)
<DanteE> "Hm... well, considering we'll be driving up stairs, you should probably wait here. Anyone non-Noble would be barfing before we got very far."
<Theresa> (Uh...does Sam vomit?)
<DanteE> (Where do you think baby booties come from? :) )
<Random_Nerd> (He does something different, that doesn't leave a pool of fluid, but that makes a sound that metaphors and comparisons are utterly incapable of describing.)
<Theresa> (Ew.)
<Theresa> "It's your choice. If you'd like your stomach to stay inside, might be best to stay home and we'll call on the sunflower."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I, of course, must stay at home. Is there anything you'd like me to work on?"
<DanteE> "You could see if you can make heads or tails out of Active Writing."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I looked at some of Sam's notes, and I couldn't make head or tails of it. I was never good with computers, either."
<DanteE> "The other thing to do would be assembling the report we need to give to Entropy."
<Ftisk> "And arrange so that raccoon have something to eat each day?"
<Theresa> "Could you look into the Noble news about anything coming through the walls lately?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Shall I start drafting a report that makes no mention of anything you've found out since you came up here?"
<DanteE> "Ah, yeah."
<DanteE> "Also, track down our prodigal Nobles and see what they're doing."
<Random_Nerd> William: "And I'll request a research assistant at the Aides looks though incoming facts. The Research Department likes you, though, so I think I can wrangle it for free."
<Theresa> *smile* "Cool. Thank you, William."
<DanteE> "We've given them so many fun questions, I'll bet."
<Theresa> "And answers."
<Ftisk> "And headshakes"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Some weird facts, at least. Lesson, for instance."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Sam and I have come up with even more weird facts than the pair working for Consequences."
<Ftisk> "interestingl"
<DanteE> "... anyone else thinking how they'd love to see that list?"
<Ftisk> "Me!"
<Theresa> "I think I'd rather work on our own at the moment."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Our oracle is only accessible to those who've sworn an oath to the res of the Society, but I can try to look up any specific issues you're interested in."
<DanteE> "But for now, let's get to the Moon."
<Theresa> (Stop for the night?)
<Ftisk> "Right, to the moon!"
<Random_Nerd> (Sounds good.)
<Random_Nerd> ___________________STOP_____________________
<Ftisk> (ok, )
<Ftisk> again we stop with a cliffhanger
<Ftisk> :-)
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Random_Nerd> Oh, and the James request isn't a trap. It's just James being paranoid.
<Theresa> It's a good way to stop.
<Random_Nerd> Being eaten by Kudzu is not fun.
<Knockwood> no, a cliffhanger is "The moon's coming here, and it's pissed!"
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<Angelo> right
<Angelo> nice session!
<BethE> Indeed!
<Angelo> Beth was more involved (ins a good thing)
<Angelo> is even
<Angelo> and typo too
<BethE> Sorry that I'm often quiet. I have trouble thinking what to say.
<Knockwood> y'know, Theresa could get to the moon via the Ralph Kramden method... :)
<Angelo> And we go to meet Kudzu tennis partner as a bonus
<Angelo> with a plany growint to the moon?
<Angelo> well I have troubles with grammar
<BethE> Dante could survive.  :)
<Knockwood> that's an old TV reference. :)
<Angelo> eh :-)
<Angelo> oh, i don't get it :-(
<Knockwood> s'okay
<Knockwood> we should figure out what all our 'missing' Nobles are doing...
<Angelo> Well I'm in the process to remove al ltv from my home
<Knockwood> why's that?
<Angelo> tax, we pay one tax to posses tv, we don't use it often -> we remove threm so we don't pay the possession tax
<Angelo> (aka costs optimization)
<BethE> Huh, interesting.
<BethE> Well, guys, I'm going to head to sleep now. Thanks for the great game, guys.  :)
<Angelo> Instead for the nobles... We have Snow missimg , Brian doing research foer the accelerator
<Angelo> G'night BEth
<Knockwood> Yeah, I need to go pick somewthing up I forgot ewarlier.
<Knockwood> oyasumi-nasai.
<Angelo> night knok
<Angelo> Well I go too. Night!
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316])
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis

Chapter 14